CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CRIWARE Error Handler
Component to enable the CRIWARE error output.
By creating this component, you can enable the notification of warnings and errors detected in CRIWARE.
Use this component only for development. Disable it when you release your application.


(*1) You can also create the CRIWARE Error Handler from the [GameObject]->[CRIWARE]->[Create CRIWARE Error Handler] menu. In this case it will be created as a game object.
(*2) If multiple errors and warnings occurred at the same time, some of them may be omitted.
To view all of them, select the Print Debug On Terminal checkbox described below.

Print Debug On Terminal checkbox
When this checkbox is selected, CRIWARE errors and warnings are all delivered to the output destination of each device, in addition to the Unity Editor's console output.
The following table shows the error output destination for each device when this checkbox is selected.

Print Debug On Terminal Output destination
Model Output destination
Windows Visual Studio's debug output window:
You can view them by attaching the Unity process.
Mac OS X Standard terminal output
iOS Xcode console output
Android LogCat:
"CRIWARE Unity Plugin" tags are used.
Force Crash on Error checkbox
If this checkbox is checked, the app will be forced to crash immediately when this component detects a CRIWARE warning or error.
It can be used to check if there is an error when running the app on an actual device.
When using this function, if a warning or error caused by this plugin occurs, the Unity Editor itself will crash.
Please disable this feature when developing within the Unity Editor.

Do Not Destroy On Load checkbox
When this option is not checked, the CRIWARE Error Handler component is discarded at a scene change.
Therefore, it is recommended that you check this option if you want to be able to handle CRIWARE errors across scenes.
Error list length field
Sets the maximum number of errors to handle within an application's frame.
If the number of errors that occurred within a frame exceeds this value, log output etc. will be skipped.
For more information, refer to CriWareErrorHandler.messageBufferCounts .