CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Before starting the tutorial

Before starting the CRI Atom Craft Robot tutorial, you need to prepare the data to proceed.

Install Python3

This tutorial uses the scripting language "Python 3".
If you have not yet download Python, refer to To set up the environment for execution .

About the tutorial folder

After unzipping/installing the CRI ADX SDK package or CRI ADX Tools package, the tutorial folder is created in the following location:

  • macOS
  • Windows

The structure of the tutorial folder is as follows (including tutorial waveform files and the folder for saving Script files created in the tutorials).

  • macOS
    ┗━ robot
    ┃━ 344
    ┃ ┣━ local
    ┃ ┣━ tutorial_data # Waveform material folder
    ┃ ┃ ┣━ tutorial_data01
    ┃ ┃ ┣━ tutorial_data02
    ┃ ┃ ┣━ tutorial_data03
    ┃ ┗━ Python # Folder for saving Script files
    ┗━ 3xx
  • Windows
    ┗━ robot
    ┗━ local
    ┣━ tutorial_data # Waveform material folder
    ┃ ┣━ tutorial_data01
    ┃ ┣━ tutorial_data02
    ┃ ┣━ tutorial_data03
    ┗━ Python # Folder for saving Script files

About the display and reference of the tutorial folder

Select "Script list..." from the "Script" menu to display the Script list window. The folder and the contents of "samples [CRI]"and "tutorials [CRI]"will be displayed.

In the tutorial, a Script file is created in this "tutorials [CRI]" folder.
Path of the "tutorials [CRI]" folder is as below:

  • macOS
    ~/Documents/CRIWARE/CriAtomCraft/tutorials/robot/344/local/Python # For tutorial
    (Path of 344 series. In macOS, the number of tool version is added after "robot".)
  • Windows
    cri\tools\criatomex_v3\win\tutorials\robot\local\Python # For tutorial

Object structure of CRI Atom Craft describes the internal data of CRI Atom Craft that is manipulated by Scripts.