CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Overview of CRI Atom Craft

About CRI Atom Craft

CRI Atom Craft is an audio authoring tool specific to CRI ADX.
This tool allows the user to use wave files tp author interactive sound data that can be used by the ADX runtime.
Atom Craft is built around the timeline concept. It allows the user to place sounds at arbitrary positions on a timeline.
Volume and pitch changes can also be synchronized with the timeline.
The sound data files created with this tool can be played back on the targeted machines using the CRI Atom library.

The main features provided by this tool are:

  • Loop playback with intros for sound effects and BGM without interruption
  • Sequence-based playback of various sounds
  • Limitation of simultaneous polyphony and polyphony priority settings
  • Use of high-quality, highly compressed proprietary codecs
  • Bulk control of volume settings by categorization
  • Various filters such as pitch shift, reverb, delay and echo
  • Preview linked to game applications
  • Localization support by rereading waveform files
  • Multi-platform development support using machine-specific settings
  • Multi-person development support by linking with version control tools
  • Visualization of in-game waveform playback status using a profiler

File Structure

This tool consists of the following files.


File Name/Folder Name Description This is the main program of the tool.


File/Folder Name Description
CriAtomCraft.exe This is the main program of the tool.
CriAtomEncoderHca.dll CRI Atom Craft DLL file
CriAtomEncoderHcaLite.dll CRI Atom Craft DLL file
Profiler.dll CRI Atom Craft DLL file
D3Dcompiler_47.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Core.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Gui.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Multimedia.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5MultimediaWidgets.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Network.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5OpenGL.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Positioning.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5PrintSupport.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Qml.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Quick.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5QuickWidgets.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5SerialPort.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Svg.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5WebChannel.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5WebEngineCore.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5WebEngineWidgets.dll Shared DLL files
Qt5Widgets.dll Shared DLL files
QtWebEngineProcess.exe EXE file for CRI Atom Craft
libEGL.dll Shared DLL files
libGLESV2.dll Shared DLL files
opengl32sw.dll Shared DLL files
Under the audio folder Shared DLL files
Under the bearer folder Shared DLL files
Under the iconengines folder Shared DLL files
Under the imageformats folder Shared DLL files
Under the mediaservice folder Shared DLL files
Under the platforms folder Shared DLL files
Under the playlistformats folder Shared DLL files
Under the plugins folder Shared DLL files
Under the position folder Shared DLL files
Under the printsupport folder Shared DLL files
Under the resources folder Shared Resource Files
Under the translations folder Shared Resource Files

Starting the Tool

To launch this tool, run (CriAtomCraft.exe for Windows).

System Requirements

This tool runs on the environment detailed in System Requirements for the CRI Atom tool.
Also note the following when using this tool:

  • This tool writes many temporary files under the project folder.
    The storage where the project folder is located must have enough free space to store about three times the size of the material files.


This chapter assumes that the reader is familiar with the following:

  • Basic mouse operations (such as click, double-click, drag-and-drop)
  • Common UI operations (such as window operation and tree viewing operation)
  • Common file operations (such as creating folders, moving files, local files, and duplication)
  • General knowledge of digital audio (including wave files, volume, pitch, filters and DSP in general)