Custom Effect Plugin

About the Custom Effect Plugin

In addition to the CRI standard effects, you can use audio effects created by third party developers or even develop your own.

CRI Atom Craft corresponds to VST 2.4 format plugin.
By creating the effect plug-in created using CRI ADX Audio Effect Plugin SDK as VST, it is easier to adjust the parameters on the tool.

You can download the CRI ADX Audio Effect Plugin SDK from the CRIWARE Technical Support website.
Please refer to the manual of that SDK for how to create a custom effect plugin.

How to read in CRI Atom Craft

CRI Atom Craft loads the VST plugin from the following location by default. This folder can be set with "Effect plug-in manager window"

  • MacOS : /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
  • Windows : C:/Program Files/Common Files/Steinberg/VST2

About operation at the time of first start

When start CRI Atom Craft for the first time, it tries to load plugins from the above plugin directory.
At that time, a dialog will be displayed asking if you want to load.
If you have a large number of plugins installed, it may take time, so please cancel the load as necessary.

When loading the plug-in at the first start is canceled, the import destination directory is set to be empty.

Notes on VST 2.4 format

  • 32 bit plugin can not be read.
  • Synthesizer style plugin can not be read.

Custom effect plug-in is used for Mixer.

Please refer to the following items:

Known Problem

  • In external effect with GUI, parameter change is not done immediately. Condition: When connecting in-game preview, when connecting external targets other than PC


  • After changing the GUI, click the effect name or click once on the following items such as bus etc. once the change is reflected.