CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Atom Browser window
The "Atom Browser" is a control panel to operate CRI ADX in Unity.
From this window, you can select a CueSheet, a Cue list, ACF Files and its corresponding Cues, as well as create a CRI Atom Source.
Atom Browser window

If you handle CRI data as CRI Assets, they can be previewed in the Inspector of CRI Atom Assets .

CueSheet list display

When Atom Browser starts up, it automatically retrieves and displays the CueSheet information under StreamingAssets.
If it is not displayed, check the path setting of "Path to Search"
and then press the "Reload Info" button to get information on the Cue list.

Functions of the Atom Browser window

The Atom Browser window provides the following functions.

Functions of the Atom Browser window
Function Description
Path to Search Specifies the folder where AtomCraft output files (acf,acb,awb) exist.
(by default, Assets/StreamingAssets/)
Reload Info button If you add a CueSheet file with the Atom Browser open, you can update the information by pressing this button.
ACF Files Can select the ACF file used when creating the CRIWARE GameObject.
List view (1) Selects a CueSheet
(2) Lists the Cues and their lengths
(3) Selects a Cue
(4) Previews a Cue
Show Private Cue If enabled, Private Cues will also be displayed in the list.
Stop All Stops all sounds being previewed
Cue Infomation Shows the information about the selected Cue.
Click on the "copy" button to copy he name of the cue to the clipboard
Create GameObject Creates a GameObject, inside which a CriAtomSource Component for the selected Cue will be added.
Add Component Creates a CriAtomSource Component for the selected Cue and add it to the currently selected GameObject.
Update Component Updates the information about the selected Cue in the selected CriAtomSource Component.
Import Assets from Atom Craft Project Copies the Assets that are created in CRI Atom Craft.
Import From: Specifies the Assets folder in Unity for the CRI Atom Craft output.
Import Assets Replaces the CRI Atom Craft data in the Unity Assets folder with the data coming from the Assets folder of the CRI Atom Craft project.

This is an upgrade feature from the previous version of the "CRI Atom Window".