Restrictions on a Cue of type "Track transition by selector"

A Cue of type "Track transition by selector" determines the playback start position of the Waveform data in the destination Track based on the playback position of the Waveform data being played by the current Track.
Therefore, it has the following restrictions.

  • You cannot add multiple Waveforms to one Track
  • You can only place a Waveform at the beginning of the Track
  • You cannot use a sequence marker such as a sequence loop
  • It cannot be used with the block feature
  • Setting a selector label to the Track is mandatory
  • Multiple Tracks cannot have the same Selector Label
  • A Waveform Region cannot be set to be repeated
  • You cannot set random playback timing to a Waveform Region
  • Region placement is not possible other than with Waveform Regions (i.e. no Subsequence or Cue Link)
  • Setting the beat synchronization information to the Cue is mandatory
  • The sampling rate must be consistent among Waveforms in the Cue
  • The number of samples in each Waveform must be consistent unless the tempo setting is different between Tracks