CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
This section describes the methods and steps to implement processes and features in the CRIWARE Unity Plugin.

I want to check whether a cue is played in a loop in ADX

To check whether a cue is played in a loop, obtain cue information from CriAtomExAcb
and check whether CriAtomEx.CueInfo.length is -1 or not.

The following shows a sample code.

/* Obtain CriAtomExAcb */
CriAtomExAcb acb = CriAtom.GetAcb("<CueSheetName>");
/* Obtain cue information from CriAtomExAcb */
CriAtomEx.CueInfo cueInfo;
if (acb.GetCueInfo ("<CueName>", out cueInfo)) {
/* For a cue for loop playback, CriAtomEx.CueInfo.length is -1. */
bool isLoop = (cueInfo.length == -1);
Please note that CriAtomEx.CueInfo.length has several restrictions.
  • Basically, the value can be obtained for a simple Cue whose pitch parameter has not been changed in Atom Craft.
  • For a Cue using random parameters or a Cue whose length cannot be determined when creating sound data such as loop sound, the correct value cannot be obtained.
  • The vaule is -1 for loop sound.

I want to receive a callback at a specific position during movie playback at Sofdec

If the movie was created by specifying cue point information during Sofdec encoding,
you can receive a callback at a specific position during movie playback.
  • Cue point information file
    For a cue point information file and how to specify it at encoding,
    see the following sections in "Sofdec Tools" User Manual
    provided with the SDK.
    • Sofdec2 Encoding Wizard > Basic operation of data creation > Input files > Cue point information file
    • Sofdec2 Encoding Wizard > User interface > Wizard > Page: Specifying input video material