CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Settings when importing USM Assets
After importing .usm files in a project, they can be handled as USM assets.

[Common] Deploy Type

"Deploy Type" specifies the actual location of the Asset data.
For details, refer to Setting the "Deploy Type" .

Setting the playback parameters

The video playback settings can be adjusted when importing the USM assets.
Please adjust the settings based on the intended usage of the videos.
LoopWhether to loop the video
AdditiveWhether to play as an additive movie or alpha plus movie
AmbisonicsWhether to play as Ambisonics audio

These settings can be applied by using the CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset component or by calling the CriMana.Player.SetAsset method.

Also, in [Import Movie Info], you can set whether to embed CriMana.MovieInfo into USM assets.
When enabled, the movie information will be parsed and stored in CriManaUsmAsset.MovieInfo when imported.