Cross-fading Setting for Transition

You can apply cross-fading between previous and next Tracks.
Cross-fading can be configured in the Cue Inspector below.

Cross-fading Setting Properties in Track Transition Type Cue

Name Value Range Description
Curve Type Linear, Slow Change, Fast Change, S Curve, Inverted S Curve The curve type used for the fade.
Fade-in Time 0 - 60000 The fade-in time (msec).
Fade-out Time 0 - 60000 The fade-out time (msec).
Fade-in Offset Time -30000 - 30000 The fade-in start offset time (msec).
Fade-out Offset Time -30000 - 30000 The fade-out start offset time (msec).

[Additional information] Crackling noises may occur if a fade is very short (about 1 to 50 msec). In this case, it is recommended that you use an envelope attack instead.
