CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CRI Mana Unity Timeline Extension

How to use Timeline Extension

Creating a track

You can create a new Atom track by right-clicking on the blank area of the Timeline or clicking the [Add] button -> [CriTimeline.Mana] -> [Cri Mana Track].

You can bind components that inherit from CriManaMovieMaterial to Cri Mana Track.
  • CriManaMovieController
  • CriManaMovieControllerForUI

All Clips placed on the track will playback using the component bound to the same track.
You cannot bind the same component to multiple tracks.
A warning as shown in the image above will appear in the Console if a component is bound twice.

Creating a clip

You can add a new clip to the track by right-clicking on the blank area of the Mana track -> [Add Cri Mana Clip].
You can only play one clip on a Mana track at a time. Therefore, multiple clips cannot be stacked.

Editing clips

Clips can be edited on the Timeline window or in the Inspector screen of each clip.

To edit the Timeline Extension Parameters

Cri Mana Track
Cri Mana Track
Parameter Description Default Value
Frame Sync Synchronize the Timeline frame number with the video playback frame. false
Check Pos Within Clip Whether to change the video playback position when changing the playback position within the same Clip
*If timeUpdateMode of PlayableDirector for playback is "Manual" Please uncheck this.
Cri Mana Clip
Inspector Parameters of Cri Mana Clip
Clip Timing Description
Start The start position of the Clip on the Timeline
End The end position of the Clip on the Timeline
Duration The duration of the Clip on the Timeline
Cri Mana Clip Description Default value
Use On Memory Playback Disables the editing of Movie Path in the Inspector false
Movie Data Specifies a movie file in TextAsset (.bytes) format for the Clip to play
You can specify a usm file by changing its extension to .bytes.
TextAssets files must be placed outside the StreamingAssets folder.
Movie Path Specifies the path to the usm movie file for the clip to play
The path can also be set by dragging and dropping the usm file from the Project window.
Movie Frame Rate Frame rate of the movie file that the clip plays
This item cannot be edited. The information will be updated during the first play or preview.
Clip Duration Length of the movie file played by the Clip
This item cannot be edited. The information will be updated during the first playback or preview.
Loop Within Clip Whether to loop playback within the Clip when the length of the Clip is longer than that of the video file. false
Fade In Fade In Settings for clips
Parameter Description
Duration[sec] Duration of the clip fade-in
Curve Fade-in transparency curve
Fade Out Fade Out Settings for clips
Parameter Description
Duration[sec] Duration of the clip fade-out
Curve Fade-out transparency curve
Fade Audio Whether to fade the audio when the clip fades in/out true
  • If both Movie Data and Movie Path are set with a file respectively, the playback for the one set to Movie Data will be prioritized.
    • If you want to play the movie from the StreamingAssets folder, please set the movie file to Movie Path only.
  • If a Timeline asset with a movie file set to Movie Data is packed into an AssetBundle, all Movie Data will be extracted into the memory when the Timeline asset is loaded from AssetBundle.
    • Be aware of the memory usage if there are multiple Movie Data.
    • The memory usage will be the size of the movie files set in "Movie Data" multiplied by the number of files placed in the Timeline.