CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Controlling Sound Using Playback Parameters
The user can change the sound in real-time by using playback (effect) parameters such as volume and filters.

Playback parameters
  • Volume
  • Pitch
  • Pan
  • Bandpass filter
  • Biquad filter
  • Envelope
  • Panning
  • DSP bus send level
The sound designer can configure the playback parameters using the authoring tool.
When the programmer plays back the sound using a Cue, it is played back using the playback parameters configured by the sound designer.
The programmer can change the playback parameters relative to those configured by the sound designer.
The programmer can set the playback parameters before or during playback.
Since the player handle can play back multiple sounds simultaneously, parameters can be changed simultaneously for all sounds, or independently for each sound.
(1) Changing the volume
/* Set the volume */
/* Start playback (using a volume of 0.5) */
CriAtomExPlaybackId criAtomExPlayer_Start(CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
Start the playback.
void criAtomExPlayer_SetVolume(CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 volume)
Set the volume.
(2) Changing the volume and the pitch
/* Start playback (volume: 1.0, pitch: 0 cent) */
/* Set the volume */
/* Set the pitch */
criAtomExPlayer_SetPitch(player, 100.0f);
/* Apply the changes (volume is changed to 0.5 and pitch is changed to +100 cent) */
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPitch(CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 pitch)
Set the pitch (detune)
void criAtomExPlayer_UpdateAll(CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
Update the playback parameters (for all sounds currently playing)
(3) Changing the parameters of the specified playback ID
/* Start playback (volume: 1.0, pitch: 0 cent) */
id1 = criAtomExPlayer_Start(player);
id2 = criAtomExPlayer_Start(player);
/* Set the volume */
/* Set the pitch */
criAtomExPlayer_SetPitch(player, 100.0f);
/* Apply the changes (volume is changed to 0.5 and pitch is changed to +100 cent only for the sound of id2) */
void criAtomExPlayer_Update(CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
Update the playback parameters (specifying a playback ID)
By using "AISAC", the user can change multiple parameters as a single change.
For details, see AISAC Interactive Sound System "AISAC" .