CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Playback of movies with Ambisonic Audio
Ambisonics is a method for surround sound playback. For Ambisonics, the speakers are virtually located as a sphere centered on the listener, like an omnidirectional panorama movie but for sound only. CRI Sofdec allows you to create and playback movies with Ambisonic audio.
Movie with Ambisonic audio
The movie data for CRI Sofdec can have audio tracks embedded. Apart from audio data with 2ch (stereo) and 5.1ch, a new audio type is provided: Ambisonic. By adding Ambisonic data to panorama movies, you can create a more immersive VR video experience.
  • From SDK ver.3.09.00, this feature can be used directly via the CRIWARE Unity Plug-in and does not require to install the "CriWare Unity Sofdec Ambisonics Extension" separately anymore.
  • There are no changes to the data format. Therefore, any usm data previously exported with Ambisonic audio can still be used.