CRI Atom tool contains a previewer for PC.
When CRI Atom Craft is started, a previewer application called "AtomPreviewer_PC.exe" (hereinafter called the previewer) in the CRI Atom tool folder is automatically started to enable the previewing environment.
Steps for Previewing
Follow these steps for a preview.
Select the Cue to be played back in CRI Atom Craft.
Start playing back the sound by pressing the [F5] key (or the space key).
Stops playing back the sound by pressing the [F6] key.
(When playing back the sound by the space key, the sound currently being played back is stopped before playing back the new sound.)
How the Previewer Works
This section provides supplementary information about how the previewer works.
The tool and the previewer communicate over TCP/IP (PORT:2001).
CueSheet binary file (ACB file) is used for preview.
When the data for preview is not ready, data is created automatically before starting the preview.
Once the preview is performed, a cache file is created and it will be used for future previews.
When any of the following tasks are performed, the cache file is reconstructed.