CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:48 p
CriAtomExConfigTag结构体 参考

Configuration structure used to initialize the Atom libraryThis structure is used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library.
It is passed to the criAtomEx_Initialize function.

The CRI Atom library will allocate internal resources as needed during initialization according to the settings specified in this structure.
The size of the work area required by the library varies depending on the parameters specified in this structure. 更多...

#include <cri_le_atom_ex.h>


CriAtomExThreadModel thread_model
 Threading model 更多...
CriFloat32 server_frequency
 Execution frequency of the server process 更多...
CriSint32 parameter_update_interval
 Parameter update interval 更多...
CriBool enable_atom_sound_disabled_mode
 Flag that specifies to output audio using modules that are not CRI Atom Library 更多...
CriSint32 max_virtual_voices
 Maximum number of virtual voices 更多...
CriSint32 max_parameter_blocks
 Maximum number of parameter blocks 更多...
CriSint32 max_voice_limit_groups
 Maximum number of Voice Limit Groups 更多...
CriSint32 max_categories
 Maximum number of categories 更多...
CriUint8 max_aisacs
 Maximum number of AISACs 更多...
CriUint8 max_bus_sends
 Maximum number of Bus sends 更多...
CriSint32 categories_per_playback
 Number of category references per playback 更多...
CriSint32 max_sequences
 Maximum number of playback sequences 更多...
CriUint32 max_tracks
 Maximum number of playback Tracks 更多...
CriUint32 max_track_items
 Maximum number of Track items 更多...
CriUint32 max_aisac_auto_modulations
 Maximum number of AISAC Auto Modulation (obsolete) 更多...
CriFloat32 max_pitch
 Upper limit of the pitch change 更多...
CriUint32 max_faders
 Maximum number of faders 更多...
CriAtomExCoordinateSystem coordinate_system
 Coordinate system for 3D positioning calculation 更多...
CriBool enable_auto_matching_in_pan_type_auto
 Enable the listener auto-matching function 更多...
CriBool enable_category_override_by_ex_player
 Enable category overrides 更多...
CriFloat32 sequence_prepare_ratio
 Specifying the sequence read-ahead ratio 更多...
const CriAtomExRngInterfacerng_if
 Random Number Generator interface 更多...
const CriFsConfig * fs_config
 Pointer to the CRI File System initialization parameters 更多...
const CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoacf_info
 Pointer to ACF information 更多...
void * context
 Pointer to platform-specific initialization parameters 更多...
CriUint32 version
 Library version number 更多...
CriUint32 version_ex
 Module version number 更多...
const CriChar8 * version_string
 Library version string 更多...
const CriChar8 * version_ex_string
 Module Version String 更多...


Configuration structure used to initialize the Atom library

This structure is used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library.
It is passed to the criAtomEx_Initialize function.

The CRI Atom library will allocate internal resources as needed during initialization according to the settings specified in this structure.
The size of the work area required by the library varies depending on the parameters specified in this structure.

To use the default settings, call the criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig macro on a CriAtomExConfigTag structure and pass it to the criAtomEx_Initialize function.
More members will be added in the future. So, if you are not using the criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig macro, make sure to initialize the structure to zero before using it.
(To make sure that no indefinite value is set to any member of the structure.)
criAtomEx_Initialize, criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig


◆ thread_model

CriAtomExThreadModel thread_model

Threading model

Specifies the threading model to use for the CRI Atom library.

◆ server_frequency

CriFloat32 server_frequency

Execution frequency of the server process

Specifies the execution frequency of the server process.
Typically, this should be set to the same value than the frame rate of the application.

The CRI Atom library performs most of its work (such as managing files, decoding sound data, playing sound or updating its status) within a single function.
In CRI Middleware, that function is called a "server process."

When the threading model is CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_MULTI , the server process is regularly executed in a thread created by the CRI Atom library.
When the threading model is CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_SINGLE or CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_USER_MULTI , the server process is executed when the application calls the criAtomEx_ExecuteMain function.

Set the execution frequency of the server process in server_frequency.
When the threading model is CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_MULTI , the CRI Atom library will adjust the interval at which the server process is called to match the specified frequency.
When the threading model is CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_SINGLE or CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_USER_MULTI , the application must call the criAtomEx_ExecuteMain function more frequently than what is set in server_frequency.

If the fluctuation of the frame rate of the application is very large and the interval is different each time the server process is executed, specify a value for server_frequency that assumes the worst frame rate or use the CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_MULTI threading model.
The following tasks are performed within the server process of the Atom library:
  • Voice requests processing (voice acquisition and so on)
  • Parameters updates (applying changes in volume, panning, pitch and so on)
  • Decoding and output of the audio data

When the frequency of the server process is increased, the amount of audio data to decode per call of the server process will decrease.
As a result, the load per server process becomes smaller (the load is distributed). However, the overhead for executing the server process becomes larger.
(The number of thread wakeups and the number of parameter updates are both increasing.)

When the frequency of the server process is decreased, the number of thread wakeups, the frequency at which voice requests are processed and the number of parameter updates decrease and the processing load of the entire application decreases as well.
However, since the frequency at which the data is buffered decreases, the amount of decoding needed per server process increases, and a larger buffer is required to store the decoded data.
Also, since the frequency at which the voice requests are processed decreases, it takes a longer time to start the audio output after a voice request.

When CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_SINGLE or CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_USER_MULTI are specified for the threading model but the criAtomEx_ExecuteMain function is not executed more frequently than the frequency specified in server_frequency, problems such as the audio playback breaking up may occur.

◆ parameter_update_interval

CriSint32 parameter_update_interval

Parameter update interval

Specifies the interval between two updates of the parameters.
By changing the value of parameter_update_interval, the frequency of the parameters updates can be decreased without changing the frequency at which the server process is executed.

For example, if parameter_update_interval is set to 2, the parameters will be updated once every other time that the server process is executed.
(The frequency of the parameter updates is therefore 1/2.)
If the server process frequency (server_frequency) is decreased, since the number of executions of the server process decreases, the processing load of the entire application decreases, but the interval between the server processes increases and therefore the amount of data to be buffered increases.
As a result, the memory size required for buffering increases too.

On the other hand, if the parameter update interval (parameter_update_interval) is increased without changing the server process frequency, the load can be decreased without increasing the memory size.
However, the process overhead due to activating the server process (i.e. waking up a thread) is not reduced, and therefore, in this case, the load reduction is smaller than when the server process frequency is decreased.
If the value of parameter_update_interval is changed, the frequency at which the voice requests are processed also decreases.
Therefore, in that case, it also takes longer to actually start the audio output after a voice request.

◆ enable_atom_sound_disabled_mode

CriBool enable_atom_sound_disabled_mode

Flag that specifies to output audio using modules that are not CRI Atom Library

Specify CRI_TRUE when outputting audio without using CRI Atom Library.
At criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig macro, CRI_FALSE is specified because CRI Atom Library is used.
When using an audio output library other than the CRI Atom Library, specify cri_TRUE for this flag before executing criAtomEx_Initialize.
If you need to change this flag, please terminate the Atom library with criAtomEx_Finalize, change the contents of the flag, and initialize with criAtomEx_Initialize again.

◆ max_virtual_voices

CriSint32 max_virtual_voices

Maximum number of virtual voices

Specifies the maximum number of voices for which voice control is performed simultaneously in an application.
During initialization, the Atom library will allocate the resources required to manage max_virtual_voices voices.
More voices than the number specified by max_virtual_voices cannot be played back.
Also, even if you request exactly max_virtual_voices voices, the actual number of playing voices is not always equal to max_virtual_voices.
The actual number of playing voices depends on the number of voices reserved in a Voice Pool and the number of hardware voices available on the platform.

As a guideline, the number of virtual voices is the maximum number of voices that can be played back simultaneously + the number of voice requests per 1V.
If the number of virtual voices is smaller than the maximum number of voices that can be played back simultaneously or if the sum of the number of playing voices and the number of requests exceeds the maximum number of virtual voices, the error callback function may be triggered with a warning.

In addition, if the AtomEx Player is created by specifying CRIATOMEX_RETRY_VOICE_ALLOCATION, more virtual voices may be required than what is described above.

◆ max_parameter_blocks

CriSint32 max_parameter_blocks

Maximum number of parameter blocks

The number of buffers to be used for parameter management during audio playback.
The Atom library allocates the resources required for the management of parameters based on the max_parameter_blocks specified at initialization.
The number of parameter blocks required to play a single Cue depends on the contents of that Cue.
(The number of parameter blocks required increases proportionally with the number of parameters manipulated.)

If there are not enough parameter blocks, some parameters may not be set for the Cue that will be played.
(Parameters such as volume, pitch or filters may not be set to their intended values.)
If an error is triggered in your application due to an insufficient number of parameter blocks, increase the value of max_parameter_blocks.

◆ max_voice_limit_groups

CriSint32 max_voice_limit_groups

Maximum number of Voice Limit Groups

Specifies the maximum number of Voice Limit Groups that can be created in the application.
The Atom library allocates the resources needed to create max_voice_limit_groups Voice Limit Groups during the initialization.
You can not create more Voice Limit Groups than the number specified in max_voice_limit_group.
If the number of Voice Limit Groups created within the authoring tool exceeds the value set in max_voice_limit_groups, the loading of the corresponding ACF file will fail.

◆ max_categories

CriSint32 max_categories

Maximum number of categories

Specifies the maximum number of categories that can be created in the application.
The Atom library allocates the resources needed to create max_categories categories during the initialization.
You can not create more categories than the number specified in max_categories.
If the number of categories created within the authoring tool exceeds the value set in max_categories, the loading of the corresponding ACF file will fail.

◆ max_aisacs

CriUint8 max_aisacs

Maximum number of AISACs

This is the maximum number of AISAC that can be associated with one cue.
The Atom library allocates resources to reference the number of AISACs specified by max_aisacs when initializing and creating AtomExPlayer.
The upper limit of the value that can be specified for max_aisacs is 55.
This applies to cue, track and category AISAC. Mixer AISAC is not affected by this setting.

◆ max_bus_sends

CriUint8 max_bus_sends

Maximum number of Bus sends

The maximum number of Buses to which a voice can be sent simultaneously.
The maximum value valid for max_bus_sends is 32.

◆ categories_per_playback

CriSint32 categories_per_playback

Number of category references per playback

Specifies the number of categories that can be referenced per playback.
During the initialization, The Atom library allocates only enough resources to reference the number of categories set in categories_per_playback.
The maximum number that can be specified is CRIATOMEXCATEGORY_MAX_CATEGORIES_PER_PLAYBACK .
You cannot reference more categories than the number specified in categories_per_playback from a Cue or a player.
If the number of categories referenced in a Cue created within the authoring tool exceeds categories_per_playback, the corresponding ACF file will fail to load.

◆ max_sequences

CriSint32 max_sequences

Maximum number of playback sequences

Specifies the maximum number of sequences that can be played back simultaneously in the application.
At initialization, the Atom library allocates only enough resources to play the number of sequences represented by the sum of max_sequences and max_virtual_voices .
From version 2.00 onward, all Cues are played as sequences so resources are allocated for max_virtual_voices in addition to the specified max_sequences.
You cannot play back more sequences than the number specified for max_sequences.
If an error callback occurs, increase this value.

◆ max_tracks

CriUint32 max_tracks

Maximum number of playback Tracks

Specifies the total number of Tracks in a sequence that can be played back simultaneously in an application.
At initialization, the Atom library allocates only enough resources to play the number of tracks represented by the sum of max_tracks and max_virtual_voices.
From version 2.00 onward, all Cues are played as sequences so resources are allocated for max_virtual_voices in addition to the specified max_tracks.
You cannot play back more tracks than the number specified for max_tracks.
If an error callback occurs, increase this value.

◆ max_track_items

CriUint32 max_track_items

Maximum number of Track items

Specifies the total number of events in a sequence that can be played back simultaneously in an application.
At initialization, the Atom library allocates only enough resources to play the number of track items represented by the sum of max_track_items and max_virtual_voices.
From version 2.00 onward, all Cues are played as sequences so resources are allocated for max_virtual_voices in addition to the specified max_track_items.
You cannot play back more Track items than the number specified for max_track_items.
A Track item is an event, such as a waveform or a loop event, that must be managed during the playback of a sequence Track.
If an error callback occurs, increase this value.

◆ max_aisac_auto_modulations

CriUint32 max_aisac_auto_modulations

Maximum number of AISAC Auto Modulation (obsolete)

This has been discontinued in libraries from version 2.00.00 onwards. This member will not be referenced within the library.

◆ max_pitch

CriFloat32 max_pitch

Upper limit of the pitch change

Specifies the upper limit of the pitch change applied in the Atom library.
A pitch change greater than the value specified by max_pitch will be clipped.

Specify the pitch in cents.
A cent is a 1/1200th of an octave. A half-tone is equal to 100 cents.

For example, when max_pitch is set to 1200.0f, even if a Cue is played back with a pitch setting greater than 1200 cents, the playback pitch is reduced to 1200 cents.
When the pitch is also modified due to an AISAC or a Doppler effect, it may rise to unexpected levels.
(The amount of decoding per unit of time increases in proportion to the pitch. Therefore, if a large number of sounds with an extremely high pitch are played back, the processing load may increase rapidly.)

By setting the upper limit of the pitch with this parameter, unexpected load fluctuations can be avoided.
For example, when max_pitch is set to 1200.0f, whatever happens in the application, the pitch will be limited to 1200 cents (= double-speed playback), and therefore the amount of decoding per unit of time will also be limited (in that case: up to two times the decoding needed for the standard playback).
The value of max_pitch must be 0.0f or higher.
(if 0.0f is specified, no pitch change is performed.)

◆ max_faders

CriUint32 max_faders

Maximum number of faders

Specifies the maximum number of faders used in the Atom library.
The faders are allocated during the initialization based on the value set here. They are used internally by the library when playing back TrackTransitionBySelector data.

◆ coordinate_system

CriAtomExCoordinateSystem coordinate_system

Coordinate system for 3D positioning calculation

Specifies the coordinate system used by the Atom library for 3D positioning calculations.

◆ enable_auto_matching_in_pan_type_auto

CriBool enable_auto_matching_in_pan_type_auto

Enable the listener auto-matching function

When the pan type is auto, set whether to enable the auto matching function of the listener.
When the pan type is 3D positioning, the listener auto matching function is always enabled.

◆ enable_category_override_by_ex_player

CriBool enable_category_override_by_ex_player

Enable category overrides

Enables the functionality to overwrite the cue category settings when a category is set in AtomExPlayer using the criAtomExPlayer_SetCategoryById or criAtomExPlayer_SetCategoryByName functions.
If the category of the library is set to CRI Atom Ver.2.20.31 or less for the player, the category set in the cue was invalidated by overwriting. Please set this flag to CRI_FALSE if you need to restore the behavior below Ver.2.20.31.

◆ sequence_prepare_ratio

CriFloat32 sequence_prepare_ratio

Specifying the sequence read-ahead ratio

Specifies the percentage of the amount that the sequencer reads in one server process. If 1.5f is specified, 0.5 server minutes will be read ahead from the estimated time when the next server processing will occur. Maximum 3.0f and minimum 1.1f can be specified. If it exceeds the range, it will be clipped.
It is difficult to cause a timing difference due to fluctuations in the server cycle.

◆ rng_if

const CriAtomExRngInterface* rng_if

Random Number Generator interface

Specifies the Random Number Generator interface used by the CRI Atom library.
If NULL is specified, the default Random Number Generator is used.

◆ fs_config

const CriFsConfig* fs_config

Pointer to the CRI File System initialization parameters

Specifies a pointer to the CRI File System initialization parameters. If NULL is specified, the CRI File System is initialized with default parameters.

◆ acf_info

Pointer to ACF information

Specify a pointer to ACF information when registering ACF at initialization. When NULL is specified, ACF registration is not performed at initialization. When setting this member and registering ACF in the initialization processing, each member value of max_voice_limit_groups, max_categories, categories_per_playback of CriAtomExConfig structure is compared with the ACF setting value and the larger value is set for initialization It is used as a value. When ACF registration is done at initialization of CriAtomEx, some setting values in ACF are also used for module initialization such as CriAtomExAsr, CriAtomExHcaMx depending on the environment.
If you want to initialize these modules without using the setting values in the ACF, initialize the library without using this member and then register the ACF.
When setting this member, you need to register a memory allocator function and an error callback function before calling the initialization function in order to dynamically secure the work required for initialization based on the ACF data registered during the initialization process.
When using this member, the work area is allocated using the registered memory allocator function. Initialization cannot be performed using memory area that has already been allocated.
criAtomEx_Initialize, criAtomEx_SetUserAllocator

◆ context

void* context

Pointer to platform-specific initialization parameters

Specifies a pointer to platform-specific initialization parameters required to use the CRI Atom library. If NULL is specified, the initialization required for each platform is performed with the corresponding default parameters.
Parameter structures are defined in each platform-specific header. If a parameter structure is not defined for a platform, always specify NULL.

◆ version

CriUint32 version

Library version number

The CRI Atom library version number.
The version number defined in the cri_atom.h header is set by the criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig macro.
Do not change this value in your application.

◆ version_ex

CriUint32 version_ex

Module version number

The CRI Atom Ex version number.
The version number defined in this header is set by the criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig macro.
Do not change this value in your application.

◆ version_string

const CriChar8* version_string

Library version string

The version string of the CRI Atom library.
The criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig macro sets the version string defined in the cri_atom.h header.
Do not change this value in your application.

◆ version_ex_string

const CriChar8* version_ex_string

Module Version String

The CRI Atom Ex version string.
The criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig macro sets the version string defined in this header.
Do not change this value in your application.
