CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Playing a USM asset
USM Assets can use the CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset component for playback.

Creating CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset

CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset is a USM Asset playback component compatible with CriManaMovieController.
Attach CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset to a game object, and specify the asset to be played in [Usm Asset].

CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset Parameters

The playback parameters of CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset can be specified in the Inspector.
Some parameters differs from when using CriManaMovieController. These differences are shown below:

|CriManaMovieController|CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset|| |—|—| |Movie Path|Usm Asset|Changed to specify an Asset reference| |Loop|None|Moved to the settings when importing an Asset| |Additive Mode|None|Moved to the settings when importing an Asset| |Advanced Audio Mode|None|Moved to the settings when importing an Asset| |Switch by component replacement|Render Target|Select the type in the Inspector instead of replacing the component| |Target|Target|Can now have a different rendering type for each target|

Some parameters are specified in the settings when importing the USM assets. For details, refer to Settings when importing USM Assets .

Specifying the rendering target

With CriManaMovieMaterialForAsset, it is possible to select the type of the rendering target from the settings in the Inspector.
There is no need to replace the component to use based on the rendering target.

Select the type of the rendering target from the [Render Target] pulldown in the Inspector.
Type of the Rendering targetDescription
RendererA Renderer component is used as the rendering target (e.g., MeshRenderer).
Same as when using CriManaMovieController
GraphicA Graphic component from the "UI Canvas" is used as the rendering target (e.g., Image)
Same as when using CriManaMovieControllerForUI
The target component is specified in the [Target] field for each type.