CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
CSV Sound File List

A CSV sound file list is a file in the CSV-format that describes the audio files to be processed by the CRI Atom Encoder.
There are two formats: one to write the waveform information with a header (description of the various fields on the first line)
and one without writing the header.

Format when writing headers

The first line of the CSV file describes the names of the data fields. Then, from the second line onwards, each line contains the information about a single file.
In CRI Atom Encoder Ver.3, the CSV export function uses this format.

Field order

The following eight fields must be present in this order:

File Path Name, Content Name, Content ID, Codec, Resampling Frequency, Encoding Quality, Volume, Cutoff Frequency

The fields following the Cutoff Frequency can then be arranged in any order.

List of fields and header names

Field Name Description
File Path Name FilePath Path of the audio file to encode and pack
Content Name ContentsName Content name to be used when generating the ACB file
Content ID ContentsId Content ID corresponding to the audio file
No duplicate IDs should be specified.
Codec Codec The codec used for the encoding: either HCA, ADX, or HCA-MX.
Resampling Frequency ResamplingRate New frequency if it has to be changed.
If not, it will be written as 44100 (NoResample) if the sampling frequency of the audio file is 44100 Hz.
Encoding Quality EncodingQuality The encoding quality (when using a HCA/HCA-MX codec)
HIGHEST, HIGH, MIDDLE, LOW, or LOWEST can be specified.
Volume Volume Volume scaler during encoding.
(Up to the third decimal place.)
Cutoff Frequency CutoffFrequency Cutoff frequency (when using a HCA or HCA-MX codec)
If enabled, it will be the cutoff value, otherwise it will be written as Off: 0.
Loop Overwrite Flag UseReloop If the loop information is overridden 1 is written, otherwise 0 is written.
Loop Overwrite Mode ReloopMode Loop mode when the loop override is specified.
It is 0 when looping is available, and 1 loops are ignored.
Loop Overwrite Start Point ReloopStart The start sample position of the loop
Loop Overwrite End Point ReloopEnd The end sample position of the loop
Comment Comment Comment about the audio file

Format without writing headers

If the fields information is not written as a header in the first line of the CSV file, the file information on each line is exported as described below.

File Path Name, Content Name, Content ID, Codec, Resampling Frequency, Encoding Quality, Volume, Cutoff Frequency, (Reserved area 1), (Reserved area 2), (Reserved area 3), (Reserved area 4), (Reserved area 5), (Reserved area 6), (Reserved area 7), Loop Overwrite Flag, Loop Overwrite Mode, Loop Overwrite Start Point, Loop Overwrite End Point, Comment,

Reserved areas 1 to 7 exist for compatibility with the CSV file import/export functions of CRI Atom Encoder Ver.2.