CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
CRI Atom library supports the following three methods of pan setting.
Pan setting
Pan setting Description
Pan 3D By setting the sound source direction (angle, distance)
3D positioning By setting listener information and sound source information (position)
Send Level By setting the send level (volume) for each speaker.
Pan 3D
The following parameters are specified to control panning by pan 3D:
  • Angle
  • Interior distance
Interior distance is used when the user wants to move the sound image inside the speakers.
  • 1.0 represents the outermost periphery and the sound is played back with one or two speakers.
  • If set to 0.0, the user can hear the sound with the same volume from all the speakers, and the sound image will be at the same position as the listener.
  • In the value is between 0 and 1.0, sound is heard from three or more speakers, and natural movement of a sound image is achieved.
3D positioning
For details about 3D positioning, please see criatom_feat_3d_position .
Send level
In the send level method, the user specifies which channel of source waveform is output from which speaker at how much sound level.