Edit by numerical specification

Splitting, trimming, and fade settings add property objects to the child elements of the waveform region.


Objects marked "_Fade" manage fade settings.
Objects marked "_Trimmer" manage trimming settings.

When you click on these objects, the Property List will be displayed on the Inspector side.


Name Value Range Description
Trimming start time 0 to trimming end time (msec) This is the time offset (in msec) where we start trimming the original waveform.
Trimming end time Trimming start time to maximum time of waveform (msec)This is the time offset (in msec) where we stop trimming the original waveform.


Name Value Range Description
Fade in time 0 to duration of waveform (msec) This is the time it takes for the volume to go from 0 to 1.
Fade in curve type Straight line, slow change, fast change, s-curve, reverse s-curve
Fade in curve strength 0.0 - 2.0 The closer to 0, the straighter the curve. The closer to 2, the steeper the curve.
Fade out time 0 to duration of waveform (msec) This is the time it takes for the volume to go back to 0.
Fade out curve type Straight line, slow change, fast change, s-curve, reverse s-curve
Fade out curve strength 0.0 - 2.0 The closer to 0, the straighter the curve. The closer to 2, the steeper the curve.