CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
1.Registering the Project

Create a new CRI Atom Craft project and add it to the repository.

(1) Create a new project

Create a new CRI Atom Craft project.

(1-1) Launch CRI Atom Craft

Select [] or [CriAtomCraft.exe], start CRI Atom Craft.

(1-2) Create a new project

Select [File] -> [Create a new project] .

New project Dialog
  • Project Name
    Here, we use the project name "NewProject1".

  • Project Root Path
    Specify where you want the project to be saved.
    Project files, work unit files, materials, etc. will all be saved under the folder specified here.
    Please specify the folder path which is to be under the workspace already created.

(1-3) Create a work unit

When you create a new project, the [Add Work Unit] dialog is displayed automatically.
Here, we create a work unit that will be the basis of our future editing work.

Add work unit Dialog

  • Work Unit Name
    Keep "WorkUnit_0" for the name.

  • Default bus map
    Keep "BusMap_Default".

  • Manage materials locally
    Keep this option checked.
    When it is checked, the materials are managed a the work unit level.

(1-4) Create a CueSheet and add a Cue

When you create a new project, the CueSheet [CueSheet_0] is automatically added for you.
Drop material files on this CueSheet to add Cues.
When you drop the material files, the Cues are automatically added to the CueSheet.

(1-5) Save the project

Save the project and quit CRI Atom Craft once.
To save the project, select [Save Project (All Files)] from the [File] menu.

(2) Register the project with the repository

Add the newly created project to the Perforce depot (repository).
We assume here that the Perforce depot is already created.

(2-1) Run the [Add] command within P4V

Within P4V, [Add] project files under the workspace and [Submit].

Add project from P4V

The CRI Atom Craft project is now registered with the repository.

The following files are also created under the project root folder, but you do not need to add them to the repository:
  • User configuration files (.user_settings, .atmcuser)
  • Cache files ("NewProject_Cache" folder)
  • Output files ("PC" folder)
  • Backup files ("NewProject_Backup" folder)