Beat sync settings

Setting up beat-synced tracks

Editing beat synced tracks is done in the Timeline.

Figure number Explanation
1 Setting beat sync labels to beat sync tracks
2 Moving beat sync by dragging
Removing beat sync via right-click menu
3 Adding beat-synced tracks

Beat Sync Settings

Beat sync editing is done in the Inspector.
The Beat Sync Inspector lists the beat syncs you have set in Cue.

Number in the figure Name Explanation
1 BPM (Tempo) Sets the number of beats per minute
2 Numerator (number of beats) Set the number of beats of the beat pattern to be used for synchronization
3 Number of waiting start actions Set whether to limit the number of waiting start actions to one.
Limit to one: This is the default.
Unlimited: All start actions will be synchronized.
4 Enable Callback Set whether to support beat sync callback in the library.
True: Supported
False: Not supported
5 Start time Beat sync position in the sequence
6 Beat Sync Pattern Pattern for beat synchronization
Click the icon to enable/disable
Synchronization will not occur at invalid beat positions