3-Bands Equalizer

Basic Function

The Equalizer is an effect that changes the sound by changing the gain for each frequency.


  • Input: 1 - 8ch
  • Output: Same as Input channel
    All input channels will be effected.


  • The Equalizer of the CRI Atom Craft has two types 32-Bands Equalizer , 3-bands and 32-bands.
    Performance of these 2 types are the same and the only difference is the number of bands.

Parameters for the 3-Bands EQ

Item Description Initial Value Lower Limit Upper Limit
EQ Type Selects the type: low shelf, peaking, or high shelf. Low shelf, peaking, high shelf - -
Frequency Specifies the frequency at which the change begins. 52 / 940 / 9800 Hz 0 Hz 24000 Hz
Q-Factor Quality factor parameters.
A value below 1.0 broadly and gently affects the range around the cutoff/center frequency,
and a value above 1.0 emphasizes the range around the specified frequency.
0.71 / 0.71 / 0.71 0.01 10.00
Gain Gain for the equalizer. 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 -24.00 24.00