CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Create a Cue sheet

Creating a Cue sheet

Before creating a "Cue," which is the waveform request unit, you must create a "Cue sheet."
As will be mentioned later in the Building an ACB (CueSheet Binary) , the cue sheet will be the object needed to be loaded by the application.

Cue can only be created in the Cue folder.
For a newly created work unit, a Cue sheet folder with the work unit name "WorkUnit_0" is automatically generated.

There are two ways to create a new Cue sheet:

  • Select "Cue Folder/WorkUnit_0" in the tree, and select "New Object" → "Create Cue sheet" from the right-click menu.
  • Select the Cue Sheets folder and click the Cue Sheets icon from the ribbon menu at the top of the tree.

Changing the name of the Cue sheet

Select any Cue sheet on the tree and press the "F2" key to enter name editing mode.
Edit it and change the name to "TutorialCueSheet".