Parameter-triggered Action

This feature makes it possible to trigger an Action when the value of a parameter meets a certain criteria.
Multiple Parameter-triggered Actions can be assigned to a Cue.

An example of usage would be, when controlling an engine’s sound with AISAC, to playback a backfire sound if the accelerator control falls below a given threshold.
Use this feature when you need to perform an Action triggered by changes in parameter values applied during playback.


Parameters supported for this feature

The parameters that conform to the rules described in Types of AISAC graph curves and how to apply AISAC are supported.

Actions that can be performed

The following targets and actions are currently supported:

  • Target
    • Cue
  • Action
    • Cue Playback
    • Cue Stop
    • Cue Pause
    • Cue Resume


Trigger conditions

These are the conditions needed to execute the Action.
Once triggered, the Action cannot be triggered again until the reset conditions are met.

Reset Condition

To prevent an action from being executed repeatedly - while the trigger condition is still valid - a flag is set internally to indicate that it has already been executed.
To re-trigger the Action, you need to clear the executed flag with this reset condition.

Remarks: Evaluation order of the conditions

Trigger conditions and reset conditions are evaluated independently. Both cannot be evaluated simultaneously.
A reset condition is evaluated when a trigger condition has been met.
The reset condition is then evaluated before the trigger condition.

Setting of Parameter-triggered Action

Item Description
Enable flag Enable or disable the Parameter-triggered Action.
Name Set the name of Parameter-triggered Action, as displayed by the tool.
Trigger conditions Set the conditions for executing the Action.
Logical operators Determine how to evaluate the conditions. This is available when there are two or more conditions.
Action Target Determine the Cue on which the Action will be performed.
Action Type Set what action will be executed on the target.
Reset if the trigger conditions were not met Allows to set the reset condition when the trigger conditions were not met.
Reset condition Conditions that must be met to allow a re-trigger of the Action.