Cue Sequence Type

The Sequence type describes how the Tracks in the Cue will be played.
Complex playback behaviours can be easily specified with this parameter.


Here are the different Sequence types available:

Sequence Types

Type Description
Polyphonic All Tracks are played back simultaneously.
It is the most basic Cue sequence type.
Playback control of the Track is possible by the Selector Label.
Sequential Tracks are played back sequentially, following their position from the top to the bottom of the timeline view.
A new Track is played for each playback request. Once the last Track has been played, if another playback request arrives, the playback jumps back to the first Track.
If you want to play all the tracks sequentially with a single playback request, change the playback mode of the sequence to "PlayList".
Shuffle The order in which the Tracks are played is randomly chosen at the first playback. Then the behavior is the same than for the Sequential type.
A new random order is chosen after the last Track is played back.
Random For each playback request, one of the Tracks is randomly selected and played back.
The selection process can be weighted by adjusting the "random weight" parameter of each Track.
See also
Playback Track Probability Settings for a Random/Random No Repeat Cue
Random No Repeat For each playback request, one of the Tracks is randomly selected and played back.
If there are three or more Tracks, the Track that is played back is always different from the previous one.
See also
Playback Track Probability Settings for a Random/Random No Repeat Cue
Switch The Track to be played back is selected depending on the value of a "game variable" or a "selector label".
Setting a Game Variable to a Switch-Type Cue
Combo Sequential The first Track is played. Then the playback order becomes sequential only if the playback requests are issued within the time specified by the Combo Interval. The playback automatically returns to the first Track when the "Combo Interval" time has elapsed.
When the sequential playback has reached the last Track, the index of the next Track to be played is the one specified in the Combo Loop Back parameter of the Cue.
See also
Creating Successive Hit Sounds (Combo)
Track Transition by Selector The Track can be switched during playback by a Selector.
Switching is done with great accuracy, at the sample level.
The number of voices after switching can also be reduced to one Track.
This Cue can only be selected at creation time. (It is not possible to switch to this type of Cue after creation.)
See also
Transitioning Between Tracks Using a Selector