CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Regarding migration to SDK Ver.2.50

Major changes in version upgrade

In CRIWARE SDK for Unity Ver.2.50, we have made the following major changes compared to the previous version.
  1. Change the guaranteed operation environment
    The supported devices for Android OS have been changed from 2.1 or later to 2.3 or later.

  2. Change plugin file structure
    Changed the folder structure of some plugin files. For details, please refer to About changing the plug-in file structure below.
    You will need to manually delete some folders before importing the plugin.

  3. Changed the specifications of the standard shader file used by CriManaPlayer
    The shader file name used by CriManaPlayer as standard and the shader loaded by some models have been changed. If you are using the custom shader function, please refer to If you are customizing the shader for movie playback.

  4. Major version update of CRI ADX
    Both CRI ADX tools and runtimes have been majorly updated.
    The tool has been replaced from CRI Atom Craft Ver.1 to CRI Atom Craft Ver.2, and the project files are no longer compatible.
    When using a CRI Atom Craft Ver.1 project file, it is necessary to convert it to Ver.2 using a converter tool.
    ACF/ACB/AWB audio data output with CRI Atom Craft Ver.1 can also be used with new plug-ins.

For other SDK updates, please refer to the SDK change history text and plugin change history text.

About changing the plugin file structure
The file structure of plugins related to video playback has been partially changed.
If you are managing plugin files with a source control tool, please reflect the changes below.

Previous version of plugin (changes only)
  * Assets

  o * Plugins

  | \ * CriWare

  |   \ * CriMana

  |     o * Details

  |     \ * Shaders

  |       o * DesktopRGB.shader

  |       o * DesktopAdditive.shader

  |       o * DesktopAlpha.shader

  |       o * DesktopAlphaAdditive.shader

  |       o * GLES20RGB.shader

  |       o * GLES20Additive.shader

  |       o * GLES20Alpha.shader

  |       \ * GLES20AlphaAdditive.shader

  \ * Resources

    \ * CriWare

      \ * CriMana





: Rename -> Detail *Rename all files inside


: Rename > ForwardRgb.shader

: Rename > ForwardRgbAdditive.shader

: Rename > ForwardRgba.shader

: Rename > ForwardRgbaAdditive.shader

: Rename > Yuv2Rgb.shader

: Rename > Yuv2RgbAdditive.shader

: Rename > Yuva2Rgba.shader

: Rename > Yuva2RgbaAdditive.shader



: Move -> Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Resources *Rename all files inside.


New version of the plugin (only differences)
  * Assets

  \ * Plugins

    \ * CriWare

      \ * CriMana

        o * Detail

        o * Resources

        \ * Shaders

          o * ForwardRgb.shader

          o * ForwardRgba.shader

          o * ForwardRgbaAdditive.shader

          o * ForwardRgbAdditive.shader

          o * Yuv2Rgb.shader

          o * Yuv2RgbAdditive.shader

          o * Yuva2Rgba.shader

          \ * Yuva2RgbaAdditive.shader

















If you import a new plugin package into an environment containing a previous plugin package, unnecessary files may remain in the Unity project, which may cause trouble.
Before importing Ver.2.5x unitypackage, be sure to delete the following files and folders.
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Details/CriManaPlayerImpl.cs
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Details
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Shaders/DesktopAdditive.shader
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Shaders/DesktopAlpha.shader
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Shaders/DesktopAlphaAdditive.shader
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Shaders/DesktopRGB.shader
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Shaders/GLES20Additive.shader
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Shaders/GLES20Alpha.shader
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Shaders/GLES20AlphaAdditive.shader
  • Plugins/CriWare/CriMana/Shaders/GLES20RGB.shader
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana/DesktopShaderHolder/Additive.prefab
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana/DesktopShaderHolder/Alpha.prefab
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana/DesktopShaderHolder/AlphaAdditive.prefab
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana/DesktopShaderHolder/RGB.prefab
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana/MobileShaderHolder/Additive.prefab
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana/MobileShaderHolder/Alpha.prefab
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana/MobileShaderHolder/AlphaAdditive.prefab
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana/MobileShaderHolder/RGB.prefab
  • Resources/CriWare/CriMana
  • Resources/CriWare

If you are customizing the movie playback shader
Due to the change in the shader file name above, the CRI Mana Player component used for video playback The shader name has also been changed.
In addition to changing the shader name, we have changed the shader itself used by some models from this plug-in. Therefore, if you are using the custom shader function to switch shader files, Using a custom shader See "here" for CriManaPlayer.shaderDispatchFunction Please correct the implementation of the shader dispatch function registered in the property.

About CRI Atom Craft Ver.2
CRI Atom Craft Ver.2 has some major features added.
  • Multi-person development support function
  • Version control tool cooperation function
  • Action/Beat Sync/Selector
There is no difference in how to use the basic tools from Ver.1.
For details on the new features added and project file conversion, please refer to the "CRI Atom Craft V2" difference manual.
  • cri/tools/criatomex/CRI_Atom_Tools_V2_Manual_j.chm