CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Material settings

When you select a material in the material tree, the Inspector lists the material's settings.
Some of these parameters include parameters for encoding.


Name Description
Name Waveform file name
Comment You can enter any comment you like.
Path on tool The path on the tool is displayed. (Cannot be edited)


Name Value Range Description
Absolute file path for material Absolute path of the wave file (cannot be edited)
Relative material file path Relative path of the wave file from the material root folder (cannot be edited)
Number of channels Number of channels in the waveform file (not editable)
Material file size Waveform file size (not editable)
Sampling rate Waveform file sampling frequency (not editable)
Sample bit depth Waveform file Bit depth(not editable)
Number of samples Total Number of samples in the waveform file (not editable)
Time Waveform file time length (h:mm:ss.msec) (cannot be edited)
Time (seconds) Waveform file length in seconds (not editable)
Loop type of material waveform Loop type of the waveform file. Loop or One shot(cannot be edited)
Material loop start position Loop start sample position of the waveform file (cannot be edited)
Material loop end position Loop end sample position of the waveform file (cannot be edited)
Local file update time Last update time of the waveform file (not editable)

Output port

Name Value Range Description
Output port Default / Not set / _object_based_audio / _pass_through Specifies the output port for the audio method to play the material.

3D sound

Name Value Range Description
HRTF type PCN / TC4 / TC4A The type of HRTF that can be used when Software Binauralizer is set to Sound xR.
This is only enabled when the material output port is set to "_object_based_audio".
For more information, see 3D Audio Effects .


For details on encoding parameters, see Setting Material (Encoding) Parameters .

Name Value Range Description
Streaming type Default/Memory/Stream/Zero Latency Stream Set whether to play on memory or stream from storage.
If "Default" is selected, the folder setting will be applied. (The top-level setting will be the setting in the target config)
"Zero latency stream" is a streaming playback method that holds the beginning of the waveform on memory, so that the delay from the beginning of the waveform to the start of playback is equivalent to that of memory playback.
Adjust the amount to be held in memory with the "Prefetch time" parameter.
In addition, when seeking Seek playback, which is played in the middle, a playback delay equivalent to that of stream playback will occur.
Even if zero latency stream is specified, if the waveform length is shorter than the prefetch time, it will be set to "memory".
See also
Target config setting items
Encoding type Default / ADX/ HCA / HCA-MX / Wave (16-bit PCM) / Wave (24-bit PCM) / Wave (32-bit Float) / Model-specific 1 to 8 Sets the encoding format for the waveform file. If "Default" is selected, the folder setting will be applied. Also, if all upper folders are "Default", the target config setting will be applied.
() indicates the final encoding format to be used.
See also
Target config setting items
Encoding quality Default/Lowest Quality/Low Quality/Medium Quality/High Quality/Highest Quality Encoding quality setting.
Valid only when the encoding format is HCA, HCA-MX, or some model-specific codecs (ATRAC3/ATRAC9/XMA, etc.).
If "Default" is set, the folder setting will be applied. Also, if all upper folders are set to "Default", the target config setting will be applied.
() indicates the final encoding quality to be used.
See also
Target config setting items
Prefetch time (msec) 1 to (msec) Specifies the prefetch time when the stream type of the material is a zero latency stream. The unit is milliseconds.
If the waveform length is shorter than the applied prefetch time, it will be treated as memory playback.
In this case, the streaming type will automatically become "memory".
See also
Target config setting itemsStreaming Type
HCA Cutoff Frequency 400Hz~96000Hz Specifies the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter used during encoding when the encoding format is HCA.
Check to enable. If a value outside the range of the applicable lower limit (400Hz) and upper limit (Nyquist frequency of the waveform file) is specified, the specification will be invalid and the Nyquist frequency of the waveform file will be applied.
Resampling rate Specify the frequency of resampling to be applied before encoding.
If it is the same as the sampling rate, no resampling will be performed.
See also
Sampling Rate
Encoded input channel Default/All Channels/1 Channel (L) Specifies the input channel of the waveform file when encoding.
Channel processing during encoding is performed in the order of "encoding input channel → downmix → device-dependent channel restriction".
() indicates the encoding input channel that is finally applied.
Loop interpretation Default/All markers/Loop markers only/Ignore all markers Sets how to interpret the loop information contained in the waveform file.
If "Default" is set, the folder settings will be applied, and if all upper folders are "Default", the project settings will be applied.
() indicates the loop interpretation that will ultimately be used.
Overwrite loop information True/False A flag to determine whether to overwrite the loop settings when encoding. True to overwrite, False to not overwrite.
Loop type One shot/loop Loop type to overwrite when encoding
Loop start position Loop start sample position to overwrite when encoding
Loop end position Loop end sample position to overwrite when encoding
Length of loop section The Number of samples between the loop start and end points (not editable)
Encoding volume 0.0~5.0 Volume settings to apply when encoding
Waveform after loop end position Include/Exclude Whether to encode the waveform after the loop end point
When combined with the "Disable loop waveform" setting of the waveform region, you can play the One shot.
Encoding result file path Absolute path of last encoded output file (not editable)
Encoded file size Size of last encoded output file (not editable)