Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Volume | Volume | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Whether to include Cue name information in ACB | IncludeCueNameToAcb | True / False |
Whether to embed the Cue of the external Cue link destination referenced by the Cue Sheet | EmbedLinkCue | True / False |
Start number of Cue ID to use when creating new Cue | StartCueId | 0 - 2147483646 |
Cue Sheet Cue limit Flag | CueLimitEnableFlag | True / False |
Cue Sheet Cue limit number | CueLimitNum | 1 - 255 |
Cue Sheet Cue Priority type | CuePriorityType | "LastPriority" or "FirstPriority" |
Bus Map | BusMap | Bus Map object |
ACB Output path | AcbOutputFilePath | String(Read-only) |
AWB Output path | AwbOutputFilePath | String(Read-only) |
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Color | None | To set and get the color, use the set_color function and the get_color function. |
Whether to exclude the Build target | Omit | True / False |
Cue ID | Cue ID | 0 - 2147483646 |
Category | None | Category list To set and get Category, use the set_categories function and the get_categories function. |
Sequence type | SequenceType | "Polyphonic", "Sequential", "Shuffle", "Random", "RandomNoRepeat" or "Switch" |
Playback mode | PlaybackMode | "Normal" or "PlayList" |
Ignore AtomExPlayer | IgnoreAtomExPlayer | True / False |
User data | UserData | String |
Voice Behavior | VoiceBehaviorMode | "Off" : Normal "Stop" : Stop at Volume0 "Virtual" : Virtualize at Volume0, playback time elapses when return "VirtualRetrigger" : Virtualize at Volume0, playback from the beginning when return |
Playback Ratio | PlaybackRatio | 0.0 - 2.0 |
Multiple playback prohibition time | MultiplePlaybackProhibitionTime | 0 - 60000 [msec] |
Mute | MuteFlag | True / False |
Volume | Volume | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Volume random range | VolumeRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pitch | Pitch | -1200 - 1200 [cent] |
Pitch random range | PitchRnd | 0 - 1200 [cent] |
Pan type | PanType | "Pan", "Position3d" or "Auto" |
Pan angle | PanAngle | -180.0 - 180.0 [deg] |
Pan angle random range | PanAngleRnd | 0.0 - 360.0 [deg] |
Pan interior distance | PanDistance | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan interior distance random range | PanDistanceRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning interior angle | Pos3dInsideAngle | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning exterior angle | Pos3dOutsideAngle | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning minimum distance | Pos3dDistanceMin | 0.0 - ( Pos3dDistanceMax ) |
3D Positioning maximum distance | Pos3dDistanceMax | ( Pos3dDistanceMin ) - 10000000.0 |
3D Positioning Doppler Coefficient | Pos3dDopplerCoefficient | 0.0 - 100.0 |
Distance AISAC Control | Pos3dDistanceAisacControl | AISAC Control object |
Listener Reference Azimuth Angle AISAC Control | Pos3dListenerBasedAzimuthAngleAisacControl | AISAC Control object |
Sound Source Reference Azimuth Angle AISAC Control | Pos3dSoundSourceBasedAzimuthAngleAisacControl | AISAC Control object |
Listener Reference Angle of Elevation AISAC Control | Pos3dListenerBasedElevationAngleAisacControl | AISAC Control object |
Sound Source Reference Angle of Elevation AISAC Control | Pos3dSoundSourceBasedElevationAngleAisacControl | AISAC Control object |
Cue limit flag | CueLimitEnableFlag | True / False |
Cue limit number | CueLimitNum | 1 - 255 |
Cue priority type | CuePriorityType | "LastPriority" or "FirstPriority" |
Category Cue priority level | CategoryCuePriorityLevel | 0 - 255 |
Category Cue priority type | CategoryCuePriorityType | "LastPriority" or "FirstPriority" |
Bus Map | BusMap | Bus Map object |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus | UseBusSend1 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus | UseBusSend2 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus | UseBusSend3 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus | UseBusSend4 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus | UseBusSend5 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus | UseBusSend6 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus | UseBusSend7 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus | UseBusSend8 | True / False |
Send value to the 1st Bus | BusSendLevel1 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend1 is True |
Send value to the 2nd Bus | BusSendLevel2 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend2 is True |
Send value to the 3rd Bus | BusSendLevel3 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend3 is True |
Send value to the 4th Bus | BusSendLevel4 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend4 is True |
Send value to the 5th Bus | BusSendLevel5 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend5 is True |
Send value to the 6th Bus | BusSendLevel6 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend6 is True |
Send value to the 7th Bus | BusSendLevel7 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend7 is True |
Send value to the 8th Bus | BusSendLevel8 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend8 is True |
Pan Volume | PanVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Center Volume | CenterVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
LFE Volume | LFEVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning Volume | Pos3dVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Default Selector Label | DefaultSelectorLabel | Selector Label object |
Switch Variables | SwitchVariable | Object(Selector or Game Variables) |
Combo interval | ComboInterval | 0 - 100000 [msec] |
Combo loop back | ComboLoopBack | 0 - 65535 |
Playback probability | PlaybackProbability | 0 - 100 [percent] |
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Color | None | To set and get the color, use the set_color function and the get_color function. |
Whether to exclude the Build target | Omit | True / False |
Track Mono flag | TrackMonoFlag | True / False |
Mute | MuteFlag | True / False |
Volume | Volume | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Volume random range | VolumeRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pitch | Pitch | -1200 - 1200 [cent] |
Pitch random range | PitchRnd | 0 - 1200 [cent] |
Pan angle | PanAngle | -180.0 - 180.0 [deg] |
Pan angle random range | PanAngleRnd | 0.0 - 360.0 [deg] |
Pan interior distance | PanDistance | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan interior distance random range | PanDistanceRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Biquad filter type | BiquadType | "Off", "LowPass", "HighPass", "Notch", "LowShelf", "HighShelf" or "Peaking" |
Normalized Biquad filter cutoff frequency | BiquadCof | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Normalized Biquad filter cutoff frequency random range | BiquadCofRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Biquad filter Q | BiquadQ | 0.1 - 10.0 |
Biquad filter Q random range | BiquadQRnd | 0.1 - 10.0 |
Biquad filter gain | BiquadGain | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Normalized Bandpass filter low cutoff frequency | BandPassLow | 0.0 - ( BandPassHigh ) |
Normalized Bandpass filter high cutoff frequency | BandPassHigh | ( BandPassLow ) - 1.0 |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus | UseBusSend1 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus | UseBusSend2 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus | UseBusSend3 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus | UseBusSend4 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus | UseBusSend5 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus | UseBusSend6 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus | UseBusSend7 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus | UseBusSend8 | True / False |
Send value to the 1st Bus | BusSendLevel1 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend1 is True |
Send value to the 2nd Bus | BusSendLevel2 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend2 is True |
Send value to the 3rd Bus | BusSendLevel3 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend3 is True |
Send value to the 4th Bus | BusSendLevel4 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend4 is True |
Send value to the 5th Bus | BusSendLevel5 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend5 is True |
Send value to the 6th Bus | BusSendLevel6 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend6 is True |
Send value to the 7th Bus | BusSendLevel7 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend7 is True |
Send value to the 8th Bus | BusSendLevel8 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend8 is True |
Pan Volume | PanVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Center Volume | CenterVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
LFE Volume | LFEVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning Volume | Pos3dVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Switch range | SwitchRange | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Selector Label | SelectorLabel | Selector Label object |
Random weight | RandomWeight | 0 - 200 |
Playback probability | PlaybackProbability | 0 - 100 [percent] |
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Linked Material | LinkMaterial | Material object |
Whether to exclude the Build target | Omit | True / False |
Whether to disable the waveform loop | IgnoreLoop | True / False |
Whether to stop playback at the end of the loop | StopAtLoopEnd | True / False |
Volume | Volume | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Volume random range | VolumeRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
EG Attack time | EgAttackTimeMs | 0 - 60000 [msec] |
EG Attack curve type | EgAttackCurveType | "Linear", "SlowChange", "FastChange", "SCurve" or "InverseSCurve" |
EG Attack curve strength | EgAttackCurveStrength | 0.0 - 2.0 |
EG Hold time | EgHoldTimeMs | 0 - 60000 [msec] |
EG Decay time | EgDecayTimeMs | 0 - 60000 [msec] |
EG Decay curve type | EgDecayCurveType | "Linear", "SlowChange", "FastChange", "SCurve" or "InverseSCurve" |
EG Decay curve strength | EgDecayCurveStrength | 0.0 - 2.0 |
EG Sustain Level | EgSustainLevel | 0.0 - 1.0 |
EG Release time | EgReleaseTimeMs | 0 - 60000 [msec] |
EG Release curve type | EgReleaseCurveType | "Linear", "SlowChange", "FastChange", "SCurve" or "InverseSCurve" |
EG Release curve strength | EgReleaseCurveStrength | 0.0 - 2.0 |
Pitch | Pitch | -1200 - 1200 [cent] |
Pitch random range | PitchRnd | 0 - 1200 [cent] |
Pan type | PanType | "Pan", "Position3d" or "Auto" |
Pan angle | PanAngle | -180.0 - 180.0 [deg] |
Pan angle random range | PanAngleRnd | 0.0 - 360.0 [deg] |
Pan interior distance | PanDistance | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan interior distance random range | PanDistanceRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Whether to fix the angle to 0 degree at the 3D Positioning minimum distance | FixedAngleZeroWithinMinDistance | True / False |
Whether to reference Track filter settings | UseTrackFilterSettings | True / False |
Biquad filter type | BiquadType | "Off", "LowPass", "HighPass", "Notch", "LowShelf", "HighShelf" or "Peaking" |
Normalized Biquad filter cutoff frequency | BiquadCof | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Normalized Biquad filter cutoff frequency random range | BiquadCofRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Biquad filter Q | BiquadQ | 0.1 - 10.0 |
Biquad filter Q random range | BiquadQRnd | 0.1 - 10.0 |
Biquad filter gain | BiquadGain | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Normalized Bandpass filter low cutoff frequency | BandPassLow | 0.0 - ( BandPassHigh ) |
Normalized Bandpass filter high cutoff frequency | BandPassHigh | ( BandPassLow ) - 1.0 |
Voice priority | VoicePriority | 0 - 255 |
Voice priority type | VoicePriorityType | "LastPriority" or "FirstPriority" |
Voice limit group | VoiceLimitGroup | Voice limit group object |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus | UseBusSend1 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus | UseBusSend2 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus | UseBusSend3 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus | UseBusSend4 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus | UseBusSend5 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus | UseBusSend6 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus | UseBusSend7 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus | UseBusSend8 | True / False |
Send value to the 1st Bus | BusSendLevel1 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend1 is True |
Send value to the 2nd Bus | BusSendLevel2 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend2 is True |
Send value to the 3rd Bus | BusSendLevel3 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend3 is True |
Send value to the 4th Bus | BusSendLevel4 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend4 is True |
Send value to the 5th Bus | BusSendLevel5 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend5 is True |
Send value to the 6th Bus | BusSendLevel6 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend6 is True |
Send value to the 7th Bus | BusSendLevel7 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend7 is True |
Send value to the 8th Bus | BusSendLevel8 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend8 is True |
Pan Volume | PanVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Center Volume | CenterVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
LFE Volume | LFEVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning Volume | Pos3dVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Playback start time on the timeline | DelayTimeMS | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Playback start time random delay range | PlaybackTimingRnd | 0 - 100000 [msec] |
Auto repeat interval | AutoRepeatInterval | 0: No repeats 1 - 100000 [msec]: Repeat interval |
Number of auto repeat | AutoRepeatNum | -1: Infinite repeats 0: No repeats 1 - 32767: Number of repeats |
Pre-delay time | PreDelayTime | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Pre-delay time random range | PreDelayTimeRnd | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Playback probability | PlaybackProbability | 0 - 100 [percent] |
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Whether to exclude the Build target | Omit | True / False |
Sequence type | SequenceType | "Polyphonic", "Sequential", "Shuffle", "Random", "RandomNoRepeat" or "Switch" |
Volume | Volume | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Volume random range | VolumeRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pitch | Pitch | -1200 - 1200 [cent] |
Pitch random range | PitchRnd | 0 - 1200 [cent] |
Pan angle | PanAngle | -180.0 - 180.0 [deg] |
Pan angle random range | PanAngleRnd | 0.0 - 360.0 [deg] |
Pan interior distance | PanDistance | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan interior distance random range | PanDistanceRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan Volume | PanVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Center Volume | CenterVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
LFE Volume | LFEVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning Volume | Pos3dVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus | UseBusSend1 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus | UseBusSend2 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus | UseBusSend3 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus | UseBusSend4 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus | UseBusSend5 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus | UseBusSend6 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus | UseBusSend7 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus | UseBusSend8 | True / False |
Send value to the 1st Bus | BusSendLevel1 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend1 is True |
Send value to the 2nd Bus | BusSendLevel2 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend2 is True |
Send value to the 3rd Bus | BusSendLevel3 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend3 is True |
Send value to the 4th Bus | BusSendLevel4 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend4 is True |
Send value to the 5th Bus | BusSendLevel5 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend5 is True |
Send value to the 6th Bus | BusSendLevel6 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend6 is True |
Send value to the 7th Bus | BusSendLevel7 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend7 is True |
Send value to the 8th Bus | BusSendLevel8 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend8 is True |
Switch range | SwitchRange | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Playback start time on the timeline | DelayTimeMS | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Playback start time random delay range | PlaybackTimingRnd | 0 - 100000 [msec] |
Auto repeat interval | AutoRepeatInterval | 0: No repeats 1 - 100000 [msec]: Repeat interval |
Number of auto repeat | AutoRepeatNum | -1: Infinite repeats 0: No repeats 1 - 32767: Number of repeats |
Pre-delay time | PreDelayTime | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Pre-delay time random range | PreDelayTimeRnd | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Switch Variables | SwitchVariable | object(Selector or Game Variables) |
Combo interval | ComboInterval | 0 - 100000 [msec] |
Combo loop back | ComboLoopBack | 0 - 65535 |
Playback probability | PlaybackProbability | 0 - 100 [percent] |
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Whether to exclude the Build target | Omit | True / False |
Volume | Volume | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Volume random range | VolumeRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pitch | Pitch | -1200 - 1200 [cent] |
Pitch random range | PitchRnd | 0 - 1200 [cent] |
Pan angle | PanAngle | -180.0 - 180.0 [deg] |
Pan angle random range | PanAngleRnd | 0.0 - 360.0 [deg] |
Pan interior distance | PanDistance | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan interior distance random range | PanDistanceRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan Volume | PanVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Center Volume | CenterVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
LFE Volume | LFEVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning Volume | Pos3dVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus | UseBusSend1 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus | UseBusSend2 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus | UseBusSend3 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus | UseBusSend4 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus | UseBusSend5 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus | UseBusSend6 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus | UseBusSend7 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus | UseBusSend8 | True / False |
Send value to the 1st Bus | BusSendLevel1 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend1 is True |
Send value to the 2nd Bus | BusSendLevel2 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend2 is True |
Send value to the 3rd Bus | BusSendLevel3 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend3 is True |
Send value to the 4th Bus | BusSendLevel4 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend4 is True |
Send value to the 5th Bus | BusSendLevel5 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend5 is True |
Send value to the 6th Bus | BusSendLevel6 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend6 is True |
Send value to the 7th Bus | BusSendLevel7 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend7 is True |
Send value to the 8th Bus | BusSendLevel8 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend8 is True |
Playback start time on the timeline | DelayTimeMS | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Playback start time random delay range | PlaybackTimingRnd | 0 - 100000 [msec] |
Auto repeat interval | AutoRepeatInterval | 0: No repeats 1 - 100000 [msec]: Repeat interval |
Number of auto repeat | AutoRepeatNum | -1: Infinite repeats 0: No repeats 1 - 32767: Number of repeats |
Pre-delay time | PreDelayTime | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Pre-delay time random range | PreDelayTimeRnd | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Playback probability | PlaybackProbability | 0 - 100 [percent] |
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Whether to exclude the Build target | Omit | True / False |
Volume | Volume | 0.0 - 5.0 |
Volume random range | VolumeRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pitch | Pitch | -1200 - 1200 [cent] |
Pitch random range | PitchRnd | 0 - 1200 [cent] |
Pan angle | PanAngle | -180.0 - 180.0 [deg] |
Pan angle random range | PanAngleRnd | 0.0 - 360.0 [deg] |
Pan interior distance | PanDistance | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan interior distance random range | PanDistanceRnd | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Pan Volume | PanVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Center Volume | CenterVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
LFE Volume | LFEVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
3D Positioning Volume | Pos3dVolume | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 1st Bus | UseBusSend1 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 2nd Bus | UseBusSend2 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 3rd Bus | UseBusSend3 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 4th Bus | UseBusSend4 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 5th Bus | UseBusSend5 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 6th Bus | UseBusSend6 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 7th Bus | UseBusSend7 | True / False |
Whether to specify the Send value to the 8th Bus | UseBusSend8 | True / False |
Send value to the 1st Bus | BusSendLevel1 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend1 is True |
Send value to the 2nd Bus | BusSendLevel2 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend2 is True |
Send value to the 3rd Bus | BusSendLevel3 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend3 is True |
Send value to the 4th Bus | BusSendLevel4 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend4 is True |
Send value to the 5th Bus | BusSendLevel5 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend5 is True |
Send value to the 6th Bus | BusSendLevel6 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend6 is True |
Send value to the 7th Bus | BusSendLevel7 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend7 is True |
Send value to the 8th Bus | BusSendLevel8 | 0.0 - 1.0 Only when UseBusSend8 is True |
Playback start time on the timeline | DelayTimeMS | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Playback start time random delay range | PlaybackTimingRnd | 0 - 100000 [msec] |
Auto repeat interval | AutoRepeatInterval | 0: No repeats 1 - 100000 [msec]: Repeat interval |
Number of auto repeat | AutoRepeatNum | -1: Infinite repeats 0: No repeats 1 - 32767: Number of repeats |
Pre-delay time | PreDelayTime | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Pre-delay time random range | PreDelayTimeRnd | 0 - 600000 [msec] |
Playback probability | PlaybackProbability | 0 - 100 [percent] |
Referenced Cue name | ExternalLinkCueName | String |
Cue ID of the referenced Cue | ExternalLinkCueId | 0 - 2147483646 |
Referenced Cue Sheet | LinkCueSheet | Cue Sheet object |
Display length | ExternalLinkCueLengthMS | 0 - 3600000 [msec] |
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Whether to exclude the Build target | Omit | True / False |
Scope type | ScopeType | "All" or "SoundObject" |
Target object | TargetObject | Cue object or Category object |
Item | Field Name | Range | Remarks |
Name | Name | String | |
Comment | Comment | String | |
Start time on the timeline | DelayTimeMS | 0 - 3600000 [msec] | |
Fade time | FadeTime | 0 - 60000 [msec] | Stop, Pause, Resume, Mute Action only |
Specify Mute | MuteEventType | "Mute" or "Unmute" | Mute Action only |
Track index | TrackIndex | 0 - 2147483646 | Mute Action only |
Playback parameter type | ParameterType | (*) | Playback parameter settings Action only |
Target parameter value | Parameter | (*) | Playback parameter settings Action only |
Speed to the Target(change per second) | Ratio | (*) | Playback parameter settings Action only |
Curve type | CurveType | "Linear", "SlowChange", "FastChange", "SCurve" or "InverseSCurve" | Playback parameter settings Action, Player fader Action only |
Curve strength | CurveStrength | 0.0 - 2.0 | Playback parameter settings Action only |
Fade-in time | FadeinTime | 0 - 60000 [msec] | Player fader Action only |
Fade-out time | FadeoutTime | 0 - 60000 [msec] | Player fader Action only |
(*)For the names and range of the playback parameter types, refer to AISAC graph automation playback parameter setting action types and names .
Item | Field Name | Range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Whether to exclude the Build target | Omit | True / False |
Scope type | ScopeType | "All" or "SoundObject" |
Item | Field Name | Range | Remarks |
Comment | Comment | String | |
Marker start time | MarkerStartTime | 0 - 3600000 [ms] | |
Marker end time | MarkerEndTime | 0 - 3600000 [ms] | Loop marker only |
Number of loops | LoopCount | 1 - 32767 | Loop marker only |
Whether to loop infinitely | InfinityLoopFlag | True / False | Loop marker only |
Callback ID | CallbackId | 0 - 2147483646 | Callback marker only |
Callback tag | CallbackTag | String | Callback marker only |
Item | Field name | Value range |
Name | Name | String |
Comment | Comment | String |
Color | None | Use the set_color and get_color functions to set/get colors. |
Block duration | BlockEndPositionMs | 0 - 3600000 [ms] |
Block transition destination | BlockTransitionDestinationType | "None" : None "NextBlock" : Next block |
Block playback loop number | BlockPlaybackLoopNum | -1: Infinite loop 0: No loop 1 - 32767: Loop number |
Number of block divisions | BlockDivisionNum | 2 - (32767) The upper limit is the truncated value of the block duration (milliseconds) or 32767, whichever the smaller. |
Block transition mode | BlockTransitionMode | "Normal" : Transition to the start of the block "Relative" : Maintain the division position and transit |
Block transition timing | BlockTransitionTiming | "BlockEnd" : Transition at the end of the block "Division" : Transition at the division position |
Block transition behavior | BlockTransitionBehavior | "Stop" : Stop the sound being played in the block "None" : Remains unchanged. |