CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Multilingual ACB Assets
Using the Asset Support Add-on to create multilingual ACB assets makes it possible to switch between languages in the application.

For multilingual support in Sofdec, use "Multilingual Movie".
For details, refer to [CriMana] Multilingual playback .

Creating multilingual ACB Assets

Multilingual ACB assets can be created from the [Assets]->[Create]->[CRIWARE]->[Localized ACB] menu.
In the Inspector of a multilingual ACB asset, specify the ACB asset to use for each language.
AssetsList of localized names and corresponding assets
Add Platform buttonUse this when adding platform-specific data
If DeployType is set to "OnMemory" for the reference target of the multilingual ACB asset, the ACB data for all languages will be expanded in memory when referencing the multilingual ACB asset.
Therefore, we recommend to select "StreamingAssets" or "Addressables" as the DeployType of the ACB asset.

Creating multilingual ACB Assets with platform-specific data

By adding platforms to the multilingual ACB asset in the Inspector, assets with platform-specific data can be created.
Use [Add Platform] in the Inspector to add a column for each platform specifically targeted by the [Assets] item.
Then specify the correct ACB asset in each column.

The build will only contain the data for the selected platform, like with " \ref addon4u_assetsupport_assets_multiplatform ".

Using multilingual ACB assets

Please use the multilingual asset instead of the original CRI asset you imported and want to localize.
Multilingual ACB Assets become CRI Virtual Assets and can be used in the same way as the original CRI Assets.

By specifying the localized name via CriAssetsLocalization.ChangeLanguage(string), it is possible to switch the language when running the application.
However, the language switch will not impact a multilingual ACB asset that has already been loaded. In this case, it will only be effective for the next loading operation (i.e., after having first unloaded the multilingual ACB Asset).
If loading is performed with a language that has not be specified, the asset corresponding to the first language in the multilingual asset will be used.