CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Notes on resolution and number of playbacks
This section explains the specifications of Android devices and H.264 movie, and points to note when combining the number of playbacks.

About cases where H.264 movie playback fails

Depending on the device/OS, when playing an H.264 movie, the following error may occur and playback may fail.
[CRIWARE] Error:E2022040400:CodecException is occurred:
[CRIWARE] Error:E20220419617:CodecException is occurred:
[CRIWARE] Error:E2021062501:MediaCodec failed to configure. This device may not support movie resolution:1920 x 1080...
[CRIWARE] Error:E09031001M: Decoder core error.
[CRIWARE] Error:E2022060801:CodecException is occurred:
[CRIWARE] Error:E2022062829:CodecException is occurred:
[CRIWARE] Error:E2022060802:MediaCodec failed to configure. This device may not support movie resolution:1920 x 1080...
[CRIWARE] Error:E09031001M: Decoder core error.
This error occurs due to one of the following cases (A) to (E).
Cases where errors E20220419617 and E2022062829 occur
Error occurrence case Cause Explanation
(A) Single resolution upper limit When playing one H.264 movie, the resolution/fps was outside the range of resolution/fps supported by the device/OS
(B) Unsupported output format The decoding output format is limited on the terminal/OS, and the decoding process of the H.264 movie itself failed
(C) Upper limit on the number of plays When playing multiple H.264 movie(*1), the number of plays exceeds the maximum number of simultaneous playbacks supported by the device/OS
(D) Resolution area upper limit When playing multiple H.264 movie(*1), the total area calculated from the resolution of the H.264 movie will not be supported by the device/OS.
(E) Unknown H.264 playback failed on that terminal/OS due to reasons other than (A) to (D)
When the above error occurs, please check which of (A) to (E) it corresponds to and decide on a countermeasure according to each case.
In particular, please be careful as (D): Resolution area upper limit is likely to apply.
(*1): Refers to the following situations.
  • Played H.264 movie on multiple Mana Player at the same time
  • Playing an H.264 movie on another Mana player while the Player that is playing the H.264 movie or has finished playing it is not discarded and still has some remaining movie

How to check each case

You can check which of cases (A) to (E) the errors E20220419617 and E2022062829 correspond to by using H.264 area upper limit checker.
Follow the steps below to check based on the check results output by H.264 area upper limit checker on the screen, in the log, and in the yaml file on local storage.
See Checking the check results for information on how to read the results.
  1. The width/height of the resolution of the H.264 movie being played when the error occurred exceeded the max witdh / max height or was less than min width / min height in the output result of the area upper limit checker.
    • → If applicable, it corresponds to (A): Single shot resolution upper limit
    • → If not applicable, go to 2.
  2. "Playable numbers of H.264 movies" displayed on the screen is 0 at any resolution / In the log and yaml output results, the values ​​of estimated lower area limit and estimated upper area limit are both 0
    • →If applicable, it corresponds to (B): Unsupported output format
    • → If not applicable, 3.
  3. When the error occurred (1*), the number of corresponding Mana Player exceeded the max decoder handle shown in the screen/log/yaml output result.
    • → If applicable, it corresponds to (C): Maximum number of plays
    • → If not applicable, go to 4.
  4. The total area of ​​the H.264 movie corresponding to the error occurrence (1*) exceeded the area upper limit value (*2) measured by the area upper limit checker.
    • → If applicable, it corresponds to (D): Resolution area upper limit
    • →If not applicable, it corresponds to (E): Unknown.
(*2): Refers to the following value that is output when the area upper limit estimation is successful.
  • on screen
    • Value within the range of XXX ~ YYY of "H.264 AREA LIMIT is between XXX and YYY." displayed on the screen when "display detail" is turned on.
  • on log/yaml
    • value within estimated lower area limit - value within estimated upper area limit
(*3): In the current Android version of Sofdec, the upper limit when playing multiple H.264 movie in the entire library is limited to a maximum of 16.

What to do when E20220419617 or E2022062829 occurs

For error cases (A) to (E), one of the following solutions (1) to (6) can be considered.
Possible countermeasures
Countermeasure policy Outline Contents
(1) Single resolution reduction Re-encode the H.264 movie to be played within the resolution/fps (*2) range supported by the device/OS
(2) Playback timing adjustment Immediately discard the Mana Player that has been played, and make sure that a Mana Player that has played an H.264 movie and a Mana Player that is playing an H.264 movie exist at the same time.
(3) Lower the number of simultaneous playbacks Lower the number of simultaneous playbacks of H.264 movie that correspond to (*1)
(4) Lowering the total resolution area Combined with (1)/(2)/(3) to reduce the total area during multiple playback of H.264 movie that correspond to (*1)
(5) Codec change Replace some or all of the H.264 movie played within the application with data encoded with VP9 or Sofdec(*4)
(6) Treat as an incompatible terminal Treat the terminal/OS where the error occurred as an incompatible terminal for that application
(7) Support consultation Our technical support Error Inquiry/consultation regarding content
Please refer to the table below for the possible responses (1) to (6) for error cases (A) to (E).
Correspondence table of error occurrence cases (A) to (E)/possible countermeasures (1) to (6)
(A) Single resolution upper limit (B) Unsupported output format (C) Number of playback upper limit (D) Resolution area upper limit (E) Unknown
(1) Lower resolution available unavailable unavailable maybe unavailable
(2) Playback timing adjustment unavailable unavailable unavailable maybe unavailable
(3) Reduce the number of simultaneous playback unavailable unavailable available maybe unavailable
(4) Lower total resolution area unavailable unavailable maybe available unavailable
(5) Change codec available available available available available
(6) Treated as non-compatible terminal available available available available available
(7) Support desk consultation unavailable maybe(*5) unavailable available available
(*4): If you select Prime, the data size will increase, and if you select VP9, ​​the CPU load will increase.
(*5): Refers to the following special support provided by our technical support.
  • We will investigate whether there is an H.264 decoding format that can be output in the application operating environment, and if it does exist, we will consider creating and providing a library specifically for that terminal/OS.
  • It is also possible to contact the device manufacturer/Google and search for solutions such as updating the OS. However, please note that if you request cooperation from the device manufacturer/Google, it will likely take time to respond, and the issue may not necessarily be resolved.