CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Profiler (measurement of playback information)


The profiler function gathers and visualizes information about the sounds played at run-time as logs.
To connect with the runtime, use the connection mechanism offered by the in-game preview.

How to use it

1.Connecting with Previewer (Game Application)

The profiler function uses the in-game preview connection mechanism to connect to the game application using the previewer or the monitoring library of the specified target platform.
For details about how to access to the "In-Game" feature on each target platform, refer to that target's ADX SDK.
As mentioned in Real-time Authoring Using In-Game Preview , if you only need to use the profiler, you don't need to prepare the game data for in-game preview.

2. Displaying the profiler window

From the menu bar of CRI Atom Craft, select [View] -> [Profiler...].

3. Starting / stopping logs acquisition

You can start / stop the acquisition of logs from the menu bar or the tool bar.
The acquired logs are automatically saved in a file.
When the total number of logs reaches a given value, it is divided into pages.
For details, see Page .

4. Reading the recorded logs

You can read and display the logs that were recorded by the profiler from the menu bar or the tool bar.

It is also possible to read the log recorded on another PC.
Open the log folder with "Open in Finder"/"Open in Explorer", then place the log you want to read and perform "Update".
Next, select the placed log and perform "Read".

Profiler log reading window button list

Button Description
Show in Finder / Explorer Opens the folder containing the logs in Finder / Explorer.
Refresh Reloads the logs.
You can use it when changing or deleting the name of the logs outside of the profiler.
Load Reads the selected log and close the window.
Cancel Closes the window without loading the logs.

Tool bar / Menu bar

Menu bar

From the capture menu, you can start / stop the capture, reset, and read the log.
From the display menu, you can set the auto tracking option, switch the viewers, and specify the page to display.

Tool bar

On the toolbar, you can perform the same tasks as on the menu bar, but via the buttons.
For more details about the menu bar and the tool bar, please refer to Profiler window .

Recording settings

Choose [Settings...] from the Profiler's [Capture] menu to display the Profiler Recording Settings Dialog.

Set whether or not to record 3D positioning information or voice volume information.
These logs can be sent in large quantities from the run-time, which can cause the tool's performance to degrade.