Switching Materials by Localization Language

Switching Materials

If the material path referenced by the Waveform Regions included in the Cue contains the reference folder specified in the language setting, the Waveform region is language-dependent.
A language-dependent Waveform Region switches the reference material for the selected language when generating the binary. Using this feature, you can only need to switch the Waveforms to change the language while using the same Cue settings in all languages.

Basically, the paths of the sound materials which are switched based on the language must include the same path after the reference folder. However, since using the same file name may result in management issues, the tool supports the case where a prefix and/or a suffix can be added to the file name based on the language.

Create subfolders under Material reference folder

You can create subfolders under the language-specific reference folder to manage the sound materials for each language.
Using a subfolder is useful for the management of language-dependent files.
