CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
What is Sequence?
"Sequence" is a mechanism to place sounds or evens (such as loops) on the time line to play back or control them.
A Cue can have multiple tracks and it has the time axis for the each track.
You can easily create a sequence by placing the wave data or Cues to this track.
Since the output file only contains timing information and playback parameters for voices, the user can create various sounds without worrying about using up the memory.
The user can create these sequences while viewing video files.
Creating Sequence Data
In ADX, when the user sets the following parameters in CRI Atom tool, the tool creates the data as a sequence:
  • Cue and "track automation" setting
  • "Events" (such as loops and ends) setting on the Cue
  • Placing two or more sounds on the track
  • Delay value setting on the sound in the track

For details on how to create the sequence data in CRI Atom Craft, see criatom_tools_tut_sequence_event.

Functions Available in Future
  • Tempo change (changing the playback speed) function