CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
How to use the CRI Addressables [0.7.00 and above]
Just select the DeployType of a CRI asset so that it can be handled with the Addressables like any other asset.
From CRI Addressables 0.7.00, the recommended usage has changed significantly.
If you have updated from a previous version and want to migrate to the usage method described in this section
Please refer to " \subpage addon4u_assetsupport_addressables_migration_usecribuildscript ".

Setting the "Deploy Type"

Please specify "Addressables" as the DeployType of CRI asset managed by Addressables.
When CRI asset or asset that depend on CRI asset are included in AddressablesGroup,
Data for CRIWARE will also be placed according to the BuildPath setting of that AddressablesGroup.

Build script settings

When using CRI Addressables, you need to use CriAddressablesBuildScript or its inherited class as a build script.
Please generate asset from [Assets/ CRIWARE /Cri Addressables Build Script] in the menu.
Then, specify the generated asset as the [Default Build Script] in [Build and Play Mode Scripts] in Addressable Asset Setting.
For details on using custom build scripts, please check the Addressables package official manual.

Build/Load asset

You can build/load using normal Addressables functionality without worrying about the presence or absence of CRI asset .
When you load a scene or asset that contains a dependency on a CRI asset , or the CRI asset itself, via the Addressables API, dependent Non-Asset CRI data is downloaded to the cache folder.
When the Addressables API is completed, the CRI data will also exist in the cache.