FAQ : In-game connection is not possible

First check

Is Real-time Authoring Using In-Game Preview 's "To perform an in-game preview" supported?

If you are using a game engine

Make sure that the check items for "Use Ingame Preview" set on each game engine are enabled.

  • For details, see the ADX plug-in manual for each game engine.

Error messages displayed and possible causes

"ERR# Cannot connect to IP address xx.xx.xx.xx"


  • The connection destination did not respond to ping. The following causes are possible:
    • IP address error
    • The IP address is not correctly assigned to the connected device.
    • Blocked by firewall settings


  • Check if the IP address in the preview settings matches the IP address of the connection destination.
  • Please check the network settings. If you have a person in charge of the network, please ask the person in charge.

"ERR# Target (target name) cannot be connected. Atom library cannot be connected."

This is what to do if the following message appears in the CRI Atom Craft log.
"ERR# Cannot connect to target (target name). This version of the tool cannot be connected to the target version of the Atom library."


  • This may occur if you try to connect to an ADX library that cannot be connected in-game.
    • It occurs because the internal connection method is changed due to the specification change of ADX.


  • Please change the tool used for in-game connection to the tool included in the SDK on the ADX library side.

ERR# Corresponding cue sheet ([cue sheet name]) does not exist in the project.

W2013022800:Cannot access the content of the acf during data transmission by the authoring tool.

The causes and remedies when the above two error logs are displayed.


  • This may be displayed when multiple applications that use the Atom Monitor Library are running on the in-game connection destination machine.


  • Please re-connect in-game after launching only the application for in-game connection.

Error Code

The error code that includes "The recv function returned error." is also included.
The table below is an example of error codes that are easy to be displayed and the causes of their occurrence.


Error Code Description
10004 This is displayed when you disconnect during an in-game connection.
10054 Displayed when the connection is reset by the connection destination for some reason.
If it is displayed every time you connect, it may be improved by restarting CRI Atom Craft and the connected hardware.
10060 Displayed when the connection times out.
- There may be no application launched at the connection destination.
- Please check the contents of "When using a game engine" above.
10061 Displayed when the connection is refused.
- There may be no application launched at the connection destination.
- Please check the contents of "When using a game engine" above.


Error Code Description
9 This is displayed when you disconnect during an in-game connection.
54 Displayed when the connection is reset by the connection destination for some reason.
If it is displayed every time you connect, it may be improved by restarting CRI Atom Craft and the connected hardware.
60 Displayed when the connection times out.
- There may be no application launched at the connection destination.
- Please check the contents of "When using a game engine" above.
- Please check the firewall settings of the connection destination.
61 This may be displayed when you try to connect to a local host that has no in-game connection destination.
- There may be no application launched at the connection destination.
- Please check the contents of "When using a game engine" above.
- Please check the firewall settings of the connection destination.

If an error code not listed is displayed, or if the measures listed do not solve the problem, please contact our support.