CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12

About binders

A "binder" (CriFsBinder) is like a virtual drive or device.
You can register files, directories and CPK files in a binder (binding).
A file can then be loaded by the "loader" (CriFsLoader) via the binder.

Advantages of a binder

A binder has the following advantages:
  • Whether the source is a file, a directory or a CPK file, the code to load it will be similar.
  • You can use a binder to switch the sources easily.
  • You can manage multiple sources collectively ("multi-bind").
  • You can load a file quickly because it is opened at the binding stage.
    • It is also effective to bind a single file.
    • You can also bind files on the network. It helps reduce the network load.

Multi-bind function

You can register multiple sources with a binder so that it can be used in the following ways:

Binding multiple CPK files

When binding multiple CPK files, you do not need to know which CPK file contains which content files.

In that case, bounded CPK files will be examined one after the other, so file search may take time.

See a sample at " [CriFs] Directory binding ".

Directory binding

You can bind a CPK file and a directory.
When data is updated in the CPK file, the update is not packed there. Instead, an update file is created.

When using directory binding, the files are not opened at the binding stage.
It means that file access will take more time because a file will be opened only when it is loaded.
Use this function for debug, for example to check the data on the target machine when it is updated.

See a sample at " [CriFs] Native API wrapper ".

Providing update files via Internet

You can locate update files under a specified directory on a server and provide them via Internet.
