Waveform Region Settings


Name Value Range Description
Name Indicates the name of the Waveform Region.


Name Value Range Description
Comment Any comments.


Name Value Range Description
Not include in build True/False Set to True if not make to include in ACB.
Encoded File Size Size of the Material referenced by the Waveform Region, once encoded (not editable).

Waveform Region

Name Value Range Description
Ignore Loop True/False Disables the loop in the Waveform region. When the source waveform is looped, if it is used as both loop material and one-shot material, this property is useful and saves memory.
Stop Playback at loop end True/False It stops at the end of the waveform sample without stopping halfway when the play stop command is executed. When the original waveform is a loop, playback stops at the loop end (the number of loops until stopping depends on the buffering state of the data), and stops at the end of the waveform in the case of one shot.


Name Value Range Description
Volume 0.00 - 5.00 Volume parameter.
Volume Random Range 0.00 - 1.00 Random range for the volume. The actual volume is randomly picked within this range around the volume parameter value.
EG Attack 0 - 60000(msec) Attack time of the envelope of the Voice.
EG Hold 0 - 60000(msec) Hold time of the envelope of the Voice.
EG Decay 0 - 60000(msec) Decay time of the envelope of the Voice.
EG Sustain 0.0 - 1.0 Sustain level of the envelope of the Voice.
EG Release 0 - 60000(msec) Release time of the envelope of the Voice.
EG Attack Curve Type Linear/Slow Change/Fast Change/S Curve/Inverted S Curve Type of curve for the attack section of the envelope of the Voice.
EG Attack Curve Strength 0.0 - 2.0 Strength of curve for the attack section of the envelope of the Voice. The smaller the value, the more the curve is straight. The larger the value, the more it is curved.
EG Decay Curve Type Linear/Slow Change/Fast Change/S Curve/Inverted S Curve Type of curve for the decay section of the envelope of the Voice.
EG Decay Curve Strength 0.0 - 2.0 Strength of curve for the decay section of the envelope of the Voice. The smaller the value, the more the curve is straight. The larger the value, the more it is curved.
EG Release Curve Type Linear/Slow Change/Fast Change/S Curve/Inverted S Curve Type of curve for the release section of the envelope of the Voice.
EG Release Curve Strength 0.0 - 2.0 Strength of curve for the release section of the envelope of the Voice. The smaller the value, the more the curve is straight. The larger the value, the more it is curved.


Name Value Range Description
Pitch -1200 - 1200(cent) Pitch (detune) in cents.
Pitch Random Range 0 - 1200(cent) Random variation for the pitch (detune).

Pan Type

Name Value Range Description
Pan Type Default/Pan/3D Positioning/Auto Indicates whether Pan or 3D positioning is used to position the Voice that plays the Waveform Region. By default, the Cue's pan type setting is applied.
If it is set to Auto, the position is determined based on the runtime playback settings.
If the original waveform is other than stereo in the setting other than Pan, how it sounds may be different.


Name Value Range Description
Pan Angle -180.00 - 180.00 When Pan3D is specified, this represents the angle at which the Waveform Region is played.
Pan Angle Random 0.00 - 360.00 Random range for the Pan3D angle.
Pan Internal Distance 0.00 - 1.00 Distance of the interior pan. 0.0: origin (listener point), 1.0: circumference on which the speaker is placed.
Pan Interior Distance Rnd 0.00 - 1.00 Random range for the Pan3D interior distance.

3D Positioning

Name Value Range Description
Fixed at 0 Degrees within Minimum Distance True/False Whether the angle is fixed at 0 degrees or not when the listener is positioned within the minimum distance if multi-channel data is placed for 3D positioning.
See also
3D Positioning


Name Value Range Description
Track Filter Setting True/False Specifies whether the Track filter or the Waveform Region filter should be used. True enables the Track filter.
Biquad Filter Type Off/Low pass/High pass/Notch/Low shelf/High shelf/Peaking Type of the biquad filter.
Biquad Cutoff 0.00(24Hz) - 1.00(24kHz) Cutoff frequency of the biquad filter.
Biquad Cutoff Frequency 24Hz - 24kHz Cutoff frequency of the biquad filter. Displays the Biquad Cof value as a frequency (not editable)
Biquad Cutoff Random Range 0.00 - 1.00 Random range for the cutoff frequency of the biquad filter.
Biquad Q 0.10 - 10.00 Biquad filter Q parameter.
Biquad Q Random Range 0.00 - 10.00 Random range for the Q parameter of the biquad filter.
Biquad Gain 0.00 - 5.00 Biquad filter gain. Valid when the type of the Biquad is Low shelf/High shelf/Peaking.
Higher Cutoff 0.0(24Hz) - 1.0(24kHz) High cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter.
Lower Cutoff 0.0(24Hz) - 1.0(24kHz) Low cutoff frequency of the bandpass filter.


Name Value Range Description
Voice Priority 0 - 255 Priority for the Voice playback. The bigger the value, the higher the priority.
Voice Priority Type First Voice Priority/Last Voice Priority Specifies the behavior of the Voice instance limiting.
Voice Limit Group Voice Limit Group assigned to the Voice that plays the Waveform Region.

Bus Send

Name Value Range Description
Bus Map Bus setting for managing the name of the bus that is sent to the Bus. (Not editable. Edited in the Cue Inspector.)
Bus Send Destination Bus Name 0 to 7 Bus name in the Mixer that is used for a bus send. (Not editable. Edited in the Cue Inspector.)
Bus Send 0 to 7 0.0 - 1.0 Output level setting for the bus send.


Name Value Range Description
Pan Volume 0.00 - 1.00 Level of the panning effect with Pan . 0 means no output from the Pan component.
Center 0.00 - 1.00 Level of the center output.
LFE 0.00 - 1.00 Level of the LFE output.
3D Positioning Volume 0.00 - 1.00 Level of the panning effect with 3D positioning. 0 means no output from the 3D positioning component.

Timing Control

Name Value Range Description
Start Time Playback start time on the timeline.
Playback Timing Rnd 0 - 100000(msec) Random range for the timing of the playback. The playback is delayed by a random time, picked up in this range. For example, it is possible to simulate the sound of water drops in a cave by combining the "Auto Repeat" and "Playback Probability" features.
Auto Repeat Interval 0 - 100000(msec) Interval between two repetitions of the Waveform Region (there is no playback repetition if this value is set to 0).
Auto Repeat Number -1 - 32767 The number of playback repetitions. -1 means an infinite number of repetitions, 0 corresponds to a one-shot sound, 1 or bigger will repeat the playback the specified number of times.
PreDelay Time 0 - 10000(msec) Time by which the playback is delayed.
PreDelay Time Rnd 0 - 10000(msec) Random variation for the time by which the playback is delayed.

Special Playback

Name Value Range Description
Playback Probability 0 - 100(%) The probability that the Waveform Region will be played back. For example, it is always played back when this value is 100%, and it is played back half the time when the value is 50%.


Name Value Range Description
Languages(Waveform) Switching Materials by Localization Language Language that is used for the Waveform at building time when the multi-language feature is used (not editable).
Link Material Path Path of the material that is referenced (not editable).
EncodeJob Specify the job executed at encoding. Encoding Job Encoding Job


Name Value Range Description
Path The path of the object shown on the tool (not editable).