CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Sofdec features for VR

This chapter explains how to use the VR function and the prerequisites of using it.

The function for playing movies with Ambisonic audio
From CRIWARE Unity Plug-in v2.24.00, " Playback of movies with Ambisonic Audio the function for playing movies with Ambisonic audio " has been added. To use this function on a PC, the extension plug-in "CriWare Unity Sofdec Ambisonics Extension" is required. Check the CRI Sofdec Tools user manual for input material conditions and procedures for creating movie data with Ambisonic audio.
By importing an additional plug-in, you can use the Ambisonic playback function even when previewing in the (PC version of) Unity Editor. A sample project is also included in the additional plug-in. Please note that previewing on the Mac version of Unity Editor is not supported.