CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Work Unit Tree Parameter names and values
Object Group
Cue Sheet parameter names and values
Cue Parameter names and values
Track Parameter names and values
Waveform region parameter names and values
Subsequence Parameter names and values
Internal Cue link parameter names and values
External Cue link parameter names and values
Action track parameter items and field names
Action parameter names and values
Player Action Track parameter names and values
Marker parameter names and values
Block parameter names and values

Cue Sheet parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Volume Volume 0.0 - 5.0
Whether to include Cue name information in ACB IncludeCueNameToAcb True / False
Whether to embed the Cue of the external Cue link destination referenced by the Cue Sheet EmbedLinkCue True / False
Start number of Cue ID to use when creating new Cue StartCueId 0 - 2147483646
Cue Sheet Cue limit Flag CueLimitEnableFlag True / False
Cue Sheet Cue limit number CueLimitNum 1 - 255
Cue Sheet Cue Priority type CuePriorityType "LastPriority" or "FirstPriority"
Bus Map BusMap Bus Map object
ACB Output path AcbOutputFilePath String(Read-only)
AWB Output path AwbOutputFilePath String(Read-only)

Cue Parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Color None To set and get the color, use the set_color function and the get_color function.
Whether to exclude the Build target Omit True / False
Cue ID Cue ID 0 - 2147483646
Category None Category list
To set and get Category, use the set_categories function and the get_categories function.
Sequence type SequenceType "Polyphonic", "Sequential", "Shuffle", "Random", "RandomNoRepeat" or "Switch"
Playback mode PlaybackMode "Normal" or "PlayList"
Ignore AtomExPlayer IgnoreAtomExPlayer True / False
User data UserData String
Voice Behavior VoiceBehaviorMode "Off" : Normal
"Stop" : Stop at Volume0
"Virtual" : Virtualize at Volume0, playback time elapses when return
"VirtualRetrigger" : Virtualize at Volume0, playback from the beginning when return
Playback Ratio PlaybackRatio 0.0 - 2.0
Multiple playback prohibition time MultiplePlaybackProhibitionTime 0 - 60000 [msec]
Mute MuteFlag True / False
Volume Volume 0.0 - 5.0
Volume random range VolumeRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Pitch Pitch -1200 - 1200 [cent]
Pitch random range PitchRnd 0 - 1200 [cent]
Pan type PanType "Pan", "Position3d" or "Auto"
Pan angle PanAngle -180.0 - 180.0 [deg]
Pan angle random range PanAngleRnd 0.0 - 360.0 [deg]
Pan interior distance PanDistance 0.0 - 1.0
Pan interior distance random range PanDistanceRnd 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning interior angle Pos3dInsideAngle 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning exterior angle Pos3dOutsideAngle 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning minimum distance Pos3dDistanceMin 0.0 - ( Pos3dDistanceMax )
3D Positioning maximum distance Pos3dDistanceMax ( Pos3dDistanceMin ) - 10000000.0
3D Positioning Doppler Coefficient Pos3dDopplerCoefficient 0.0 - 100.0
Distance AISAC Control Pos3dDistanceAisacControl AISAC Control object
Listener Reference Azimuth Angle AISAC Control Pos3dListenerBasedAzimuthAngleAisacControl AISAC Control object
Sound Source Reference Azimuth Angle AISAC Control Pos3dSoundSourceBasedAzimuthAngleAisacControl AISAC Control object
Listener Reference Angle of Elevation AISAC Control Pos3dListenerBasedElevationAngleAisacControl AISAC Control object
Sound Source Reference Angle of Elevation AISAC Control Pos3dSoundSourceBasedElevationAngleAisacControl AISAC Control object
Cue limit flag CueLimitEnableFlag True / False
Cue limit number CueLimitNum 1 - 255
Cue priority type CuePriorityType "LastPriority" or "FirstPriority"
Category Cue priority level CategoryCuePriorityLevel 0 - 255
Category Cue priority type CategoryCuePriorityType "LastPriority" or "FirstPriority"
Bus Map BusMap Bus Map object
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus UseBusSend1 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus UseBusSend2 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus UseBusSend3 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus UseBusSend4 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus UseBusSend5 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus UseBusSend6 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus UseBusSend7 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus UseBusSend8 True / False
Send value to the 1st Bus BusSendLevel1 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend1 is True
Send value to the 2nd Bus BusSendLevel2 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend2 is True
Send value to the 3rd Bus BusSendLevel3 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend3 is True
Send value to the 4th Bus BusSendLevel4 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend4 is True
Send value to the 5th Bus BusSendLevel5 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend5 is True
Send value to the 6th Bus BusSendLevel6 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend6 is True
Send value to the 7th Bus BusSendLevel7 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend7 is True
Send value to the 8th Bus BusSendLevel8 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend8 is True
Pan Volume PanVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Center Volume CenterVolume 0.0 - 1.0
LFE Volume LFEVolume 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning Volume Pos3dVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Default Selector Label DefaultSelectorLabel Selector Label object
Switch Variables SwitchVariable Object(Selector or Game Variables)
Combo interval ComboInterval 0 - 100000 [msec]
Combo loop back ComboLoopBack 0 - 65535
Playback probability PlaybackProbability 0 - 100 [percent]

Track Parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Color None To set and get the color, use the set_color function and the get_color function.
Whether to exclude the Build target Omit True / False
Track Mono flag TrackMonoFlag True / False
Mute MuteFlag True / False
Volume Volume 0.0 - 5.0
Volume random range VolumeRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Pitch Pitch -1200 - 1200 [cent]
Pitch random range PitchRnd 0 - 1200 [cent]
Pan angle PanAngle -180.0 - 180.0 [deg]
Pan angle random range PanAngleRnd 0.0 - 360.0 [deg]
Pan interior distance PanDistance 0.0 - 1.0
Pan interior distance random range PanDistanceRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Biquad filter type BiquadType "Off", "LowPass", "HighPass", "Notch", "LowShelf", "HighShelf" or "Peaking"
Normalized Biquad filter cutoff frequency BiquadCof 0.0 - 1.0
Normalized Biquad filter cutoff frequency random range BiquadCofRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Biquad filter Q BiquadQ 0.1 - 10.0
Biquad filter Q random range BiquadQRnd 0.1 - 10.0
Biquad filter gain BiquadGain 0.0 - 5.0
Normalized Bandpass filter low cutoff frequency BandPassLow 0.0 - ( BandPassHigh )
Normalized Bandpass filter high cutoff frequency BandPassHigh ( BandPassLow ) - 1.0
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus UseBusSend1 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus UseBusSend2 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus UseBusSend3 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus UseBusSend4 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus UseBusSend5 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus UseBusSend6 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus UseBusSend7 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus UseBusSend8 True / False
Send value to the 1st Bus BusSendLevel1 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend1 is True
Send value to the 2nd Bus BusSendLevel2 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend2 is True
Send value to the 3rd Bus BusSendLevel3 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend3 is True
Send value to the 4th Bus BusSendLevel4 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend4 is True
Send value to the 5th Bus BusSendLevel5 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend5 is True
Send value to the 6th Bus BusSendLevel6 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend6 is True
Send value to the 7th Bus BusSendLevel7 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend7 is True
Send value to the 8th Bus BusSendLevel8 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend8 is True
Pan Volume PanVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Center Volume CenterVolume 0.0 - 1.0
LFE Volume LFEVolume 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning Volume Pos3dVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Switch range SwitchRange 0.0 - 1.0
Selector Label SelectorLabel Selector Label object
Random weight RandomWeight 0 - 200
Playback probability PlaybackProbability 0 - 100 [percent]

Waveform region parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Linked Material LinkMaterial Material object
Whether to exclude the Build target Omit True / False
Whether to disable the waveform loop IgnoreLoop True / False
Whether to stop playback at the end of the loop StopAtLoopEnd True / False
Volume Volume 0.0 - 5.0
Volume random range VolumeRnd 0.0 - 1.0
EG Attack time EgAttackTimeMs 0 - 60000 [msec]
EG Attack curve type EgAttackCurveType "Linear", "SlowChange", "FastChange", "SCurve" or "InverseSCurve"
EG Attack curve strength EgAttackCurveStrength 0.0 - 2.0
EG Hold time EgHoldTimeMs 0 - 60000 [msec]
EG Decay time EgDecayTimeMs 0 - 60000 [msec]
EG Decay curve type EgDecayCurveType "Linear", "SlowChange", "FastChange", "SCurve" or "InverseSCurve"
EG Decay curve strength EgDecayCurveStrength 0.0 - 2.0
EG Sustain Level EgSustainLevel 0.0 - 1.0
EG Release time EgReleaseTimeMs 0 - 60000 [msec]
EG Release curve type EgReleaseCurveType "Linear", "SlowChange", "FastChange", "SCurve" or "InverseSCurve"
EG Release curve strength EgReleaseCurveStrength 0.0 - 2.0
Pitch Pitch -1200 - 1200 [cent]
Pitch random range PitchRnd 0 - 1200 [cent]
Pan type PanType "Pan", "Position3d" or "Auto"
Pan angle PanAngle -180.0 - 180.0 [deg]
Pan angle random range PanAngleRnd 0.0 - 360.0 [deg]
Pan interior distance PanDistance 0.0 - 1.0
Pan interior distance random range PanDistanceRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Whether to fix the angle to 0 degree at the 3D Positioning minimum distance FixedAngleZeroWithinMinDistance True / False
Whether to reference Track filter settings UseTrackFilterSettings True / False
Biquad filter type BiquadType "Off", "LowPass", "HighPass", "Notch", "LowShelf", "HighShelf" or "Peaking"
Normalized Biquad filter cutoff frequency BiquadCof 0.0 - 1.0
Normalized Biquad filter cutoff frequency random range BiquadCofRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Biquad filter Q BiquadQ 0.1 - 10.0
Biquad filter Q random range BiquadQRnd 0.1 - 10.0
Biquad filter gain BiquadGain 0.0 - 5.0
Normalized Bandpass filter low cutoff frequency BandPassLow 0.0 - ( BandPassHigh )
Normalized Bandpass filter high cutoff frequency BandPassHigh ( BandPassLow ) - 1.0
Voice priority VoicePriority 0 - 255
Voice priority type VoicePriorityType "LastPriority" or "FirstPriority"
Voice limit group VoiceLimitGroup Voice limit group object
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus UseBusSend1 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus UseBusSend2 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus UseBusSend3 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus UseBusSend4 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus UseBusSend5 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus UseBusSend6 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus UseBusSend7 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus UseBusSend8 True / False
Send value to the 1st Bus BusSendLevel1 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend1 is True
Send value to the 2nd Bus BusSendLevel2 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend2 is True
Send value to the 3rd Bus BusSendLevel3 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend3 is True
Send value to the 4th Bus BusSendLevel4 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend4 is True
Send value to the 5th Bus BusSendLevel5 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend5 is True
Send value to the 6th Bus BusSendLevel6 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend6 is True
Send value to the 7th Bus BusSendLevel7 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend7 is True
Send value to the 8th Bus BusSendLevel8 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend8 is True
Pan Volume PanVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Center Volume CenterVolume 0.0 - 1.0
LFE Volume LFEVolume 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning Volume Pos3dVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Playback start time on the timeline DelayTimeMS 0 - 600000 [msec]
Playback start time random delay range PlaybackTimingRnd 0 - 100000 [msec]
Auto repeat interval AutoRepeatInterval 0: No repeats
1 - 100000 [msec]: Repeat interval
Number of auto repeat AutoRepeatNum -1: Infinite repeats
0: No repeats
1 - 32767: Number of repeats
Pre-delay time PreDelayTime 0 - 600000 [msec]
Pre-delay time random range PreDelayTimeRnd 0 - 600000 [msec]
Playback probability PlaybackProbability 0 - 100 [percent]

Subsequence Parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Whether to exclude the Build target Omit True / False
Sequence type SequenceType "Polyphonic", "Sequential", "Shuffle", "Random", "RandomNoRepeat" or "Switch"
Volume Volume 0.0 - 5.0
Volume random range VolumeRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Pitch Pitch -1200 - 1200 [cent]
Pitch random range PitchRnd 0 - 1200 [cent]
Pan angle PanAngle -180.0 - 180.0 [deg]
Pan angle random range PanAngleRnd 0.0 - 360.0 [deg]
Pan interior distance PanDistance 0.0 - 1.0
Pan interior distance random range PanDistanceRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Pan Volume PanVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Center Volume CenterVolume 0.0 - 1.0
LFE Volume LFEVolume 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning Volume Pos3dVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus UseBusSend1 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus UseBusSend2 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus UseBusSend3 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus UseBusSend4 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus UseBusSend5 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus UseBusSend6 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus UseBusSend7 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus UseBusSend8 True / False
Send value to the 1st Bus BusSendLevel1 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend1 is True
Send value to the 2nd Bus BusSendLevel2 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend2 is True
Send value to the 3rd Bus BusSendLevel3 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend3 is True
Send value to the 4th Bus BusSendLevel4 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend4 is True
Send value to the 5th Bus BusSendLevel5 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend5 is True
Send value to the 6th Bus BusSendLevel6 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend6 is True
Send value to the 7th Bus BusSendLevel7 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend7 is True
Send value to the 8th Bus BusSendLevel8 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend8 is True
Switch range SwitchRange 0.0 - 1.0
Playback start time on the timeline DelayTimeMS 0 - 600000 [msec]
Playback start time random delay range PlaybackTimingRnd 0 - 100000 [msec]
Auto repeat interval AutoRepeatInterval 0: No repeats
1 - 100000 [msec]: Repeat interval
Number of auto repeat AutoRepeatNum -1: Infinite repeats
0: No repeats
1 - 32767: Number of repeats
Pre-delay time PreDelayTime 0 - 600000 [msec]
Pre-delay time random range PreDelayTimeRnd 0 - 600000 [msec]
Switch Variables SwitchVariable object(Selector or Game Variables)
Combo interval ComboInterval 0 - 100000 [msec]
Combo loop back ComboLoopBack 0 - 65535
Playback probability PlaybackProbability 0 - 100 [percent]

Internal Cue link parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Whether to exclude the Build target Omit True / False
Volume Volume 0.0 - 5.0
Volume random range VolumeRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Pitch Pitch -1200 - 1200 [cent]
Pitch random range PitchRnd 0 - 1200 [cent]
Pan angle PanAngle -180.0 - 180.0 [deg]
Pan angle random range PanAngleRnd 0.0 - 360.0 [deg]
Pan interior distance PanDistance 0.0 - 1.0
Pan interior distance random range PanDistanceRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Pan Volume PanVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Center Volume CenterVolume 0.0 - 1.0
LFE Volume LFEVolume 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning Volume Pos3dVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus UseBusSend1 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus UseBusSend2 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus UseBusSend3 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus UseBusSend4 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus UseBusSend5 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus UseBusSend6 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus UseBusSend7 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus UseBusSend8 True / False
Send value to the 1st Bus BusSendLevel1 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend1 is True
Send value to the 2nd Bus BusSendLevel2 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend2 is True
Send value to the 3rd Bus BusSendLevel3 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend3 is True
Send value to the 4th Bus BusSendLevel4 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend4 is True
Send value to the 5th Bus BusSendLevel5 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend5 is True
Send value to the 6th Bus BusSendLevel6 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend6 is True
Send value to the 7th Bus BusSendLevel7 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend7 is True
Send value to the 8th Bus BusSendLevel8 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend8 is True
Playback start time on the timeline DelayTimeMS 0 - 600000 [msec]
Playback start time random delay range PlaybackTimingRnd 0 - 100000 [msec]
Auto repeat interval AutoRepeatInterval 0: No repeats
1 - 100000 [msec]: Repeat interval
Number of auto repeat AutoRepeatNum -1: Infinite repeats
0: No repeats
1 - 32767: Number of repeats
Pre-delay time PreDelayTime 0 - 600000 [msec]
Pre-delay time random range PreDelayTimeRnd 0 - 600000 [msec]
Playback probability PlaybackProbability 0 - 100 [percent]

External Cue link parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Whether to exclude the Build target Omit True / False
Volume Volume 0.0 - 5.0
Volume random range VolumeRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Pitch Pitch -1200 - 1200 [cent]
Pitch random range PitchRnd 0 - 1200 [cent]
Pan angle PanAngle -180.0 - 180.0 [deg]
Pan angle random range PanAngleRnd 0.0 - 360.0 [deg]
Pan interior distance PanDistance 0.0 - 1.0
Pan interior distance random range PanDistanceRnd 0.0 - 1.0
Pan Volume PanVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Center Volume CenterVolume 0.0 - 1.0
LFE Volume LFEVolume 0.0 - 1.0
3D Positioning Volume Pos3dVolume 0.0 - 1.0
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus UseBusSend1 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus UseBusSend2 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus UseBusSend3 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus UseBusSend4 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus UseBusSend5 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus UseBusSend6 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus UseBusSend7 True / False
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus UseBusSend8 True / False
Send value to the 1st Bus BusSendLevel1 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend1 is True
Send value to the 2nd Bus BusSendLevel2 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend2 is True
Send value to the 3rd Bus BusSendLevel3 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend3 is True
Send value to the 4th Bus BusSendLevel4 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend4 is True
Send value to the 5th Bus BusSendLevel5 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend5 is True
Send value to the 6th Bus BusSendLevel6 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend6 is True
Send value to the 7th Bus BusSendLevel7 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend7 is True
Send value to the 8th Bus BusSendLevel8 0.0 - 1.0
Only when UseBusSend8 is True
Playback start time on the timeline DelayTimeMS 0 - 600000 [msec]
Playback start time random delay range PlaybackTimingRnd 0 - 100000 [msec]
Auto repeat interval AutoRepeatInterval 0: No repeats
1 - 100000 [msec]: Repeat interval
Number of auto repeat AutoRepeatNum -1: Infinite repeats
0: No repeats
1 - 32767: Number of repeats
Pre-delay time PreDelayTime 0 - 600000 [msec]
Pre-delay time random range PreDelayTimeRnd 0 - 600000 [msec]
Playback probability PlaybackProbability 0 - 100 [percent]
Referenced Cue name ExternalLinkCueName String
Cue ID of the referenced Cue ExternalLinkCueId 0 - 2147483646
Referenced Cue Sheet LinkCueSheet Cue Sheet object
Display length ExternalLinkCueLengthMS 0 - 3600000 [msec]

Action track parameter items and field names

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Whether to exclude the Build target Omit True / False
Scope type ScopeType "All" or "SoundObject"
Target object TargetObject Cue object or Category object

Action parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range Remarks
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Start time on the timeline DelayTimeMS 0 - 3600000 [msec]
Fade time FadeTime 0 - 60000 [msec] Stop, Pause, Resume, Mute Action only
Specify Mute MuteEventType "Mute" or "Unmute" Mute Action only
Track index TrackIndex 0 - 2147483646 Mute Action only
Playback parameter type ParameterType (*) Playback parameter settings Action only
Target parameter value Parameter (*) Playback parameter settings Action only
Speed to the Target(change per second) Ratio (*) Playback parameter settings Action only
Curve type CurveType "Linear", "SlowChange", "FastChange", "SCurve" or "InverseSCurve" Playback parameter settings Action, Player fader Action only
Curve strength CurveStrength 0.0 - 2.0 Playback parameter settings Action only
Fade-in time FadeinTime 0 - 60000 [msec] Player fader Action only
Fade-out time FadeoutTime 0 - 60000 [msec] Player fader Action only

(*)For the names and range of the playback parameter types, refer to AISAC graph automation playback parameter setting action types and names .

Player Action Track parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Whether to exclude the Build target Omit True / False
Scope type ScopeType "All" or "SoundObject"

Marker parameter names and values

Item Field Name Range Remarks
Comment Comment String
Marker start time MarkerStartTime 0 - 3600000 [ms]
Marker end time MarkerEndTime 0 - 3600000 [ms] Loop marker only
Number of loops LoopCount 1 - 32767 Loop marker only
Whether to loop infinitely InfinityLoopFlag True / False Loop marker only
Callback ID CallbackId 0 - 2147483646 Callback marker only
Callback tag CallbackTag String Callback marker only

Block parameter names and values

Item Field name Value range
Name Name String
Comment Comment String
Color None Use the set_color and get_color functions to set/get colors.
Block duration BlockEndPositionMs 0 - 3600000 [ms]
Block transition destination BlockTransitionDestinationType "None" : None
"NextBlock" : Next block
Block playback loop number BlockPlaybackLoopNum -1: Infinite loop
0: No loop
1 - 32767: Loop number
Number of block divisions BlockDivisionNum 2 - (32767)
The upper limit is the truncated value of the block duration (milliseconds) or 32767, whichever the smaller.
Block transition mode BlockTransitionMode "Normal" : Transition to the start of the block
"Relative" : Maintain the division position and transit
Block transition timing BlockTransitionTiming "BlockEnd" : Transition at the end of the block
"Division" : Transition at the division position
Block transition behavior BlockTransitionBehavior "Stop" : Stop the sound being played in the block
"None" : Remains unchanged.