CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Calling the CRI Atom Craft Terminal (Command line)

Start the CUI tool and enter the command in the following format.

[Format] criatomcraft Input_CRI_Atom_Craft_Project_filename Options
[Input] Input_CRI_Atom_Craft_Project_filename : The file name of the CRI Atom Craft project file to build
Options : Command options

File Name of the CRI Atom Craft Project File to Build

Specify the file name of a CRI Atom Craft project file.
All CueSheets are built for the current target in the current language specified in the project.
If the specified file path contains spaces, please specify it with "".

Command Options

Specifies the build options. The following options are available:
If no option is set, the command description will be shown.

Build options

Option Description
-target Specifies the target. When this option is not specified, only the data for PC is generated.
-ingame Set this option if this is an in-game build. If this option is not set, only the standard binary data is generated.
-cuesheet Specifies the CueSheet name for the build. If this option is not set, all CueSheets are generated.
-language Specifies the language for which to build the data. If this option is not set, the data is generated for the default language only.
-clean Specifies to perform a clean build. When this option is not specified, the cache is used for the build.
-outdir Specifies the destination folder.
When not specified, the tool behaves as follows:
- (a) The destination of the last build in CRI Atom Craft is used (the project needs to be saved after building)
- (b) If condition (a) is not met, the project's default destination folder is used (i.e. the folder immediately under the project folder)
-defaultoutdir Outputs directly under the project.
Use to output directly under the project without specifying -outdir.
This option will be ignored if the -outdir option is specified.
-noclose Opens the window when building. Use to check if the command is operating properly or not.
-workunit Opens the Work Unit. Specifies the Work Unit to be built.
-workunitall Opens all Work Units.
Used when the specification of the target Work Units is cumbersome.
-noacf Build only ACB files without building the ACF file.
-unity Generates the data files for Unity.
-hierarchy Generates the CueSheet folders following the project's hierarchy.
-acbinfoxml Generates the XML information for the ACB file.
-acbinfoxml Generates the CSharp file (.cs).
-json Outputs JSON files that support ACB and ACF files.

Edit Options

Option Description
-importCuesheetCsv Imports a CueSheet CSV file.
Specify the CueSheet CSV file to import and the destination path on the CRI Atom Craft. Separate them with a comma.
To specify multiple files, use the following format:
-importCuesheetCsv "C:/CueSheet_0.csv","WorkUnit_0/CueSheetFolder/","C:/CueSheet_1.csv","WorkUnit_0/CueSheetFolder/".
If the AtomCraft path does not exist, the Work Unit and the CueSheet subfolder are automatically created.
If the material that is referenced by a Waveform does not exist, saving fails.
-importMaterialCsv Imports a material CSV file.
Specify the Material CSV file to import and the destination path on the CRI Atom Craft. Separate them with a comma.
To specify multiple files, use the following format:
-importMaterialCsv "C:/voice.csv","WorkUnit_0/MaterialRootFolder/","C:/voice2.csv","WorkUnit_0/MaterialRootFolder/".

If the AtomCraft path does not exist, the Work Unit and the Material subfolder are automatically created.
If the Waveform that is referenced by the Material does not exist, build fails but you can save files.
-merge Specifies to merge when CueSheet CSV and Material CSV files are imported.
Merge does not influence the data that does not exist in the CSV files.

|-saveProject | Saves the project.(Save only when there is no problem in import or build) | | |-nobuild |No ACB/ACF/AWB build is executed.
You can use this with -saveProject to edit the data a project without build. |

Robot Options

Option Description
-script Executes the script file.
-script ""
-scriptplugintype Specifies the type of the script plugin.
You can specify pyhon3.7 or python3.8. If omitted, the plugin set in "Script Settings" will be used.
-script plugintype python3.8
-scriptargument Specifies the additional arguments for the script file.
-scriptargument "Category_BGM"
The specified argument can be obtained by script by using get_script_argument .

For details about Robot, refer to About the CRI Atom Craft Robot .

Option example

Import Cuesheet CSV


[CueSheetCSV FileName],[Path of AtomCraft].
ex. -importCuesheetCsv "C:/CueSheet_0.csv","WorkUnit_0/CueSheetFolder/"
Multiple Import [CueSheetCSV FileName(1)],[Path of AtomCraft(1)],[CueSheetCSV FileName(2)],[Path of AtomCraft(2)] ...
ex. -importCuesheetCsv "C:/CueSheet_0.csv","WorkUnit_0/CueSheetFolder/","C:/CueSheet_1.csv","WorkUnit_0/CueSheetFolder/"


[CueSheetCSV FileName],[Path of AtomCraft].
ex. -importCuesheetCsv "/Users/(user_name)/CueSheet_0.csv","WorkUnit_0/CueSheetFolder/"
Multiple Import [CueSheetCSV FileName(1)],[Path of AtomCraft(1)],[CueSheetCSV FileName(2)],[Path of AtomCraft(2)] ...
ex. -importCuesheetCsv "/Users/(user_name)/CueSheet_0.csv","WorkUnit_0/CueSheetFolder/","/Users/(user_name)/CueSheet_1.csv","WorkUnit_0/CueSheetFolder/"

Import Material information CSV


[MaterialCSV FileName],[Path of AtomCraft].
ex. -importMaterialCsv "C:/voice.csv","WorkUnit_0/MaterialRootFolder/"
Multiple Import [MaterialCSV FileName(1)],[Path of AtomCraft(1)],[MaterialCSV FileName(2)],[Path of AtomCraft(2)] ...
ex. -importMaterialCsv "C:/voice.csv","WorkUnit_0/MaterialRootFolder/","C:/voice2.csv","WorkUnit_0/MaterialRootFolder/"


[MaterialCSV FileName],[Path of AtomCraft].
ex. -importMaterialCsv "/Users/(user_name)/voice.csv","WorkUnit_0/MaterialRootFolder/"
Multiple Import [MaterialCSV FileName(1)],[Path of AtomCraft(1)],[MaterialCSV FileName(2)],[Path of AtomCraft(2)] ...
ex. -importMaterialCsv "/Users/(user_name)/voice.csv","WorkUnit_0/MaterialRootFolder/","/Users/(user_name)/voice2.csv","WorkUnit_0/MaterialRootFolder/"

Specification of Work Units

You must specify which Work Units you want to build from the project.
Specifically, you can use one of the following options:

  • -workunit
    • Opens and builds the specified Work Unit.
      When it is not specified, the last Work Unit that was open in the tool will be built.
  • -workunitall
    • Opens and builds all the Work Units.

When importing, the work unit is automatically opened from the import argument contents. (If it does not exist, an error occurs.)

Generating CueSheets with the Same Names

If the CueSheet folder or Work Unit is different, the tool can generate a CueSheet with the same name.
By using the -hierarchy sub-command, the CueSheets can be generated in different folders, following the hierarchy of the project.