CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12


namespace  Assets
namespace  CriAtomDebugDetail
namespace  CriLipsToolUtility
 LipsToolUtility namespace
namespace  CriMana
namespace  CriTimeline
namespace  Editor
 CriWare.Editor namespace


class  Common
 A class which provides auxiliary functions related to the CRIWARE plug-in. More...
class  CriAfxMcDspInitializer
 A component used to initialize McDSP effects. More...
class  CriAtom
 A component for controlling the overall sound playback. More...
class  CriAtomConfig
 Parameters for initializing CRI Atom More...
class  CriAtomEx
 Global class of the Atom library. More...
class  CriAtomEx3dListener
 3D listener More...
class  CriAtomEx3dRegion
 3D region object More...
class  CriAtomEx3dSource
 3D sound source object More...
class  CriAtomEx3dTransceiver
 3D Transceiver object More...
class  CriAtomExAcb
 ACB and AWB data More...
class  CriAtomExAcbDebug
 A class that contains the APIs for debugging the CriAtomExAcb application. More...
class  CriAtomExAcbLoader
 Asynchronous loader of ACB and AWB data More...
class  CriAtomExAcf
 ACF data More...
class  CriAtomExAcfDebug
 A class that contains the APIs for debugging the CriAtomExAcf application. More...
class  CriAtomExAsr
 A class that controls the bus output of the Atom sound renderer. More...
class  CriAtomExAsrRack
 ASR Rack More...
class  CriAtomExAuxIn
 AuxIn for reading external sound More...
class  CriAtomExBeatSync
 A class for using beat synchronization data. More...
class  CriAtomExCategory
 A class for controlling parameters for each Category. More...
class  CriAtomExDebug
 A class that contains the APIs for debugging the CriAtomEx application. More...
class  CriAtomExLatencyEstimator
 A class for getting the estimated delay value for sound playback. More...
class  CriAtomExMic
 Microphone for capturing sound More...
class  CriAtomExOutputAnalyzer
 Sound output data analysis module (for each player/source/bus) More...
class  CriAtomExOutputPort
 Output Port More...
struct  CriAtomExPlayback
 Playback sound object More...
class  CriAtomExPlaybackDebug
 A class that contains the APIs for debugging the CriAtomExPlayback application. More...
class  CriAtomExPlayer
 AtomExPlayer More...
class  CriAtomExPlayerOutputAnalyzer
 Sound output data analysis module (for each player/source) More...
class  CriAtomExRawPcmVoicePool
 RawPCM Voice Pool More...
class  CriAtomExSequencer
 A class for controlling the Sequence data. More...
class  CriAtomExSoundObject
 AtomEx sound object More...
class  CriAtomExStandardVoicePool
 Standard Voice Pool More...
class  CriAtomExTween
 AtomExTween Class More...
class  CriAtomExVoicePool
 Abstract class for controlling a voice pool More...
class  CriAtomExWaveVoicePool
 Wave Voice Pool More...
class  CriAtomListener
 A component that represents a 3D listener. More...
class  CriAtomOutputDeviceObserver
 A component that monitors the connection status of audio output devices. More...
class  CriAtomPlugin
 Global class of the CRI Atom library. More...
class  CriAtomRegion
 3D region component More...
class  CriAtomSource
 A component that plays sound. More...
class  CriAtomSourceBase
 Base class of the component for audio playback More...
class  CriAtomTransceiver
 Transceiver components More...
class  CriErrorNotifier
 Gets error log for CRIWARE native libraries More...
class  CriFs
 Global class of the Fs library More...
class  CriFsBinder
 A module for accessing the content in a CPK file. More...
class  CriFsBindRequest
 A module for checking the progress or getting the result of the binding process. More...
class  CriFsConfig
 Parameters for initializing CRI File System More...
class  CriFsInstaller
 A module for installing files. More...
class  CriFsInstallRequest
 A module for checking the progress or getting the result of the installation process. More...
class  CriFsLoadAssetBundleRequest
 A module for checking the progress of Asset Bundle processing and acquiring the result of Asset Bundle processing. More...
class  CriFsLoader
 A module for loading files into memory. More...
class  CriFsLoadFileRequest
 A module for checking the progress or getting the result of the loading process. More...
class  CriFsPlugin
 Global class in the CRIFs library. More...
class  CriFsRequest
 A module for checking the progress or getting the result of the asynchronous process. More...
class  CriFsUtility
 A utility class for easily binding CPK files or loading files. More...
class  CriFsWebInstaller
 A module which performs installation to the local storage by HTTP. More...
class  CriFsWebInstallerCurl
 CriFsWebInstaller Curl Expansion Plugin More...
class  CriFsWebInstallRequest
 A module for checking the progress or getting the result of the installation process. More...
class  CriLipsAtomAnalyzer
 Atom linked mouth shape analysis module More...
class  CriLipsAtomPlugin
 Global class of the LipsAtom library. More...
class  CriLipsDeformer
 Class that passes LipSync analysis results to ICriLipsMorph More...
class  CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource
 Component that operates ICriLipsMorph in conjunction with CriAtomSource. More...
class  CriLipsMorphAnimatorJapaneseVowel
 Class for morphing with Animator (Japanese 5 vowel morph target blend amounts) More...
class  CriLipsMorphAnimatorOpenInfo
 Class for morphing with Animator (1-dimensional) More...
class  CriLipsMorphAnimatorWidthHeight
 Class for morphing with Animator (mouth shape information) More...
class  CriLipsMorphBlendShapeJapaneseVowel
 This is the class used for morphing with blend shapes (using blend amounts of the Japanese 5-vowels morph targets) More...
class  CriLipsMorphBlendShapeOpenInfo
 Class for morphing with BlendShape (1-dimensional) More...
class  CriLipsMorphBlendShapeWidthHeight
 This is the class used for morphing with blend shapes (using mouth shape information) More...
class  CriLipsMouth
 Mouth shape analysis module More...
class  CriLipsShape
 A component for sending the LipSync analysis results into the blend shape. More...
class  CriLipsShapeForAtomSource
 A component that works with CriAtomSource to operate a blend shape. More...
class  CriManaAmbisonicSource
 A component for controlling the sound source of movies with Ambisonic sound. More...
class  CriManaConfig
 Parameters for initializing CRI Mana More...
class  CriManaMovieController
 A component to be attached to a GameObject for playing movies. More...
class  CriManaMovieControllerForUI
 A component for playing movie on Unity UI. More...
class  CriManaMovieMaterial
 A component for feeding a movie to a Material. More...
class  CriManaVp9
 CRI Sofdec Codec VP9 Expansion plugin More...
class  CriSoundxR
 Class providing functions to use Sound xR More...
class  CriSoundxRInitializer
 Component for the initialization preprocessing of Sound xR More...
class  CriWareErrorHandler
 CRIWARE error handling object More...
class  CriWareInitializer
 CRIWARE initialization component More...
interface  ICriLipsAnalyzeModule
 ADX LipSync analysis module interface. More...
interface  ICriLipsMorph
 Interface for the module using the LipSync analysis results More...