CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
By using the CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource component, which works in conjunction with CriAtomSource ,
you can set up ADX LipSync in the Editor, without requiring any coding.
However, you can also set it up from a script.

Setting parameter


CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource Inspector Parameter
Parameter Description Default value
CriAtomSource Playback the audio to analyze with a CriWare.CriAtomSource null
Morph Target Morphing class with the inherited CriWare.ICriLipsMorph
Parameter Description Remarks
Target Morphing target (Remarks) This parameter depends on the implementation of the inherited CriWare.ICriLipsMorph class.
This documentation describes the CriWare.CriLipsMorphBlendShapeJapaneseVowel class selected in the figure.
This does not apply to other classes inherited from CriWare.ICriLipsMorph by the user.
A Index Index to which the blend amount of "A" is applied
I Index Index to which the blend amount of "I" is applied
U Index Index to which the blend amount of "U" is applied
E Index Index to which the blend amount of "E" is applied
O Index Index to which the blend amount of "O" is applied
SilenceThreshold(dB) Threshold value below which the signal is considered silent. -40dB
SamplingRate(Hz) Sampling frequency of audio data to be analyzed
Remember to set the sampling frequency of the audio data to analyze.
If the value does not match the actual sampling frequency, the analysis may be inaccurate.


Choosing Morph Target
You can select a class that inherits from CriWare.ICriLipsMorph for the morph target.
In this plugin, the following classes are provided for each character model:
  • CriLipsMorphAnimatorJapaneseVowel
  • CriLipsMorphAnimatorWidthHeight
  • CriLipsMorphBlendShapeJapaneseVowel
  • CriLipsMorphBlendShapeWidthHeight
If you have your own animation system for each application, or if you are using your own character model structure, the classes provided by the plug-in may not be able to perform sufficient morphing.

In this case, you can implement your own class that inherits from CriWare.ICriLipsMorph and register it to supply your own morphing process.

Even if the morphing process is replaced, the management of the CriAtomSource will still be performed by CriWare.CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource .

To replace the [Morph Target] from a script, use CriWare.CriLipsDeformer::LipsMorph .
Parameters of the class selected by Morph Target
The parameters displayed correspond to the class selected by Morph Target.
As shown in the figure, after selecting the CriWare.CriLipsMorphBlendShapeJapaneseVowel class, its parameters are displayed.