CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Maximum number of open files
In iOS, if about 200 files are open at the same time, we have confirmed that an error occurs.
Then, no more files can be opened.
Therefore, in iOS, to avoid opening too many files at the same time,
note the following.
  • Do not divide a CPK file into too small segments for multi-binding.
    (One file is opened for each bind.)
  • Do not load too many CueSheets containing AWB at the same time.
    (One file is opened for each load of an AWB for streaming.)
If you want to bind many CPK files or load many AWBs at the same time,
select the checkbox of the [Initializes File System] > [Minimize FD Usage] in the CRIWARE Library Initializer
If this setting is enabled, the number of open files can be controlled.
Files are not opened at binding and loading.
Files are successively opened when loading or streaming playback
is started.
In this case, a file is opened for each playback and loading.
The load of opening a file may somewhat deteriorate the reading performance.