CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
How to Move a Sound Source

Changing the Volume in Data

  1. Use the criAtomEx3dSource_Create function to create a 3D sound source handle.
  2. For the player handle, set the 3D sound source handle via the criAtomExPlayer_Set3dSourceHn function.
  3. Use the criAtomEx3dSource_SetPosition function to set the sound source position.
  4. Use the criAtomEx3dSource_SetVelocity function to set the velocity of the sound source (if using the Doppler effect).
  5. Use the ::criAtomEx3dSource_SetConeOrientation function to set the orientation of the sound source (if a cone is set).
  6. Use the criAtomEx3dSource_Update function to update.
For an overview of 3D positioning, refer to 'criatom_feat_3d_position.'
Also refer to the sample program '3D positioning.'
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