Main View Menu

This menu allows you to show or hide the views displayed in the main view of Main window.

Item Description
Inspector A UI that shows the contents of the selected item in the tree.
Timeline A UI that shows the contents of the Cue selected in the tree.
AISAC A UI that displays the contents of the selected AISAC.
Mixer (DSP Bus Setting) The UI that displays the mixer.
Point List A UI for editing points on AISAC graph curves.
See Adding and deleting AISAC graph curves for more information.
List Editor A UI that displays the child contents of the selected item in the tree.
Referenced List A UI that shows which objects the selected object is used by.
Project Tree A UI that displays the tree structure of project settings, user settings, and global settings.
Work Unit Tree A UI that displays the tree structure of work units.
Materials Tree A UI that displays the material tree structure.
REACT A UI that displays the contents of the selected REACT.
Material A UI that displays the waveform of the selected material.
Level Meter A UI that displays the MasterOut (final output) level during preview.
Search The UI that displays search results when you use search.
Log A UI that displays operation logs, warnings, and errors.
Quick Help A UI that displays help for the selected item. Expand to view the manual.