The streaming type indicates how sound materials are played back (from memory or streamed from the media).
The streaming type can be assigned to a single material, to a whole material folder and to a Target config . The more granular the setting, the higher the priority, so the material setting has the highest priority.
The following table shows the list of streaming types.
Streaming Type | Description |
Default | Default setting. The setting of the parent layer (material folder or Target config) is used. The default setting is not available for a target config. |
Memory | The sound is played back in-memory. The sound data for the in-memory playback is stored in the ACB file. |
Stream | The sound is played back from the media. The data for the streaming playback is stored in the AWB file which is generated along the ACB file. (No AWB file is generated when there is no data using streaming playback in the CueSheet.) |
Zero Latency Stream | The first part of sound data is prefetched for memory playback, and then after the streaming buffer becomes ready, the playback mode is switched to streaming playback. This is the hybrid playback method. In this method, playback with the same latency as memory playback is possible. And more memory for prefetching is additionally needed; therefore, the ACB file has a larger file size. The time to prefetch is determined in the Target config. |
Setting the Target Config