CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p

Mixer AISAC is a function that uses AISAC to control bus parameters.


Mixer AISAC is created in the mixer.
The parameters that can be specified for Mixer AISAC are as follows.

  • Name
  • AISAC Control

The parameters that can be specified in the graph are as follows.

  • Target bus
  • Graph type
  • Destination bus when graph type is send level

The bus parameter changes according to the value calculated by the graph.
The method of applying the parameter change varies depending on the graph type.
The following table lists the graph types and how to apply them.

Graph type Application method (range) Description
Volume Multiplication (0.0~2.0) Volume
Pan angle Addition (-180~180) Specify the Pan angle
Send level Multiplication (0.0~1.0) Send level to other bus
Specify the destination bus as well.
Wideness Multiplication (0.0~1.0) Specifies how much to spread the angle between each input channel when panning a multi-channel (stereo, 5.1ch, etc.) waveform.
0.0 is mono mix (all channel angles are 0 degrees)
1.0 is surround (for 5.1ch, each channel is at angles of -120, -30, 30, 120)
Spread Multiplication (0.0~1.0) This parameter controls the sense of positioning of the sound source. Increasing the value creates a blurring effect.
If you specify the default value of 0.0, the signal will be output only from the speaker corresponding to the position of the sound source.
If you specify 1.0, the signal will be output from all speakers regardless of position.