Cue link

A Cue link is an object that references another Cue.
Cue Links allow you to reuse an existing Cue as a region in another Cue.

You cannot use your own Cue as a Cue link.
Because it is a reference (link), editing the original Cue will also affect the Cue link.

Creating a Cue link

There are several ways to create a Cue link:

Apply parameters

The settings of the calling Cue and the linked Cue are applied as follows:

Numeric parameters

Name Method of applying supplement
Play Rate Multiplication
Pan AngleAddition
3D Positioning Internal Angle (External Angle) Addition
3D Positioning Doppler Coefficients Multiplication
Bus Send Multiplication
Pan Volume Multiplication
Downmix Center Level Multiplication
Downmix LFE Level Multiplication
3D Positioning Volume Multiplication

Selection parameters

Name Method of applying supplement
Category Link destination takes priority Category Cue limit application depends on project settings
Ignore AtomExPlayer AND Applies Takes effect if set in either the caller or the link destination

Parameters to which the link destination setting value is applied with priority

Name supplement
Voice Behavior If the setting of the linked Cue is "Normal", the setting of the caller is used.
Bread type
3D positioning minimum distance (maximum distance)
Distance (angle) AISAC control If the link destination Cue setting is "None", use the caller setting
Random sound source shape If the link destination Cue setting is "None", use the caller setting
Route 3D sound source position tracking

Individual application

Name supplement
Multiple playback prohibition time