CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Overview of in-game preview
CRI Atom Craft consists of two components: the authoring tool (user interface) and the previewer (responsible for the sound output).
During preview playback, the authoring tool transmits the data, sets up the parameters and send playback instructions to the previewer via TCP/IP.


You can use the authoring tool and the previewer separately.
For example, you can run the authoring tool on one machine, and preview the results on another machine.
The ADX library for Unity also provides a previewer function.
You can use this function for "in-game preview".
By specifying a preview program embedded in a game as the preview target of the authoring tool, you can change the parameters or replace the waveform data of sound effects during playback in real-time, from the authoring tool.


The next page describes how to use in-game preview.