CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
cri_le_atom_ex.h File Reference
#include <cri_le_xpt.h>
#include <cri_le_atom.h>
#include <cri_le_file_system.h>

Data Structures

struct  CriAtomExRngInterfaceTag
 Random Number Generator interface. More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag
 ACF location information. More...
union  CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag::CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoTag
struct  CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag::CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoTag::CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoNameTag
struct  CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag::CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoTag::CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoIdTag
struct  CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag::CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoTag::CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoDataTag
struct  CriAtomExConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to initialize the Atom libraryThis structure is used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library.
It is passed to the criAtomEx_Initialize function.

The CRI Atom library will allocate internal resources as needed during initialization according to the settings specified in this structure.
The size of the work area required by the library varies depending on the parameters specified in this structure. More...
struct  CriAtomExFormatInfoTag
 Audio data format information. More...
struct  CriAtomExSphericalCoordinatesTag
 Spherical Coordinate Structure. More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dAttenuationParameterTag
 Distance attenuation parameter structure. More...
struct  CriAtomExGameVariableInfoTag
 Structure for acquiring game variable information. More...
struct  CriAtomExResourceUsageTag
 Usage status of various resources. More...
struct  CriAtomExDebugResourcesInfoTag
 Status of CriAtomEx internal resources. More...
struct  CriAtomExHcaMxConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to initialize HCA-MXThis is a structure for specifying the operation specifications of HCA-MX.
This is specified as an argument to the criAtomExHcaMx_Initialize function.
struct  CriAtomExAcfInfoTag
 ACF information. More...
struct  CriAtomExAisacControlInfoTag
 Structure used to get information about an AISAC control. More...
struct  CriAtomExAisacInfoTag
 Structure used to get information about an AISAC. More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDspSettingInfoTag
 Structure used to get information about a DSP Setting. More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDspSettingSnapshotInfoTag
 Structure used to get information about a snapshot of a DSP bus setting. More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDspBusInfoTag
 Structure used to get information about a DSP Bus. More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDspBusLinkInfoTag
 Structure used to get information about a DSP Bus Link. More...
struct  CriAtomExGlobalAisacInfoTag
 Structure to get information about a Global AISAC. More...
struct  CriAtomExAisacGraphInfoTag
 Structure for acquiring Aisac Graph information. More...
struct  CriAtomExSelectorInfoTag
 Structure to get information about a selector. More...
struct  CriAtomExSelectorLabelInfoTag
 Structure used to get information about a selector label. More...
struct  CriAtomExCategoryInfoTag
 Structure used to get information about a category. More...
struct  CriAtomExReactFadeParameterTag
 Curve Type of Ducking by REACT. More...
struct  CriAtomExReactDuckerParameterTag
 REACT ducker parameter structure. More...
struct  CriAtomExReactAisacModulationParameterTag
 AISAC modulation trigger parameter structure. More...
struct  CriAtomExReactParameterTag
 REACT drive parameter structure. More...
struct  CriAtomExAcbInfoTag
 ACB information. More...
struct  CriAtomExWaveformInfoTag
 Audio waveform information. More...
struct  CriAtomExCuePos3dInfoTag
 Cue 3D information. More...
struct  CriAtomExCueInfoTag
 Cue information. More...
struct  CriAtomExStandardVoicePoolConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating a standard Voice Pool. More...
struct  CriAtomExAdxVoicePoolConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating an ADX Voice Pool. More...
struct  CriAtomExHcaVoicePoolConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating a HCA Voice Pool. More...
struct  CriAtomExHcaMxVoicePoolConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating a HCA-MX Voice Pool. More...
struct  CriAtomExWaveVoicePoolConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating a Wave Voice Pool. More...
struct  CriAtomExAiffVoicePoolConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating an AIFF Voice Pool. More...
struct  CriAtomExRawPcmVoicePoolConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating a raw PCM Voice Pool. More...
struct  CriAtomExInstrumentVoicePoolConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating an Instrument Voice Pool. More...
struct  CriAtomExPlayerConfigTag
 Configuration structure used when creating a player. More...
struct  CriAtomExPlaybackTrackInfoTag
 Info structure for playback track information. More...
struct  CriAtomExSequenceEventInfoTag
 Information structure used for sequence callback event. More...
struct  CriAtomExBeatSyncInfoTag
 Structure for beat synchronization position detection callback. More...
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag
 Playback source information. More...
union  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoCueIdTag
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoCueNameTag
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoCueIndexTag
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoDataTag
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoFileTag
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoContentIdTag
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoWaveIdTag
struct  CriAtomExSourceInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoInfoTag::CriAtomExSourceInfoVibrationIdTag
struct  CriAtomExPlaybackInfoDetailTag
 Playback information details. More...
struct  CriAtomExFaderConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to attach a fader. More...
struct  CriAtomExVectorTag
 3D vector structure More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dSourceConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to create a 3D sound source. More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dSourceListConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to create a 3D sound source list. More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dListenerConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to create a 3D listener. More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dRegionConfigTag
 Config structure for creating 3D region handle. More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dTransceiverConfigTag
 Config structure for creating 3D Transceiver handle. More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionConfigTag
 Configuration structure for randomizing 3D sound source position. More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionResultInfoDetailTag
 Details of position coordinate results when randomizing 3D sound source position. More...
struct  CriAtomExDspPitchShifterConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to attach a pitch shifter effect. More...
struct  CriAtomExDspTimeStretchConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to attach a time-stretching effect. More...
struct  CriAtomExDspAfxConfigTag
 Configuration structure for attaching an AFX format insertion DSP. More...
struct  CriAtomExTweenConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to create a Tween. More...
union  CriAtomExTweenConfigTag::CriAtomExTweenConfigParameterIdTag
 Union for ID specification. More...
struct  CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetailTag
 Detailed information about a voice. More...
struct  CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopInfoTag
 Structure for acquiring voice stop information. More...
struct  CriAtomExCueLinkInfoTag
 Info structure for the CueLink callback type. More...
struct  CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfoTag
 Info structure for playback cancel callbacks. More...
struct  CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfoTag
 Info structure for track transition by selector callbacks. More...
struct  CriAtomExSoundObjectConfigTag
 Configuration structure used to create sound objects. More...
struct  CriAtomExOutputPortConfigTag
 Config structure used to create the output port. More...


 Configurable maximum number of virtual voices. More...
 Invalid value for AISAC control IDs. More...
 Maximum number of DSP buses. More...
 Maximum number of DSP effects. More...
 Invalid value for Cue limits. More...
 Maximum number of characters for name strings. More...
 Default number of voices. More...
 Minimum Voices. More...
 Maximum Voices. More...
 No group limitation. More...
 Constants used to cancel a fixed number of repetitions for the loops. More...
 Maximum number of ASR racks that can be specified for the player. More...
 Maximum number of output ports that can be specified per player. More...
 Invalid playback ID. More...
 Invalid Block Index. More...
 Value used to disable the fade-out process. More...
 AtomEx D-BAS illegal ID. More...
 Invalid streaming cache ID value. More...
 Maximum number of parameters for various calculation methods in randomizing 3D sound sources. More...
 Maximum length of output port name. More...
#define criAtomEx_SetUserAllocator(p_malloc_func, p_free_func, p_obj)    criAtom_SetUserAllocator((p_malloc_func), (p_free_func), (p_obj))
 Register a custom memory allocator. More...
#define criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used for the library's initialization. More...
#define criAtomEx_AttachPerformanceMonitor()   criAtom_AttachPerformanceMonitor()
 Add the performance monitor. More...
#define criAtomEx_DetachPerformanceMonitor()   criAtom_DetachPerformanceMonitor()
 Remove the performance monitor. More...
#define criAtomEx_ResetPerformanceMonitor()   criAtom_ResetPerformanceMonitor()
 Reset the performance monitor. More...
#define criAtomEx_GetPerformanceInfo(p_info)   criAtom_GetPerformanceInfo(p_info)
 Get the performance information. More...
#define criAtomEx_SetChannelMapping(nch, type)    criAtom_SetChannelMapping((nch), (type))
 Specify the channel mapping pattern. More...
#define criAtomEx_CalculateAdxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate)    criAtom_CalculateAdxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate)
 Calculate the bit rate of ADX data. More...
#define criAtomEx_CalculateHcaBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality)    criAtom_CalculateHcaBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality)
 Calculate the bit rate of HCA data. More...
#define criAtomEx_CalculateHcaMxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality)    criAtom_CalculateHcaMxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality)
 Calculate the bit rate of HCA-MX data. More...
#define criAtomEx_CalculateWaveBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits)    criAtom_CalculateWaveBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits)
 Calculate the bit rate of Wave data. More...
#define criAtomEx_CalculateAiffBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits)    criAtom_CalculateAiffBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits)
 Calculate the bit rate of AIFF data. More...
#define criAtomExHcaMx_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to initialize HCA-MX. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForStandardVoicePool(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a standard Voice Pool. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForAdxVoicePool(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create an ADX Voice Pool. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForHcaVoicePool(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create an HCA Voice Pool. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForHcaMxVoicePool(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a HCA-MX Voice Pool. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForWaveVoicePool(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a Wave Voice Pool. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForAiffVoicePool(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create an AIFF Voice Pool. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForRawPcmVoicePool(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a raw PCM Voice Pool. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForInstrumentVoicePool(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create an Instrument Voice Pool. More...
#define criAtomExPlayer_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create an AtomeEx Player. More...
#define criAtomExOutputPort_SetDefaultConfig(p_config, outputport_name)
 Set default values in the configuration structure for creating an output port. More...
#define criAtomExFader_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to attach a Fader. More...
#define criAtomExDbas_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)    criAtomDbas_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a D-BAS. More...
#define criAtomExDbas_CalculateWorkSize(config)    criAtomDbas_CalculateWorkSize(config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create a D-BAS. More...
#define criAtomExDbas_Create(config, work, work_size)    criAtomDbas_Create((config), (work), (work_size))
 Create a D-BAS. More...
#define criAtomExDbas_Destroy(atom_dbas_id)    criAtomDbas_Destroy(atom_dbas_id);
 Destroy a D-BAS. More...
#define criAtomExDbas_GetStreamingPlayerHandles(dbas_id, players, length)    criAtomDbas_GetStreamingPlayerHandles((dbas_id), (players), (length))
 Get the handles of the Atom players currently using streaming playback. More...
#define criAtomExStreamingCache_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)    criAtomStreamingCache_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create the streaming cache. More...
#define criAtomExStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize(p_config)    criAtomStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize(p_config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create the streaming cache. More...
#define criAtomExStreamingCache_Create(config, work, work_size)    criAtomStreamingCache_Create((config), (work), (work_size));
 Create a streaming cache. More...
#define criAtomExStreamingCache_Destroy(stm_cache_id)    criAtomStreamingCache_Destroy(stm_cache_id)
 Destroy the streaming cache. More...
#define criAtomExStreamingCache_Clear(cache_id)    criAtomStreamingCache_Clear(cache_id)
 Clear the contents of the streaming cache. More...
#define criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveId(stm_cache_id, awb, id)    criAtomStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveId((stm_cache_id), (awb), (id))
 Check whether the data with the specified WaveID is cached or not. More...
#define criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedFile(stm_cache_id, src_binder, path)    criAtomStreamingCache_IsCachedFile((stm_cache_id), (src_binder), (path))
 Check whether the data at the specified path is cached or not. More...
#define criAtomEx3dSource_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a 3D sound source. More...
#define criAtomEx3dSourceList_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a 3D sound sources list. More...
#define criAtomEx3dListener_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a 3D listener. More...
#define criAtomEx3dRegion_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a 3D Region. More...
#define criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a 3D Transceiver. More...
#define criAtomEx3dSource_SetDefaultConfigForRandomPosition(p_config)
 Set default values in config structure for randomizing 3D sound source position. More...
#define criAtomEx3dSource_SetMinMaxDistance(ex_3d_source, min_attenuation_distance, max_attenuation_distance)    criAtomEx3dSource_SetMinMaxAttenuationDistance((ex_3d_source), (min_attenuation_distance), (max_attenuation_distance))
 Set min and max values of the attenuation distance of a 3D source. More...
#define criAtomEx3dSource_ChangeDefaultMinMaxDistance(min_attenuation_distance, max_attenuation_distance)    criAtomEx3dSource_ChangeDefaultMinMaxAttenuationDistance((min_attenuation_distance), (max_attenuation_distance))
 Change the default values of max and min of attenuation distance of a 3D source. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForDspPitchShifter(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to attach a pitch shifter DSP. More...
#define criAtomExVoicePool_SetDefaultConfigForDspTimeStretch(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to attach a time-streching DSP. More...
#define criAtomExTween_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a Tween. More...
#define criAtomExSoundObject_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a sound object. More...
 5.1 ch surround More...
 7.1 ch surround More...
 Maximum number of category references per playbackThe maximum number of category references per playback.
#define criAtomEx_GetStreamingInfo(streaming_info)    criAtom_GetStreamingInfo(streaming_info)
 Acquiring streaming information. More...
#define criAtomEx_SetFreeTimeBufferingFlagForDefaultDevice(flag)    criAtom_SetFreeTimeBufferingFlagForDefaultDevice(flag)
 Enable or disable the loading of streams when there is free time during file I/O. More...


typedef CriAtomMallocFunc CriAtomExMallocFunc
 Memory allocation function. More...
typedef CriAtomFreeFunc CriAtomExFreeFunc
 Memory deallocation function. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExThreadModelTag CriAtomExThreadModel
 Threading models. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExCoordinateSystemTag CriAtomExCoordinateSystem
 Coordinate system. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoTypeTag CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoType
 ACF designated type. More...
typedef void * CriAtomExRngHn
 Random Number Generator handle.
typedef struct CriAtomExRngInterfaceTag CriAtomExRngInterface
 Random Number Generator interface.
typedef struct CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfo
 ACF location information. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExConfigTag CriAtomExConfig
 Configuration structure used to initialize the Atom libraryThis structure is used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library.
It is passed to the criAtomEx_Initialize function.

The CRI Atom library will allocate internal resources as needed during initialization according to the settings specified in this structure.
The size of the work area required by the library varies depending on the parameters specified in this structure. More...
typedef CriAtomPerformanceInfo CriAtomExPerformanceInfo
 Performance information. More...
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExWaveId
 Waveform data ID. More...
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExVibrationId
 Vibration ID. More...
typedef CriAtomFormat CriAtomExFormat
 Format type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExFormatInfoTag CriAtomExFormatInfo
 Audio data format information. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExResumeModeTag CriAtomExResumeMode
 Resume target. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExBiquadFilterTypeTag CriAtomExBiquadFilterType
 Type of biquad filter. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExSilentModeTag CriAtomExSilentMode
 Silent mode. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExPanTypeTag CriAtomExPanType
 Pan type. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExPanSpeakerTypeTag CriAtomExPanSpeakerType
 Output speaker type for panning. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExPanAngleTypeTag CriAtomExPanAngleType
 Panning angle type. More...
typedef CriUint32 CriAtomExSpeakerSystem
 Order of the output speakers. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExSphericalCoordinatesTag CriAtomExSphericalCoordinates
 Spherical Coordinate Structure. More...
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dAttenuationParameterTag CriAtomEx3dAttenuationParameter
 Distance attenuation parameter structure. More...
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExBlockIndex
 Block Index. More...
typedef CriUint32 CriAtomExGameVariableId
 Game variable ID. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExGameVariableInfoTag CriAtomExGameVariableInfo
 Structure for acquiring game variable information. More...
typedef CriAtomStreamingInfo CriAtomExStreamingInfo
 Streaming information. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExCharacterEncodingTag CriAtomExCharacterEncoding
 Character code. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExResourceUsageTag CriAtomExResourceUsage
 Usage status of various resources. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExCurveTypeTag CriAtomExCurveType
 Curve Type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExDebugResourcesInfoTag CriAtomExDebugResourcesInfo
 Status of CriAtomEx internal resources. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExHcaMxConfigTag CriAtomExHcaMxConfig
 Configuration structure used to initialize HCA-MXThis is a structure for specifying the operation specifications of HCA-MX.
This is specified as an argument to the criAtomExHcaMx_Initialize function.
typedef struct CriAtomExAcfInfoTag CriAtomExAcfInfo
 ACF information. More...
typedef CriUint32 CriAtomExAisacControlId
 AISAC control ID. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAisacControlInfoTag CriAtomExAisacControlInfo
 Structure used to get information about an AISAC control. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAisacInfoTag CriAtomExAisacInfo
 Structure used to get information about an AISAC. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAcfDspSettingInfoTag CriAtomExAcfDspSettingInfo
 Structure used to get information about a DSP Setting. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAcfDspSettingSnapshotInfoTag CriAtomExAcfDspSettingSnapshotInfo
 Structure used to get information about a snapshot of a DSP bus setting. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAcfDspBusInfoTag CriAtomExAcfDspBusInfo
 Structure used to get information about a DSP Bus. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExAcfDspBusLinkTypeTag CriAtomExAcfDspBusLinkType
 DSP Bus Link type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAcfDspBusLinkInfoTag CriAtomExAcfDspBusLinkInfo
 Structure used to get information about a DSP Bus Link. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExAcfAisacTypeTag CriAtomExAcfAisacType
 AISAC type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExGlobalAisacInfoTag CriAtomExGlobalAisacInfo
 Structure to get information about a Global AISAC. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExAisacGraphTypeTag CriAtomExAisacGraphType
 Aisac Graph type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAisacGraphInfoTag CriAtomExAisacGraphInfo
 Structure for acquiring Aisac Graph information. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExSelectorInfoTag CriAtomExSelectorInfo
 Structure to get information about a selector. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExSelectorLabelInfoTag CriAtomExSelectorLabelInfo
 Structure used to get information about a selector label. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExMixerAisacGraphTypeTag CriAtomExMixerAisacGraphType
 Mixer Aisac graph type. More...
typedef CriUint32 CriAtomExCategoryId
 Category ID. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExCategoryInfoTag CriAtomExCategoryInfo
 Structure used to get information about a category. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExReactTypeTag CriAtomExReactType
 REACT Type. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExReactDuckerTargetTypeTag CriAtomExReactDuckerTargetType
 Target of Ducking by REACT. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExReactFadeParameterTag CriAtomExReactFadeParameter
 Curve Type of Ducking by REACT. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExReactHoldTypeTag CriAtomExReactHoldType
 REACT Hold Type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExReactDuckerParameterTag CriAtomExReactDuckerParameter
 REACT ducker parameter structure. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExReactAisacModulationParameterTag CriAtomExReactAisacModulationParameter
 AISAC modulation trigger parameter structure. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExReactParameterTag CriAtomExReactParameter
 REACT drive parameter structure. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExReactStatusTag CriAtomExReactStatus
 REACT Operation Status. More...
typedef CriAtomExAcbObj * CriAtomExAcbHn
 ACB handle. More...
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExCueId
 Cue ID. More...
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExCueIndex
 Cue index. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAcbInfoTag CriAtomExAcbInfo
 ACB information. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExWaveformInfoTag CriAtomExWaveformInfo
 Audio waveform information. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExAcbCueTypeTag CriAtomExAcbCueType
 Cue type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExCuePos3dInfoTag CriAtomExCuePos3dInfo
 Cue 3D information. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExCueInfoTag CriAtomExCueInfo
 Cue information. More...
typedef CriBool(* CriAtomExAcbHandleCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn)
 Type of the ACB handle callback function. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExAcbDetectionInGamePreviewDataCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriChar8 *acb_name)
 Type of the callback function used to notify of in-game preview data loading. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExVoicePoolTag * CriAtomExVoicePoolHn
 Voice Pool handle. More...
typedef CriUint32 CriAtomExVoicePoolIdentifier
 Voice Pool identifier. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExStandardVoicePoolConfigTag CriAtomExStandardVoicePoolConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating a standard Voice Pool. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAdxVoicePoolConfigTag CriAtomExAdxVoicePoolConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating an ADX Voice Pool. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExHcaVoicePoolConfigTag CriAtomExHcaVoicePoolConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating a HCA Voice Pool. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExHcaMxVoicePoolConfigTag CriAtomExHcaMxVoicePoolConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating a HCA-MX Voice Pool. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExWaveVoicePoolConfigTag CriAtomExWaveVoicePoolConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating a Wave Voice Pool. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAiffVoicePoolConfigTag CriAtomExAiffVoicePoolConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating an AIFF Voice Pool. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExRawPcmVoicePoolConfigTag CriAtomExRawPcmVoicePoolConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating a raw PCM Voice Pool. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExInstrumentVoicePoolConfigTag CriAtomExInstrumentVoicePoolConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating an Instrument Voice Pool. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExVoicePoolCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExVoicePoolHn pool)
 Voice pool callback function type. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExInputPortTypeTag CriAtomExInputPortType
 Input port type.
typedef void * CriAtomExInputPortHn
 Input port handle. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExVoiceAllocationMethodTag CriAtomExVoiceAllocationMethod
 Voice allocation method. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExPlayerConfigTag CriAtomExPlayerConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating a player. More...
typedef CriAtomExPlayerObj * CriAtomExPlayerHn
 Player handle. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExPlayerStatusTag CriAtomExPlayerStatus
 Player status. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExVoiceControlMethodTag CriAtomExVoiceControlMethod
 Voice playback control method. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExSpeakerIdTag CriAtomExSpeakerId
 Speaker ID. More...
typedef CriUint32 CriAtomExPlaybackId
 Playback ID. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExPlayerCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Player callback function type. More...
typedef CriBool(* CriAtomExPlaybackCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id)
 Data request callback function. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExPlayerDataRequestCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomPlayerHn player)
 Data request callback function. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExPlayerFilterCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomPcmFormat format, CriSint32 num_channels, CriSint32 num_samples, void *data[])
 Waveform filter callback function. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExPlayerBlockTransitionCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomExBlockIndex index)
 Block transition callback function. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExPlaybackTrackInfoTag CriAtomExPlaybackTrackInfo
 Info structure for playback track information.
typedef void(* CriAtomExPlayerPlaybackTrackInfoNotificationCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExPlaybackTrackInfo *info)
 Playback track information acquisition call back function. More...
typedef CriBool(* CriAtomExPlayerPanCbFunc) (void *object, CriSint32 input_channels, CriAtomChannelConfig channel_config, CriSint32 output_channels, CriAtomSpeakerMapping speaker_mapping, const CriAtomExSphericalCoordinates *location, const CriAtomEx3dAttenuationParameter *parameter, CriFloat32 *matrix[])
 Parameter ID. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExParameterIdTag CriAtomExParameterId
 Parameter ID. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExSequecneEventTypeTag CriAtomExSequecneEventType
 Type of sequence event callback. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExSequenceEventInfoTag CriAtomExSequenceEventInfo
 Information structure used for sequence callback event.
typedef CriSint32(* CriAtomExSequencerEventCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExSequenceEventInfo *info)
 Sequence callback. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExBeatSyncInfoTag CriAtomExBeatSyncInfo
 Structure for beat synchronization position detection callback.
typedef CriSint32(* CriAtomExBeatSyncCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExBeatSyncInfo *info)
 Beat synchronization position detection callback. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExPlaybackStatusTag CriAtomExPlaybackStatus
 Playback status. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExSourceTypeTag CriAtomExSourceType
 Playback source type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExSourceInfoTag CriAtomExSourceInfo
 Playback source information. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExPlaybackEventTag CriAtomExPlaybackEvent
 Playback Event. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExPlaybackInfoDetailTag CriAtomExPlaybackInfoDetail
 Playback information details. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExPlaybackEventCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExPlaybackEvent playback_event, const CriAtomExPlaybackInfoDetail *info)
 Replay event callback function type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExFaderConfigTag CriAtomExFaderConfig
 Configuration structure used to attach a fader. More...
typedef CriAtomDbasId CriAtomExDbasId
 AtomEx D-BAS ID. More...
typedef CriAtomDbasConfig CriAtomExDbasConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating a D-BAS. More...
typedef CriAtomStreamingCacheId CriAtomExStreamingCacheId
 Streaming cache ID. More...
typedef CriAtomStreamingCacheConfig CriAtomExStreamingCacheConfig
 Configuration structure used when creating a streaming cache. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExVectorTag CriAtomExVector
 3D vector structure More...
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dSourceConfigTag CriAtomEx3dSourceConfig
 Configuration structure used to create a 3D sound source. More...
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dSourceListConfigTag CriAtomEx3dSourceListConfig
 Configuration structure used to create a 3D sound source list. More...
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dListenerConfigTag CriAtomEx3dListenerConfig
 Configuration structure used to create a 3D listener. More...
typedef CriAtomEx3dSourceObj * CriAtomEx3dSourceHn
 3D sound source handle More...
typedef CriAtomEx3dSourceListObj * CriAtomEx3dSourceListHn
 3D sound source handle list More...
typedef CriAtomEx3dListenerObj * CriAtomEx3dListenerHn
 3D listener handle More...
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dRegionConfigTag CriAtomEx3dRegionConfig
 Config structure for creating 3D region handle. More...
typedef CriAtomEx3dRegionObj * CriAtomEx3dRegionHn
 3D region handle More...
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dTransceiverConfigTag CriAtomEx3dTransceiverConfig
 Config structure for creating 3D Transceiver handle. More...
typedef CriAtomEx3dTransceiverObj * CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn
 3D Transceiver handle More...
typedef enum CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionCalculationTypeTag CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionCalculationType
 How to calculate position coordinates when randomizing the position of a 3D sound source. More...
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionConfigTag CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionConfig
 Configuration structure for randomizing 3D sound source position. More...
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionResultInfoDetailTag CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionResultInfoDetail
 Details of position coordinate results when randomizing 3D sound source position. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionCalculationCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomExVector *result_pos)
 Callback function type for calculating position coordinates when randomizing the position of a 3D sound source. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionResultCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionResultInfoDetail *result_info)
 Position coordinate result callback function type for randomizing the position of a 3D sound source. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExDspPitchShifterConfigTag CriAtomExDspPitchShifterConfig
 Configuration structure used to attach a pitch shifter effect. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExDspTimeStretchConfigTag CriAtomExDspTimeStretchConfig
 Configuration structure used to attach a time-stretching effect. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExDspAfxConfigTag CriAtomExDspAfxConfig
 Configuration structure for attaching an AFX format insertion DSP. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExTweenParameterTypeTag CriAtomExTweenParameterType
 Parameter type for a Tween. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExTweenConfigTag CriAtomExTweenConfig
 Configuration structure used to create a Tween. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExTweenTag * CriAtomExTweenHn
 Tween handle. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExVoiceEventTag CriAtomExVoiceEvent
 Voice event. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetailTag CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail
 Detailed information about a voice. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExVoiceEventCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExVoiceEvent voice_event, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *request, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *removed, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *removed_in_group)
 Type definition of the Voice event callback. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExVoiceInfoCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *voice_info)
 Type definition of the Voice information callback. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopInfoTag CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopInfo
 Structure for acquiring voice stop information. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopInfo *voice_stop)
 Callback function type for monitoring a voice stop. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExCueLinkTypeTag CriAtomExCueLinkType
 CueLink callback type.
typedef struct CriAtomExCueLinkInfoTag CriAtomExCueLinkInfo
 Info structure for the CueLink callback type.
typedef CriSint32(* CriAtomExCueLinkCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExCueLinkInfo *info)
 CueLink callback. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExPlaybackCancelTypeTag CriAtomExPlaybackCancelType
 Playback cancel type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfoTag CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfo
 Info structure for playback cancel callbacks.
typedef void(* CriAtomExPlaybackCancelCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfo *info)
 Playback cancel callback. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfoTag CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfo
 Info structure for track transition by selector callbacks.
typedef void(* CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfo *info)
 Track transition by selector callback. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExSoundObjectConfigTag CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig
 Configuration structure used to create sound objects. More...
typedef CriAtomExSoundObjectObj * CriAtomExSoundObjectHn
 Sound object handle. More...
typedef enum CriAtomExOutputPortTypeTag CriAtomExOutputPortType
 Output port type. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExOutputPortConfigTag CriAtomExOutputPortConfig
 Config structure used to create the output port. More...
typedef CriAtomExOutputPortObj * CriAtomExOutputPortHn
 Output port handle. More...


enum  CriAtomExThreadModelTag {
 Threading models. More...
 Coordinate system. More...
 ACF designated type. More...
 Resume target. More...
enum  CriAtomExBiquadFilterTypeTag {
 Type of biquad filter. More...
 Silent mode. More...
 Pan type. More...
enum  CriAtomExPanSpeakerTypeTag {
 Output speaker type for panning. More...
 Panning angle type. More...
 Character code. More...
enum  CriAtomExCurveTypeTag {
 Curve Type. More...
 DSP Bus Link type. More...
 AISAC type. More...
enum  CriAtomExAisacGraphTypeTag {
 Aisac Graph type. More...
enum  CriAtomExMixerAisacGraphTypeTag {
 Mixer Aisac graph type. More...
 REACT Type. More...
 Target of Ducking by REACT. More...
 REACT Hold Type. More...
enum  CriAtomExReactStatusTag {
 REACT Operation Status. More...
enum  CriAtomExAcbCueTypeTag {
 Cue type. More...
enum  CriAtomExInputPortTypeTag { }
 Input port type. More...
 Voice allocation method. More...
enum  CriAtomExPlayerStatusTag {
 Player status. More...
 Voice playback control method. More...
enum  CriAtomExSpeakerIdTag {
 Speaker ID. More...
enum  CriAtomExParameterIdTag {
 Parameter ID. More...
 Type of sequence event callback. More...
 Playback status. More...
enum  CriAtomExSourceTypeTag {
 Playback source type. More...
 Playback Event. More...
enum  CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionCalculationTypeTag {
 How to calculate position coordinates when randomizing the position of a 3D sound source. More...
 Parameter type for a Tween. More...
enum  CriAtomExVoiceEventTag {
 Voice event. More...
 CueLink callback type. More...
enum  CriAtomExPlaybackCancelTypeTag {
 Playback cancel type. More...
 Output port type. More...


CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to initialize the library. More...
CriBool criAtomEx_Initialize (const CriAtomExConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Initialize the library. More...
void criAtomEx_Finalize (void)
 Finalize the library. More...
CriBool criAtomEx_IsInitialized (void)
 Check the library initialization status. More...
void criAtomEx_ExecuteMain (void)
 Execute the server processing. More...
void criAtomEx_ExecuteAudioProcess (void)
 Execute the server processing for user multithreading. More...
void criAtomEx_Lock (void)
 Prevent the server process interrupts. More...
void criAtomEx_Unlock (void)
 Cancel the server process interrupt prevention. More...
CriUint64 criAtomEx_GetTimeMicro (void)
 Get the time. More...
void criAtomEx_ResetTimer (void)
 Reset the timer. More...
void criAtomEx_PauseTimer (CriBool sw)
 Pause the timer. More...
void criAtomEx_SetConfigForWorkSizeCalculation (const CriAtomExConfig *config)
 Set the configuration structure used for the calculation of the work buffer sizes. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register in-memory ACF data. More...
void criAtomEx_RegisterAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Register in-memory ACF data. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfFile (CriFsBinderHn binder, const CriChar8 *path)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register an ACF file. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfFileById (CriFsBinderHn binder, CriUint16 id)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register an ACF file (specifying a CPK content ID) More...
CriBool criAtomEx_RegisterAcfFile (CriFsBinderHn binder, const CriChar8 *path, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Register an ACF file. More...
CriBool criAtomEx_RegisterAcfFileById (CriFsBinderHn binder, CriUint16 id, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Register an ACF file (specifying a CPK content ID) More...
void criAtomEx_UnregisterAcf (void)
 Unregister an ACF file. More...
CriUint32 criAtomEx_GetAcfVersion (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size, CriBool *flag)
 Get the version of an in-memory ACF. More...
CriUint32 criAtomEx_GetAcfVersionFromFile (CriFsBinderHn binder, const CriChar8 *path, void *work, CriSint32 work_size, CriBool *flag)
 Get the version of an ACF file. More...
CriUint32 criAtomEx_GetAcfVersionFromFileById (CriFsBinderHn binder, CriUint16 id, void *work, CriSint32 work_size, CriBool *flag)
 Get the version of an ACF file (specifying CPK content ID) More...
void criAtomEx_GetSupportedAcfVersion (CriUint32 *version_low, CriUint32 *version_high)
 Get what versions of an ACF file can be registered. More...
CriBool criAtomEx_AnalyzeAudioHeader (const void *buffer, CriSint32 buffer_size, CriAtomExFormatInfo *info)
 Analyze audio header. More...
void criAtomEx_SetRandomSeed (CriUint32 seed)
 Set a random seed. More...
CriBool criAtomEx_IsDataPlaying (void *buffer, CriSint32 size)
 Check whether the ACB handle can be released immediately. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSetting (const CriChar8 *setting)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a DSP bus setting. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSettingFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_buffer_size, const CriChar8 *setting_name)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a DSP bus setting. More...
void criAtomEx_AttachDspBusSetting (const CriChar8 *setting, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Attach a DSP bus setting. More...
void criAtomEx_DetachDspBusSetting (void)
 Detach a DSP bus setting. More...
void criAtomEx_ApplyDspBusSnapshot (const CriChar8 *snapshot_name, CriSint32 time_ms)
 Applying a DSP bus snapshot. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomEx_GetAppliedDspBusSnapshotName (void)
 Get the name of the snapshot applied to a DSP bus. More...
void criAtomEx_SetCueLinkCallback (CriAtomExCueLinkCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registering a CueLink callback function. More...
void criAtomEx_SetSpeakerAngles (CriFloat32 angle_l, CriFloat32 angle_r, CriFloat32 angle_sl, CriFloat32 angle_sr)
 Setting 5.1-ch speaker angles. More...
void criAtomEx_SetSpeakerAngleArray (CriAtomExSpeakerSystem speaker_system, const CriFloat32 *angle_array)
 Setting the speaker angles. More...
void criAtomEx_SetVirtualSpeakerAngleArray (CriAtomExSpeakerSystem speaker_system, const CriFloat32 *angle_array)
 Set the virtual speaker angle. More...
void criAtomEx_ControlVirtualSpeakerSetting (CriBool sw)
 Virtual speaker setting ON/OFF. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx_GetNumGameVariables (void)
 Acquiring the total number of game variables. More...
CriBool criAtomEx_GetGameVariableInfo (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExGameVariableInfo *info)
 Acquiring game variable information (by specifying an index) More...
CriFloat32 criAtomEx_GetGameVariableById (CriAtomExGameVariableId id)
 Acquiring a game variable. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomEx_GetGameVariableByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Acquiring a game variable. More...
void criAtomEx_SetGameVariableById (CriAtomExGameVariableId id, CriFloat32 value)
 Setting a game variable. More...
void criAtomEx_SetGameVariableByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriFloat32 value)
 Setting a game variable. More...
void criAtomEx_SetPlaybackCancelCallback (CriAtomExPlaybackCancelCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registering a playback cancel callback function. More...
void criAtomEx_ControlAcfConsistencyCheck (CriBool sw)
 ACF consistency check function ON/OFF. More...
void criAtomEx_SetAcfConsistencyCheckErrorLevel (CriErrorLevel level)
 ACF consistency check error level setting. More...
void criAtomEx_SetTrackTransitionBySelectorCallback (CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registering a track transition by selector callback function. More...
void criAtomExDebug_GetResourcesInfo (CriAtomExDebugResourcesInfo *resources_info)
 get the status of CriAtomEx internal resources More...
CriSint32 criAtomExHcaMx_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExHcaMxConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to initialize HCA-MX. More...
void criAtomExHcaMx_SetConfigForWorkSizeCalculation (const CriAtomExHcaMxConfig *config)
 Set the configuration structure used to calculate the size of the work buffer. More...
void criAtomExHcaMx_Initialize (const CriAtomExHcaMxConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Initialize HCA-MX. More...
void criAtomExHcaMx_Finalize (void)
 Finalize the HCA-MX. More...
void criAtomExHcaMx_SetBusSendLevelByName (CriSint32 mixer_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 level)
 Setting the bus send level for the mixer. More...
void criAtomExHcaMx_SetFrequencyRatio (CriSint32 mixer_id, CriFloat32 ratio)
 Set the output frequency adjustment ratio of a mixer. More...
void criAtomExHcaMx_SetAsrRackId (CriSint32 mixer_id, CriSint32 rack_id)
 Specify the ASR Rack ID. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumAisacControls (void)
 Get the number of AISAC controls. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetAisacControlInfo (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExAisacControlInfo *info)
 Get information about an AISAC control. More...
CriAtomExAisacControlId criAtomExAcf_GetAisacControlIdByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Get AISAC control ID from its name. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcf_GetAisacControlNameById (CriAtomExAisacControlId id)
 Get an AISAC control name from its ID. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumDspSettings (void)
 Get the number of DSP bus settings. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumDspSettingsFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size)
 Acquiring the number of DSP bus settings from ACF data. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcf_GetDspSettingNameByIndex (CriUint16 index)
 Get the DSP bus setting name (specifying index) More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcf_GetDspSettingNameByIndexFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size, CriUint16 index)
 Acquiring the name of the DSP bus setting from ACF data. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetDspSettingInformation (const CriChar8 *name, CriAtomExAcfDspSettingInfo *info)
 Get DSP bus setting information. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetDspSettingSnapshotInformation (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExAcfDspSettingSnapshotInfo *info)
 Get the DSP bus setting snapshot information. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetDspBusInformation (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExAcfDspBusInfo *info)
 Get the DSP bus information. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcf_GetDspFxName (CriUint16 index)
 Get DSP FX name. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetDspFxParameters (CriUint16 index, void *parameters, CriSint32 size)
 Get DSP FX parameters. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetDspBusLinkInformation (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExAcfDspBusLinkInfo *info)
 Get DSP bus link information. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumCategoriesFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size)
 Acquiring the number of categories from ACF data. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumCategories (void)
 Get the number of categories. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumCategoriesPerPlaybackFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size)
 Acquiring the number of category references per playback from ACF data. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumCategoriesPerPlayback (void)
 Get the number of category references per playback. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetCategoryInfo (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExCategoryInfo *info)
 Get information about a category given its index. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetCategoryInfoByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriAtomExCategoryInfo *info)
 Get information about a category given its name. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetCategoryInfoById (CriUint32 id, CriAtomExCategoryInfo *info)
 Get information about a category given its ID. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumGlobalAisacs (void)
 Get number of global AISACs. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetGlobalAisacInfo (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExGlobalAisacInfo *info)
 Get information about a global AISAC (by specifying its index) More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetGlobalAisacInfoByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriAtomExGlobalAisacInfo *info)
 Get information about a global AISAC (by specifying its name) More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetGlobalAisacGraphInfo (const CriAtomExGlobalAisacInfo *aisac_info, CriUint16 graph_index, CriAtomExAisacGraphInfo *graph_info)
 Acquiring Global Aisac Graph information. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetGlobalAisacValue (const CriAtomExGlobalAisacInfo *aisac_info, CriFloat32 control, CriAtomExAisacGraphType type, CriFloat32 *value)
 Acquiring the Global Aisac value. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetAcfInfo (CriAtomExAcfInfo *acf_info)
 Get ACF information. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetAcfInfoFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size, CriAtomExAcfInfo *acf_info)
 Get ACF information from the ACF data. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumSelectors (void)
 Get the number of selectors. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetSelectorInfoByIndex (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExSelectorInfo *info)
 Get information about a selector given its index. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetSelectorInfoByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriAtomExSelectorInfo *info)
 Get information about a selector based on its name. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcf_GetSelectorLabelInfo (const CriAtomExSelectorInfo *selector_info, CriUint16 label_index, CriAtomExSelectorLabelInfo *label_info)
 Get information about a selector label. More...
void criAtomExAcf_SetGlobalLabelToSelectorByName (const CriChar8 *selsector_name, const CriChar8 *label_name)
 Set a Global Reference Label for Selector. More...
void criAtomExAcf_SetGlobalLabelToSelectorByIndex (CriUint16 selsector_index, CriUint16 label_index)
 Set a Global Reference Label for Selector. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumBusesFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size)
 Acquiring the number of buses from ACF data. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetNumBuses (void)
 Acquiring the number of buses. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetMaxBusesOfDspBusSettingsFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size)
 Acquiring the maximum number of buses in the DSP bus setting from ACF data. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcf_GetMaxBusesOfDspBusSettings (void)
 Acquiring the maximum number of buses in the DSP bus setting. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcf_FindBusName (const CriChar8 *bus_name)
 Acquiring the bus name in the ACF. More...
CriAtomExOutputPortHn criAtomExAcf_GetOutputPortHnByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Getting the output port handle of the ACF file by name. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_CalculateWorkSizeForLoadAcbData (void *acb_data, CriSint32 acb_data_size, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, const CriChar8 *awb_path)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to load ACB data. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_CalculateWorkSizeForLoadAcbDataById (void *acb_data, CriSint32 acb_data_size, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, CriUint16 awb_id)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to load ACB data (specifying a CPK content ID) More...
CriAtomExAcbHn criAtomExAcb_LoadAcbData (void *acb_data, CriSint32 acb_data_size, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, const CriChar8 *awb_path, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Load ACB data in memory. More...
CriAtomExAcbHn criAtomExAcb_LoadAcbDataById (void *acb_data, CriSint32 acb_data_size, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, CriUint16 awb_id, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Load ACB data in memory (specifying a CPK content ID) More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_CalculateWorkSizeForLoadAcbFile (CriFsBinderHn acb_binder, const CriChar8 *acb_path, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, const CriChar8 *awb_path)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to load an ACB file. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_CalculateWorkSizeForLoadAcbFileById (CriFsBinderHn acb_binder, CriUint16 acb_id, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, CriUint16 awb_id)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to load an ACB file (specifying a CPK content ID) More...
CriAtomExAcbHn criAtomExAcb_LoadAcbFile (CriFsBinderHn acb_binder, const CriChar8 *acb_path, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, const CriChar8 *awb_path, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Load an ACB file. More...
CriAtomExAcbHn criAtomExAcb_LoadAcbFileById (CriFsBinderHn acb_binder, CriUint16 acb_id, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, CriUint16 awb_id, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Load an ACB file (specifying a CPK content ID) More...
void criAtomExAcb_Release (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn)
 Release an ACB handle. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_IsReadyToRelease (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn)
 Check whether a ACB handle can be released immediately or not. More...
void criAtomExAcb_ReleaseAll (void)
 Release all the ACB handles. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_EnumerateHandles (CriAtomExAcbHandleCbFunc func, void *obj)
 ACB handle enumerator. More...
CriUint32 criAtomExAcb_GetVersion (void *acb_data, CriSint32 acb_data_size, void *flag)
 Get the version of the ACB data in memory. More...
CriUint32 criAtomExAcb_GetVersionFromFile (CriFsBinderHn acb_binder, const CriChar8 *acb_path, void *work, CriSint32 work_size, CriBool *flag)
 Get the version of an ACB file. More...
void criAtomExAcb_GetSupportedVersion (CriUint32 *version_low, CriUint32 *version_high)
 Get information about what ACB file versions can be loaded. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetNumCues (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn)
 Get the number of Cues in the ACB. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_ExistsId (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Check if a Cue with a specific ID exists. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_ExistsName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Check if a Cue with a specific name exists. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_ExistsIndex (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueIndex index)
 Check if a Cue with a specific index exists. More...
CriAtomExCueId criAtomExAcb_GetCueIdByIndex (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueIndex index)
 Get the ID of a Cue from its index. More...
CriAtomExCueId criAtomExAcb_GetCueIdByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the ID of a Cue from its name. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcb_GetCueNameByIndex (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueIndex index)
 Get the name of a Cue from its index. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcb_GetCueNameById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Get the name of a Cue from its ID. More...
CriAtomExCueIndex criAtomExAcb_GetCueIndexById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Get the index of a Cue from its ID. More...
CriAtomExCueIndex criAtomExAcb_GetCueIndexByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the index of a Cue from its name. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcb_GetUserDataById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Get the user data string of a Cue from its ID. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcb_GetUserDataByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the user data string of a Cue from its name. More...
CriSint64 criAtomExAcb_GetLengthById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Get the length of a Cue from its ID. More...
CriSint64 criAtomExAcb_GetLengthByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the length of a Cue from its name. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetNumUsableAisacControlsById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Get the number of AISAC Controls assigned to a Cue (specifying its ID) More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetNumUsableAisacControlsByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the number of AISAC Controls assigned to a Cue (specifying its name) More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_GetUsableAisacControlById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id, CriUint16 index, CriAtomExAisacControlInfo *info)
 Get information about an AISAC Control assigned to a Cue (specifying the Cue's ID) More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_GetUsableAisacControlByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name, CriUint16 index, CriAtomExAisacControlInfo *info)
 Get information about an AISAC Control assigned to a Cue (specifying the Cue's name) More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_IsUsingAisacControlById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Determine if a Cue (whose ID is specified) can be controlled by a specific AISAC Control. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_IsUsingAisacControlByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name, const CriChar8 *aisac_control_name)
 Determine if a Cue (whose name is specified) can be controlled by a specific AISAC Control. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetCuePriorityById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Get the priority of the Cue with the given ID. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetCuePriorityByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the priority of the Cue with the given name. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_GetWaveformInfoById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id, CriAtomExWaveformInfo *waveform_info)
 Get information about the waveform played by the Cue whose ID is given. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_GetWaveformInfoByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name, CriAtomExWaveformInfo *waveform_info)
 Get information about the waveform played by the Cue whose name is given. More...
CriAtomAwbHn criAtomExAcb_GetOnMemoryAwbHandle (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn)
 Get an AWB handle from an ACB handle (for in-memory playback) More...
CriAtomAwbHn criAtomExAcb_GetStreamingAwbHandle (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn)
 Get an AWB handle from an ACB handle (for streaming playback) More...
CriAtomAwbHn criAtomExAcb_GetStreamingAwbHandleBySlotName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *awb_slot_name)
 Get AWB handle for stream playback of specified AWB slot name. More...
CriAtomAwbHn criAtomExAcb_GetStreamingAwbHandleBySlotIndex (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriUint16 awb_slot_index)
 Get AWB handle for stream playback of specified AWB slot index. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_GetCueInfoByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name, CriAtomExCueInfo *info)
 Get cue information (cue name specified) More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_GetCueInfoById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id, CriAtomExCueInfo *info)
 Get information about the Cue whose ID is specified. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_GetCueInfoByIndex (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueIndex index, CriAtomExCueInfo *info)
 Get information about the Cue whose index is specified. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetNumCuePlayingCountByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the number of playing voices for a Cue with Cue limits (specifying the Cue name) More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetNumCuePlayingCountById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Get the number of playing voices for a Cue with Cue limits (specifying the Cue ID) More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetNumCuePlayingCountByIndex (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueIndex index)
 Get the number of playing voices for a Cue with Cue limits (specifying the Cue index) More...
CriAtomExBlockIndex criAtomExAcb_GetBlockIndexByIndex (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueIndex index, const CriChar8 *block_name)
 Get the index of a block (specifying a Cue index) More...
CriAtomExBlockIndex criAtomExAcb_GetBlockIndexById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id, const CriChar8 *block_name)
 Get the index of a block (specifying a Cue ID) More...
CriAtomExBlockIndex criAtomExAcb_GetBlockIndexByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name, const CriChar8 *block_name)
 Get the index of a block (specifying a Cue name) More...
void criAtomExAcb_SetDetectionInGamePreviewDataCallback (CriAtomExAcbDetectionInGamePreviewDataCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registration of the loading detection callback function for in-game preview data. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_GetAcbInfo (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExAcbInfo *acb_info)
 Get information about the ACB. More...
void criAtomExAcb_ResetCueTypeStateByName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Reset the type-based state of the Cue (specifying its name) More...
void criAtomExAcb_ResetCueTypeStateById (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Reset the type-based state of the Cue (specifying its ID) More...
void criAtomExAcb_ResetCueTypeStateByIndex (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueIndex index)
 Reset the type-based state of the Cue (specifying its index) More...
void criAtomExAcb_AttachAwbFile (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, const CriChar8 *awb_path, const CriChar8 *awb_name, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Attaching an AWB file for streaming. More...
void criAtomExAcb_DetachAwbFile (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *awb_name)
 Detaching an AWB file for streaming. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_CalculateWorkSizeForAttachAwbFile (CriFsBinderHn awb_binder, const CriChar8 *awb_path)
 Acquiring the size of the work area required to attach an AWB file for streaming. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAcb_GetNumAwbFileSlots (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn)
 Acquiring the number of AWB slots for streaming. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAcb_GetAwbFileSlotName (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriUint16 index)
 Acquiring the AWB slot for streaming. More...
CriBool criAtomExAcb_IsAttachedAwbFile (CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *awb_name)
 Acquiring the attaching status of an AWB file for streaming. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForStandardVoicePool (const CriAtomExStandardVoicePoolConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create a standard Voice Pool. More...
CriAtomExVoicePoolHn criAtomExVoicePool_AllocateStandardVoicePool (const CriAtomExStandardVoicePoolConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create a standard Voice Pool. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForAdxVoicePool (const CriAtomExAdxVoicePoolConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create an ADX Voice Pool. More...
CriAtomExVoicePoolHn criAtomExVoicePool_AllocateAdxVoicePool (const CriAtomExAdxVoicePoolConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create an ADX Voice Pool. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForHcaVoicePool (const CriAtomExHcaVoicePoolConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create an HCA Voice Pool. More...
CriAtomExVoicePoolHn criAtomExVoicePool_AllocateHcaVoicePool (const CriAtomExHcaVoicePoolConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create an HCA Voice Pool. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForHcaMxVoicePool (const CriAtomExHcaMxVoicePoolConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create an HCA-MX Voice Pool. More...
CriAtomExVoicePoolHn criAtomExVoicePool_AllocateHcaMxVoicePool (const CriAtomExHcaMxVoicePoolConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create an HCA-MX Voice Pool. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForWaveVoicePool (const CriAtomExWaveVoicePoolConfig *config)
 alculate the size of the work buffer required to create a Wave Voice Pool More...
CriAtomExVoicePoolHn criAtomExVoicePool_AllocateWaveVoicePool (const CriAtomExWaveVoicePoolConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create a Wave Voice Pool. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForAiffVoicePool (const CriAtomExAiffVoicePoolConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create an AIFF Voice Pool. More...
CriAtomExVoicePoolHn criAtomExVoicePool_AllocateAiffVoicePool (const CriAtomExAiffVoicePoolConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Creates an AIFF Voice Pool. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForRawPcmVoicePool (const CriAtomExRawPcmVoicePoolConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create a raw PCM Voice Pool. More...
CriAtomExVoicePoolHn criAtomExVoicePool_AllocateRawPcmVoicePool (const CriAtomExRawPcmVoicePoolConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create a raw PCM Voice Pool. More...
CriAtomExVoicePoolHn criAtomExVoicePool_AllocateInstrumentVoicePool (const CriAtomExInstrumentVoicePoolConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create an Instrument Voice Pool. More...
void criAtomExVoicePool_Free (CriAtomExVoicePoolHn pool)
 Destroy a Voice Pool. More...
void criAtomExVoicePool_FreeAll (void)
 Destroy all the Voice Pools. More...
void criAtomExVoicePool_EnumerateVoicePools (CriAtomExVoicePoolCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Voice Pool Enumeration. More...
void criAtomExVoicePool_GetNumUsedVoices (CriAtomExVoicePoolHn pool, CriSint32 *cur_num, CriSint32 *limit)
 Get voice usage. More...
CriAtomPlayerHn criAtomExVoicePool_GetPlayerHandle (CriAtomExVoicePoolHn pool, CriSint32 index)
 Getting the Player Handle. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForInstrumentVoicePool (const CriAtomExInstrumentVoicePoolConfig *config)
 Calculation of work area size for creating instrument voice pool. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetVolumeById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, CriFloat32 volume)
 Set the volume of a category specified by its ID. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExCategory_GetVolumeById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Get the volume of a category specified by its ID. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExCategory_GetTotalVolumeById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Get the final volume of a category specified by its ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetVolumeByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriFloat32 volume)
 Set the volume of a category specified by its name. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExCategory_GetVolumeByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the volume of a category specified by its name. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExCategory_GetTotalVolumeByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the final volume of a category specified by its name. More...
void criAtomExCategory_MuteById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, CriBool mute)
 Mute / unmute a category specified by its ID. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_IsMutedById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Return whether a category (specified by its ID) is muted or not. More...
void criAtomExCategory_MuteByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriBool mute)
 Mute / unmute a category specified by its name. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_IsMutedByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Return whether a category (specified by its name) is muted or not. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SoloById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, CriBool solo, CriFloat32 mute_volume)
 Solo / unsolo a category specified by its ID. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_IsSoloedById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Return whether a category (specified by its ID) is solo'ed or not. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SoloByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriBool solo, CriFloat32 mute_volume)
 Solo / unsolo a category specified by its name. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_IsSoloedByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Return whether a category (specified by its name) is solo'ed or not. More...
void criAtomExCategory_PauseById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, CriBool sw)
 Pause/resume a category specified by its ID. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_IsPausedById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Get the pause status of a category specified by its ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_PauseByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriBool sw)
 Pause/resume category specified by name. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_IsPausedByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the pause status of a category specified by its name. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetFadeInTimeById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, CriUint16 ms)
 Set the fade-in time of a category specified by its ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetFadeInTimeByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriUint16 ms)
 Set the fade-in time of a category specified by its name. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetFadeOutTimeById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, CriUint16 ms)
 Set the fade-out time of a category specified by its ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetFadeOutTimeByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriUint16 ms)
 Set the fade-out time of a category specified by its name. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetAisacControlById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, CriAtomExAisacControlId control_id, CriFloat32 control_value)
 Set the AISAC control value of a category specified by its ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetAisacControlByName (const CriChar8 *name, const CriChar8 *control_name, CriFloat32 control_value)
 Set the AISAC control value of a category specified by its name. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_ResetAllAisacControlById (CriAtomExCategoryId category_id)
 All AISAC control values attached to categories by ID designation are set to default values. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_ResetAllAisacControlByName (const CriChar8 *category_name)
 All AISAC control values attached to categories by name designation are set to default values. More...
void criAtomExCategory_AttachAisacById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, const CriChar8 *global_aisac_name)
 Attach a global AISAC to a category specified by its ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_AttachAisacByName (const CriChar8 *name, const CriChar8 *global_aisac_name)
 Attach a global AISAC to a category specified by its name. More...
void criAtomExCategory_DetachAisacById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, const CriChar8 *global_aisac_name)
 Detach an AISAC from a category specified by its ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_DetachAisacByName (const CriChar8 *name, const CriChar8 *global_aisac_name)
 Detach an AISAC from a category specified by its name. More...
void criAtomExCategory_DetachAisacAllById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Detach all the AISACs from a category specified by its ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_DetachAisacAllByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Detach all the AISACs from a category specified by its name. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExCategory_GetNumAttachedAisacsById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Get the number of AISACs attached to a category specified by its ID. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExCategory_GetNumAttachedAisacsByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the number of AISACs attached to a category specified by its name. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_GetAttachedAisacInfoById (CriAtomExCategoryId id, CriSint32 aisac_attached_index, CriAtomExAisacInfo *aisac_info)
 Get information about an AISAC attached to a category (specified by its ID) More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_GetAttachedAisacInfoByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriSint32 aisac_attached_index, CriAtomExAisacInfo *aisac_info)
 Get information about an AISAC attached to a category (specified by its name) More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_GetCurrentAisacControlValueById (CriAtomExCategoryId category_id, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id, CriFloat32 *control_value)
 Acquire the current value of the AISAC control attached to the category by ID specification. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_GetCurrentAisacControlValueByName (const CriChar8 *category_name, const CriChar8 *aisac_control_name, CriFloat32 *control_value)
 Gets current value of AISAC control attached to category by name specification. More...
void criAtomExCategory_SetReactParameter (const CriChar8 *react_name, const CriAtomExReactParameter *react_parameter)
 Set REACT drive parameter. More...
CriBool criAtomExCategory_GetReactParameter (const CriChar8 *react_name, CriAtomExReactParameter *react_parameter)
 Get REACT drive parameter. More...
CriAtomExReactStatus criAtomExCategory_GetReactStatus (const CriChar8 *react_name)
 Getting the status of REACT. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExCategory_GetNumCuePlayingCountById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Get the number of playing Cues attached to a category (specified by its ID) More...
CriSint32 criAtomExCategory_GetNumCuePlayingCountByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Get the number of playing Cues attached to a category (specified by its name) More...
void criAtomExCategory_StopById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Stop the playing Cues that belong to the category having the given ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_StopByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Stop the playing Cues that belong to the category having the given name. More...
void criAtomExCategory_StopWithoutReleaseTimeById (CriAtomExCategoryId id)
 Immediately stop the playing Cues that belong to the category having the given ID. More...
void criAtomExCategory_StopWithoutReleaseTimeByName (const CriChar8 *name)
 Immediately stop the playing Cues that belong to the category having the given name. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExPlayerConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create an AtomEx player. More...
CriAtomExPlayerHn criAtomExPlayer_Create (const CriAtomExPlayerConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create an AtomEx player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_Destroy (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Destroy an AtomEx player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetCueId (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Set the sound data to play (specifying a Cue ID) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetCueName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *cue_name)
 Set the sound data to play (specifying a Cue name) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetCueIndex (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueIndex index)
 Set the sound data to play (specifying a Cue index) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetData (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, void *buffer, CriSint32 size)
 Set the sound data to play (specifying in-memory data) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetFile (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFsBinderHn binder, const CriChar8 *path)
 Set the sound data to play (specifying a file name) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetContentId (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFsBinderHn binder, CriSint32 id)
 Set the sound data to play (specifying a CPK content ID) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetWaveId (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomAwbHn awb, CriAtomExWaveId id)
 Set the wave data to play (specifying a wave data ID) More...
CriAtomExPlaybackId criAtomExPlayer_Start (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Start the playback. More...
CriAtomExPlaybackId criAtomExPlayer_Prepare (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Prepare the playback. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_Stop (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Stop the playback. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_StopWithoutReleaseTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Stop the playback (ignoring release time) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_StopAllPlayers (void)
 Stopping playback in all the players. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_StopAllPlayersWithoutReleaseTime (void)
 Stopping playback in all the players (release time ignored) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_EnumeratePlayers (CriAtomExPlayerCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Enumerating players. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_Pause (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriBool sw)
 Pause/resume. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_Resume (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExResumeMode mode)
 Resume. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayer_IsPaused (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the pause status. More...
CriAtomExPlayerStatus criAtomExPlayer_GetStatus (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the player status. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_EnumeratePlaybacks (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlaybackCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Get the number of sounds currently being played back. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetNumPlaybacks (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the number of sounds currently playing. More...
CriAtomExPlaybackId criAtomExPlayer_GetLastPlaybackId (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the playback ID of the last sound played. More...
CriSint64 criAtomExPlayer_GetTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the playback time. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetFormat (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExFormat format)
 Specify the format of a sound. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetNumChannels (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 num_channels)
 Specify the number of channels of a sound. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetSamplingRate (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 sampling_rate)
 Specify the sampling rate of a sound. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetSoundRendererType (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomSoundRendererType type)
 Specify the Sound renderer type. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetGroupNumber (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 group_no)
 Specify the group number. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetVoiceControlMethod (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExVoiceControlMethod method)
 Specifying a voice control method. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetVoicePoolIdentifier (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExVoicePoolIdentifier identifier)
 Specify the Voice Pool identifier. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetHcaMxMixerId (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 mixer_id)
 Specify the mixer ID for HCA-MX decoding. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetAsrRackId (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 rack_id)
 Specifying the ASR Rack ID. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetAsrRackIdArray (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriSint32 *rack_id_array, CriSint32 num_racks)
 Specifying multiple ASR Rack IDs. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetStartTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint64 start_time_ms)
 Specify the playback starting position. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetSyncPlaybackId (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id)
 Setting the synchronous playback ID. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPlaybackRatio (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 playback_ratio)
 Set the sequence playback ratio. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_LimitLoopCount (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 count)
 Set the the number of loops. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_UpdateAll (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Update the playback parameters (for all sounds currently playing) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_Update (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Update the playback parameters (specifying a playback ID) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_ResetParameters (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Reset the playback parameters. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExPlayer_GetParameterFloat32 (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExParameterId id)
 Get the value of a parameter (as a floating point number) More...
CriUint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetParameterUint32 (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExParameterId id)
 Get the value of a parameter (as an unsigned integer) More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetParameterSint32 (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExParameterId id)
 Get the value of a parameter (as a signed integer) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetVolume (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 volume)
 Set the volume. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPitch (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 pitch)
 Set the pitch (detune) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetMaxPitch (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 pitch)
 Setting the maximum pitch. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPan3dAngle (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 pan3d_angle)
 Set the panning 3D angle. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPan3dInteriorDistance (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 pan3d_interior_distance)
 Set the panning 3D distance. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPan3dVolume (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 pan3d_volume)
 Set the panning 3D volume. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPanType (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPanType pan_type)
 Set the pan type. More...
CriAtomExPanType criAtomExPlayer_GetPanTypeOnPlayback (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get pan type during player playback. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPanSpeakerType (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPanSpeakerType pan_speaker_type)
 Output speaker type setting when panning. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_AddMixDownCenterVolumeOffset (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 mixdown_center_volume_offset)
 Setting MixDownCenter volume offset value. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_AddMixDownLfeVolumeOffset (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 mixdown_lfe_volume_offset)
 Setting MixDownLFE volume offset value. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_ChangeDefaultPanSpeakerType (CriAtomExPanSpeakerType pan_speaker_type)
 Changing the default output speaker type for panning. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_OverrideDefaultPanMethod (CriAtomExPlayerPanCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Override the default panning process. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPanAngleType (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPanAngleType pan_angle_type)
 Panning angle type setting. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetWideness (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 wideness)
 Set the sound spread during panning. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetSpread (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 spread)
 Spread Settings. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetSendLevel (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 ch, CriAtomExSpeakerId spk, CriFloat32 level)
 Set a send level. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetBusSendLevelByName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 level)
 Setting the bus send level. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_ResetBusSends (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Resetting Bus Send Levels. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayer_GetBusSendLevelByName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *level)
 Get Bus Send Level. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetBusSendLevelOffsetByName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 level_offset)
 Setting the bus send level (by specifying the offset) More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayer_GetBusSendLevelOffsetByName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *level_offset)
 Get Bus Send Level Offset. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPanAdx1Compatible (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 ch, CriFloat32 pan)
 Set the ADX1-compatible panning. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetBandpassFilterParameters (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 cof_low, CriFloat32 cof_high)
 Set the band pass filter parameters. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetBiquadFilterParameters (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExBiquadFilterType type, CriFloat32 frequency, CriFloat32 gain, CriFloat32 q_value)
 Set the biquad filter parameters. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetVoicePriority (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 priority)
 Set the priority. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetAisacControlById (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExAisacControlId control_id, CriFloat32 control_value)
 Set an AISAC control value (specifying the control ID) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetAisacControlByName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *control_name, CriFloat32 control_value)
 Set AISAC control value (specifying a control name) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_ClearAisacControls (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Clear the AISAC control values set to the player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_Set3dSourceHn (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomEx3dSourceHn source)
 Set the 3D sound source handle. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_Set3dSourceListHn (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomEx3dSourceListHn source_list)
 Assign a 3D sound source handle list to a player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_Set3dListenerHn (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomEx3dListenerHn listener)
 Set the 3D listener handle. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExPlayer_GetAisacControlById (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExAisacControlId control_id)
 Get an AISAC control value (specifying the control ID) More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExPlayer_GetAisacControlByName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *control_name)
 Get an AISAC control value (specifying the control name) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetCategoryById (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriUint32 category_id)
 Set the category (specifying its ID) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetCategoryByName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *category_name)
 Set the category (specifying its name) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_UnsetCategory (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Remove a category. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetNumCategories (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Acquiring the number of categories. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayer_GetCategoryInfo (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriUint16 index, CriAtomExCategoryInfo *info)
 Acquiring category information (by specifying an index) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetTrackInfo (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 num_tracks, const CriSint32 *channels_per_track)
 Set the track information. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetTrackVolume (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 track_no, CriFloat32 volume)
 Set the track volume. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetSilentMode (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExSilentMode silent_mode)
 Set the silence-handling mode. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetCuePriority (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 cue_priority)
 Set the Cue priority. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPreDelayTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 predelay_time_ms)
 Setting the pre-delay time. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetEnvelopeAttackTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 attack_time_ms)
 Set the attack time of the envelope. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetEnvelopeAttackCurve (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExCurveType curve_type, CriFloat32 strength)
 Setting the Envelope Attack Curve. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetEnvelopeHoldTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 hold_time_ms)
 Setting the envelope hold time. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetEnvelopeDecayTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 decay_time_ms)
 Set the decay time of the envelope. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetEnvelopeDecayCurve (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExCurveType curve_type, CriFloat32 strength)
 Setting the Envelope Decay Curve. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetEnvelopeReleaseTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 release_time_ms)
 Setting the envelope release time. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetEnvelopeReleaseCurve (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExCurveType curve_type, CriFloat32 strength)
 Setting the envelope release curve. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetEnvelopeSustainLevel (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriFloat32 susutain_level)
 Setting the envelope sustain level. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetDataRequestCallback (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlayerDataRequestCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Register the data request callback function. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetFilterCallback (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlayerFilterCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Register the wave filter callback function. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetRandomSeed (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriUint32 seed)
 Set the random number seed. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetDspParameter (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 param_id, CriFloat32 param_val)
 Set a DSP parameter. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetDspBypass (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriBool is_bypassed)
 Set a DSP parameter. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_AttachAisac (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *global_aisac_name)
 Attach a global AISAC to a player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_DetachAisac (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *global_aisac_name)
 Detach an AISAC from the player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_DetachAisacAll (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Detach all the AISACs from a player. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetNumAttachedAisacs (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the number of AISACs attached to a player. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayer_GetAttachedAisacInfo (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 aisac_attached_index, CriAtomExAisacInfo *aisac_info)
 Get information on a specific AISAC attached to a player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetStreamingCacheId (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExStreamingCacheId cache_id)
 Set the streaming cache for player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_AttachTween (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExTweenHn tween)
 Attach a Tween to a player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_DetachTween (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExTweenHn tween)
 Detach a Tween from a player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_DetachTweenAll (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Detach all Tweens from a player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetFirstBlockIndex (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExBlockIndex index)
 Set the start block (by specifying a block index) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetBlockTransitionCallback (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlayerBlockTransitionCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Register the block transition callback function. More...
CriAtomExSoundObjectHn criAtomExPlayer_GetSoundObject (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Acquire a sound object. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetDrySendLevel (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExSpeakerId spk, CriFloat32 offset, CriFloat32 gain)
 Set the dry send level (for compatibility with CRI Audio) More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetSelectorLabel (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *selector, const CriChar8 *label)
 Set selector information to the player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_UnsetSelectorLabel (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriChar8 *selector)
 Deleting the selector information set in the player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_ClearSelectorLabels (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Clear the selector information set to the player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPlaybackTrackInfoNotificationCallback (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlayerPlaybackTrackInfoNotificationCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registering playback track number notification callback function. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetPlaybackEventCallback (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExPlaybackEventCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registration of playback event callback. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetChannelConfig (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 num_channels, CriAtomChannelConfig channel_config)
 Specify the channel configuration of the input audio. More...
void criAtomExPlayback_Stop (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Stop the sound. More...
void criAtomExPlayback_StopWithoutReleaseTime (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Stop the sound (ignoring the release time) More...
void criAtomExPlayback_Pause (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriBool sw)
 Pause/resume the sound. More...
void criAtomExPlayback_Resume (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomExResumeMode mode)
 Resume the audio playback (paused by a specific pause method) More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_IsPaused (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Get the pause status of the sound. More...
CriAtomExPlaybackStatus criAtomExPlayback_GetStatus (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Get the playback status. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetFormatInfo (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomExFormatInfo *info)
 Get information about the format of the sound being played. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetSource (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomExSourceInfo *source)
 Get information about the source of the sound. More...
CriAtomPlayerHn criAtomExPlayback_GetAtomPlayer (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Acquisition of an Atom player. More...
CriSint64 criAtomExPlayback_GetTime (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Get the playback time. More...
CriSint64 criAtomExPlayback_GetTimeSyncedWithAudio (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Get the playback time (synchronized with playback sound) More...
CriSint64 criAtomExPlayback_GetTimeSyncedWithAudioMicro (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Get the playback time (synchronized with playback sound) More...
CriSint64 criAtomExPlayback_GetSequencePosition (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Acquiring the sequence playback position. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetNumPlayedSamples (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriSint64 *num_samples, CriSint32 *sampling_rate)
 Get the number of samples played. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetNumRenderedSamples (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriSint64 *num_samples, CriSint32 *sampling_rate)
 Get the number of samples to write to the sound buffer. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetParameterFloat32 (CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id, CriAtomExParameterId parameter_id, CriFloat32 *value_float32)
 Get a parameter (floating point number) More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetParameterUint32 (CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id, CriAtomExParameterId parameter_id, CriUint32 *value_uint32)
 Get a parameter (unsigned integer) More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetParameterSint32 (CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id, CriAtomExParameterId parameter_id, CriSint32 *value_sint32)
 Get a parameter (signed integer) More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetAisacControlById (CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id, CriAtomExAisacControlId control_id, CriFloat32 *control_value)
 Get the value of an AISAC control (specified by its ID) More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetAisacControlByName (CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id, const CriChar8 *control_name, CriFloat32 *control_value)
 Get the value of an AISAC control (specified by its name) More...
void criAtomExPlayback_SetNextBlockIndex (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomExBlockIndex index)
 Set the index of the next block. More...
CriAtomExBlockIndex criAtomExPlayback_GetCurrentBlockIndex (CriAtomExPlaybackId id)
 Get the current block index of the sound beng played back. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetPlaybackTrackInfo (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomExPlaybackTrackInfo *info)
 Get the playback track info. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_GetBeatSyncInfo (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriAtomExBeatSyncInfo *info)
 Get the beat synchronization information. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayback_SetBeatSyncOffset (CriAtomExPlaybackId id, CriSint16 time_ms)
 Beat sync offset setting. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_CalculateWorkSizeForFader (const CriAtomExFaderConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a fader. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_AttachFader (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, const CriAtomExFaderConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Attach a fader to a player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_DetachFader (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Detach a fader from a player. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetFadeOutTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 ms)
 Set the fade-out time. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetFadeOutTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the fade-out time. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetFadeInTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 ms)
 Set the fade-in time. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetFadeInTime (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the fade-in time. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetFadeInStartOffset (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 ms)
 Set the fade-in start offset. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetFadeInStartOffset (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the fade-in start offset. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_SetFadeOutEndDelay (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriSint32 ms)
 Set the delay time after the fade-out. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExPlayer_GetFadeOutEndDelay (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Get the delay time after the fade-out. More...
CriBool criAtomExPlayer_IsFading (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Check whether fading is in process or not. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_ResetFaderParameters (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Initialize the fader parameters. More...
void criAtomExSequencer_SetEventCallback (CriAtomExSequencerEventCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Register a sequence callback function. More...
void criAtomExBeatSync_SetCallback (CriAtomExBeatSyncCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Register beat synchronization position detection callback function. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx3dSource_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomEx3dSourceConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create a 3D sound source. More...
CriAtomEx3dSourceHn criAtomEx3dSource_Create (const CriAtomEx3dSourceConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_Destroy (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source)
 Destroy a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_Update (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source)
 Update a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_ResetParameters (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source)
 Reset the 3D sound source parameters. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetPosition (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, const CriAtomExVector *position)
 Set the position of a 3D sound source. More...
CriAtomExVector criAtomEx3dSource_GetPosition (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source)
 Get the 3D sound source position. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetVelocity (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, const CriAtomExVector *velocity)
 Set the velocity of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetOrientation (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, const CriAtomExVector *front, const CriAtomExVector *top)
 Setting the direction of 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetConeParameter (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriFloat32 inside_angle, CriFloat32 outside_angle, CriFloat32 outside_volume)
 Set the parameters of the sound cone of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_ChangeDefaultConeParameter (CriFloat32 inside_angle, CriFloat32 outside_angle, CriFloat32 outside_volume)
 Change the default values of the sound cone parameters a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetMinMaxAttenuationDistance (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriFloat32 min_attenuation_distance, CriFloat32 max_attenuation_distance)
 Set the minimum and maximum attenuation distances of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_ChangeDefaultMinMaxAttenuationDistance (CriFloat32 min_attenuation_distance, CriFloat32 max_attenuation_distance)
 Change the default values of the minimum and maximum attenuation distances of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetInteriorPanField (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriFloat32 source_radius, CriFloat32 interior_distance)
 Set the interior panning boundaries of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_ChangeDefaultInteriorPanField (CriFloat32 source_radius, CriFloat32 interior_distance)
 Change the default value of the interior panning boundaries of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetDopplerFactor (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriFloat32 doppler_factor)
 Set the Doppler factor for a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_ChangeDefaultDopplerFactor (CriFloat32 doppler_factor)
 Change the default Doppler factor for a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetVolume (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriFloat32 volume)
 Set the volume of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_ChangeDefaultVolume (CriFloat32 volume)
 Change the default volume of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetMaxAngleAisacDelta (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriFloat32 max_delta)
 Set the maximum variation of the angle AISAC control valu. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetDistanceAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Set the distance AISAC control ID. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetListenerBasedAzimuthAngleAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Set the listener reference angle AISAC control ID. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetListenerBasedElevationAngleAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Set the sound listener reference elevation AISAC control ID. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetSourceBasedAzimuthAngleAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Set the source reference angle AISAC control ID. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetSourceBasedElevationAngleAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Set the sound source reference elevation AISAC control ID. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_Set3dRegionHn (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomEx3dRegionHn ex_3d_region)
 Set 3D region handle for 3D source handle. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetRandomPositionConfig (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, const CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionConfig *config)
 Setting position randomization for 3D sound sources. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetRandomPositionCalculationCallback (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionCalculationCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registration of a callback function for calculating position coordinates when randomizing the position of a 3D sound source. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetRandomPositionList (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, const CriAtomExVector *position_list, CriUint32 length)
 Setting a list of position coordinates for randomizing the position of 3D sound sources. More...
void criAtomEx3dSource_SetRandomPositionResultCallback (CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source, CriAtomEx3dSourceRandomPositionResultCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registering a callback function for the position coordinate result when randomizing the position of a 3D sound source. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx3dSourceList_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomEx3dSourceListConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work area necessary to create the 3D sound source handle list. More...
CriAtomEx3dSourceListHn criAtomEx3dSourceList_Create (const CriAtomEx3dSourceListConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create a 3D sound source handle list. More...
void criAtomEx3dSourceList_Destroy (CriAtomEx3dSourceListHn ex_3d_source_list)
 Discard a 3D sound source handle list. More...
void criAtomEx3dSourceList_Add (CriAtomEx3dSourceListHn ex_3d_source_list, CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source)
 Add a 3D sound source handle to a 3D sound source handle list. More...
void criAtomEx3dSourceList_Remove (CriAtomEx3dSourceListHn ex_3d_source_list, CriAtomEx3dSourceHn ex_3d_source)
 Delete a 3D sound source handle from 3D sound source handle list. More...
void criAtomEx3dSourceList_RemoveAll (CriAtomEx3dSourceListHn ex_3d_source_list)
 Delete all the 3D sound source handles from a 3D sound source handle list. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx3dListener_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomEx3dListenerConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create a 3D listener. More...
CriAtomEx3dListenerHn criAtomEx3dListener_Create (const CriAtomEx3dListenerConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create a 3D listener handle. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_Destroy (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener)
 Destroy a 3D listener. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_Update (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener)
 Update a 3D listener. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_ResetParameters (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener)
 Reset the 3D listener parameters. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_SetPosition (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, const CriAtomExVector *position)
 Set the position of a 3D listener. More...
CriAtomExVector criAtomEx3dListener_GetPosition (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener)
 Get 3D position of listener. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_SetVelocity (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, const CriAtomExVector *velocity)
 Set the velocity of a 3D listener. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_SetOrientation (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, const CriAtomExVector *front, const CriAtomExVector *top)
 Set the orientation of the 3D listener. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_SetDopplerMultiplier (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, CriFloat32 doppler_multiplier)
 Set the Doppler multiplier for the 3D listener. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_SetFocusPoint (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, const CriAtomExVector *focus_point)
 Set the focus point of the 3D listener. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_SetDistanceFocusLevel (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, CriFloat32 distance_focus_level)
 Set the focus level of the distance sensor. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_SetDirectionFocusLevel (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, CriFloat32 direction_focus_level)
 Set the focus level of the direction sensor. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_GetFocusPoint (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, CriAtomExVector *focus_point)
 Getting the 3D listener's attention point. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomEx3dListener_GetDistanceFocusLevel (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener)
 Get the focus level of the distance sensor. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomEx3dListener_GetDirectionFocusLevel (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener)
 Get focus level of direction sensor. More...
void criAtomEx_EnableCalculationAisacControlFrom3dPosition (CriBool flag)
 When the pan type is Pan 3D, sets whether to reflect the distance attenuation AISAC and angle AISAC control values to the sound source. More...
CriBool criAtomEx_IsEnableCalculationAisacControlFrom3dPosition (void)
 Gets whether distance attenuation AISAC and angle AISAC control values are reflected in the sound source when pan type is pan 3D. More...
void criAtomEx3dListener_Set3dRegionHn (CriAtomEx3dListenerHn ex_3d_listener, CriAtomEx3dRegionHn ex_3d_region)
 Set 3D region handle for 3D listener handle. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx3dRegion_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomEx3dRegionConfig *config)
 Calculation of the work area size required to create a 3D region handle. More...
CriAtomEx3dRegionHn criAtomEx3dRegion_Create (const CriAtomEx3dRegionConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create 3D region handle. More...
void criAtomEx3dRegion_Destroy (CriAtomEx3dRegionHn ex_3d_region)
 Discard 3D region handle. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx3dTransceiver_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomEx3dTransceiverConfig *config)
 Calculating the work area size required to create a 3D transceiver handle. More...
CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn criAtomEx3dTransceiver_Create (const CriAtomEx3dTransceiverConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create 3D Transceiver handle. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_Destroy (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver)
 Discard 3D Transceiver handle. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_Update (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver)
 3D Transceiver Update More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetInputPosition (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, const CriAtomExVector *position)
 Setting the position of the 3D transceiver input. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetOutputPosition (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, const CriAtomExVector *position)
 Setting the position of the 3D transceiver output. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetInputOrientation (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, const CriAtomExVector *front, const CriAtomExVector *top)
 Setting the orientation of the 3D transceiver input. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetOutputOrientation (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, const CriAtomExVector *front, const CriAtomExVector *top)
 Setting the orientation of the 3D transceiver output. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetOutputConeParameter (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriFloat32 inside_angle, CriFloat32 outside_angle, CriFloat32 outside_volume)
 Setting sound cone parameters for 3D transceiver output. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetOutputMinMaxAttenuationDistance (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriFloat32 min_attenuation_distance, CriFloat32 max_attenuation_distance)
 Set minimum/maximum distance for 3D transceiver. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetOutputInteriorPanField (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriFloat32 transceiver_radius, CriFloat32 interior_distance)
 Set Interior Panning Boundary Distance for 3D Transceiver Output. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetInputCrossFadeField (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriFloat32 direct_audio_radius, CriFloat32 crossfade_distance)
 Set Crossfade Boundary Distance for 3D Transceiver Input. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetOutputVolume (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriFloat32 volume)
 Setting the volume of the 3D transceiver output. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_AttachAisac (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, const CriChar8 *global_aisac_name)
 Attach AISAC to 3D transceiver. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_DetachAisac (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, const CriChar8 *global_aisac_name)
 Detach AISAC from 3D transceiver. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetMaxAngleAisacDelta (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriFloat32 max_delta)
 Setting of maximum change amount of angle AISAC control value. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetDistanceAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Set the distance AISAC control ID. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetListenerBasedAzimuthAngleAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Setting listener reference azimuth AISAC control ID. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetListenerBasedElevationAngleAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 Listener standard elevation/depression angle AISAC control ID setting. More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetTransceiverOutputBasedAzimuthAngleAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 3D transceiver output reference azimuth AISAC control ID setting More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_SetTransceiverOutputBasedElevationAngleAisacControlId (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriAtomExAisacControlId aisac_control_id)
 3D transceiver output reference elevation angle AISAC control ID setting More...
void criAtomEx3dTransceiver_Set3dRegionHn (CriAtomEx3dTransceiverHn ex_3d_transceiver, CriAtomEx3dRegionHn ex_3d_region)
 Setting the 3D region handle for the 3D transceiver handle. More...
void criAtomExVoicePool_DetachDsp (CriAtomExVoicePoolHn pool)
 Detach a DSP. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForDspPitchShifter (const CriAtomExDspPitchShifterConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a pitch shifter DSP. More...
void criAtomExVoicePool_AttachDspPitchShifter (CriAtomExVoicePoolHn pool, const CriAtomExDspPitchShifterConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Attach a pitch shifter DSP. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForDspTimeStretch (const CriAtomExDspTimeStretchConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a time-stretching DSP. More...
void criAtomExVoicePool_AttachDspTimeStretch (CriAtomExVoicePoolHn pool, const CriAtomExDspTimeStretchConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Attach a time-stretching DSP. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExVoicePool_CalculateWorkSizeForDspAfx (const CriAtomExDspAfxConfig *config)
 Calculating Work Area Size for Time Stretch DSP Attach. More...
void criAtomExVoicePool_AttachDspAfx (CriAtomExVoicePoolHn pool, const CriAtomExDspAfxConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Attaching AFX format DSP. More...
CriBool criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveformById (CriAtomExStreamingCacheId stm_cache_id, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId id)
 Determines if the streaming data of a Cue (specified by its ID) is already cached. More...
CriBool criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveformByName (CriAtomExStreamingCacheId stm_cache_id, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Determines if the streaming data of a Cue (specified by its name) is already cached. More...
CriFsLoaderHn criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByIdAsync (CriAtomExStreamingCacheId stm_cache_id, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId cue_id)
 Starting to cache streaming data of the Cue (specified by its ID) More...
CriFsLoaderHn criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByNameAsync (CriAtomExStreamingCacheId stm_cache_id, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Starting to cache streaming data of the Cue (specified by its name) More...
CriBool criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformById (CriAtomExStreamingCacheId stm_cache_id, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, CriAtomExCueId cue_id)
 Caching streaming data of the Cue (specified by its ID) More...
CriBool criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByName (CriAtomExStreamingCacheId stm_cache_id, CriAtomExAcbHn acb_hn, const CriChar8 *name)
 Caches streaming data of the Cue (specified by its name) More...
CriSint32 criAtomExTween_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExTweenConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create a Tween. More...
CriAtomExTweenHn criAtomExTween_Create (const CriAtomExTweenConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create Tween. More...
void criAtomExTween_Destroy (CriAtomExTweenHn tween)
 Destroy a Tween. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExTween_GetValue (CriAtomExTweenHn tween)
 Get the current value of the Tween. More...
void criAtomExTween_MoveTo (CriAtomExTweenHn tween, CriUint16 time_ms, CriFloat32 value)
 Smoothly change the current value of the parameter to the specified value. More...
void criAtomExTween_MoveFrom (CriAtomExTweenHn tween, CriUint16 time_ms, CriFloat32 value)
 Smoothly change the specified value to the current value. More...
void criAtomExTween_Stop (CriAtomExTweenHn tween)
 Stop the Tween. More...
void criAtomExTween_Reset (CriAtomExTweenHn tween)
 Reset the Tween. More...
void criAtomEx_SetVoiceEventCallback (CriAtomExVoiceEventCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Register a voice event callback. More...
void criAtomEx_EnumerateVoiceInfos (CriAtomExVoiceInfoCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Voice information enumerator. More...
void criAtomEx_SetMonitoringVoiceStopCallback (CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopCbFunc func, void *obj)
 Registering a callback function for monitoring a voice stop. More...
void criAtomEx_SetMonitoringVoiceStopPlaybackId (CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id)
 Registering a playback ID for monitoring a voice stop. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExSoundObject_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig *config)
 Calculate the size of the buffer required to create a sound object. More...
CriAtomExSoundObjectHn criAtomExSoundObject_Create (const CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Create a sound object. More...
void criAtomExSoundObject_Destroy (CriAtomExSoundObjectHn sound_object)
 Destroys a sound object. More...
void criAtomExSoundObject_AddPlayer (CriAtomExSoundObjectHn sound_object, CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Add an AtomEx player to a sound object. More...
void criAtomExSoundObject_DeletePlayer (CriAtomExSoundObjectHn sound_object, CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Remove an AtomEx player from a sound object. More...
void criAtomExSoundObject_DeleteAllPlayers (CriAtomExSoundObjectHn sound_object)
 Remove all AtomEx players. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Ignores loop info



Forced loop playback



AtomEx D-BAS illegal ID.

Value returned when the criAtomExDbas_Create function fails.
See also
criAtomExDbas_Create, criAtomExDbas_Destroy



Invalid streaming cache ID value.

Value returned when the criAtomExStreamingCache_Create function fails.
See also
criAtomExStreamingCache_Create, criAtomExStreamingCache_Destroy



Maximum length of output port name.

The maximum length of the string used for the name in CriAtomExOutputPortConfig::name .
See also

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_SetDefaultConfig

#define criAtomExOutputPort_SetDefaultConfig (   p_config,
(p_config)->name = outputport_name;\
(p_config)->max_ignored_categories = 4;\

Set default values in the configuration structure for creating an output port.

[in]outputport_nameOutput Port Name
[out]p_configA pointer to the configuration structure for creating an output port
Set the default values in the configuration structure (CriAtomExOutputPortConfig) set in the criAtomExOutputPort_Create function.
See also
CriAtomExOutputPortConfig, criAtomExOutputPort_Create

◆ criAtomExDbas_SetDefaultConfig

#define criAtomExDbas_SetDefaultConfig (   p_config)     criAtomDbas_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)

Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a D-BAS.

[out]p_configpointer to the configuration structure used to create a D-BAS
Assigns the default values to the configuration structure ( CriAtomExDbasConfig ) that is passed to the criAtomExDbas_Create function.
See also
CriAtomExDbasConfig, criAtomExDbas_Create, criAtomExDbas_CalculateWorkSize

◆ criAtomExDbas_CalculateWorkSize

#define criAtomExDbas_CalculateWorkSize (   config)     criAtomDbas_CalculateWorkSize(config)

Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create a D-BAS.

[in]configpointer to the configuration structure used to create a D-BAS
CriSint32 size of the work buffer required to create a D-BAS
Return values
>=0 successfully completed
-1error occurred
Calculates the size of the work buffer required to create a D-BAS based on the D-BAS configuration parameters.

If the function fails to calculate the size of the work buffer, it returns -1.
To know the reason of the failure, refer to the error callback message.
The size of the work buffer depends on the parameters specified when initializing the library (i.e. when executing the criAtomEx_Initialize function).
Therefore, the library must be initialized before calling this function.
See also
criAtomExDbas_Create, criAtomEx_Initialize

◆ criAtomExDbas_Create

#define criAtomExDbas_Create (   config,
)     criAtomDbas_Create((config), (work), (work_size))

Create a D-BAS.

[in]configpointer to the configuration structure used to create the D-BAS
[in]workpointer to the work buffer
[in]work_sizesize of the work buffer
CriAtomExDbasId D-BAS management ID
Creates a D-BAS based on the D-BAS configuration parameters.
When the function creates a D-BAS successfully, it registers the D-BAS with the library and returns a valid D-BAS management ID.
When it fails, it returns CRIATOMEXDBAS_ILLEGAL_ID .
(The reason for the error is passed to the error callback function.)

The ID obtained will be used when calling the criAtomExDbas_Destroy function.
The library must be initialized before this function is called.
See also
criAtomExDbas_CalculateWorkSize, criAtomExDbas_Destroy

◆ criAtomExDbas_Destroy

#define criAtomExDbas_Destroy (   atom_dbas_id)     criAtomDbas_Destroy(atom_dbas_id);

Destroy a D-BAS.

[in]atom_dbas_idD-BAS management ID
Destroys the D-BAS specified by the management ID (returned from the criAtomExDbas_Create function).
See also

◆ criAtomExDbas_GetStreamingPlayerHandles

#define criAtomExDbas_GetStreamingPlayerHandles (   dbas_id,
)     criAtomDbas_GetStreamingPlayerHandles((dbas_id), (players), (length))

Get the handles of the Atom players currently using streaming playback.

[in]dbas_idD-BAS management ID
[out]playersarray to recieve the player handles
[in]lengthnumber of elements in the array above
CriSint32 number of players
Return values
>=0 successfully completed
-1error occurred
Gets the handles of the Atom players currently using streaming playback.
If successfull, the addresses of the player handles currently streaming are stored in the third argument (the player handles array), and the number of player handles is returned by the function.
By specifying NULL for the third argument (the players array) and 0 for the fourth argument (the length of the array), the function will only returns the number of players that are currently streaming.
When accessing a player handle after getting the number of players, exclusive control (provided by the criAtom_Lock function) is needed so that the server process does not interrupt the processing.
(Otherwise the number of players may change in the meantime.)

If the size of the array is smaller than the number of players currently streaming, this function returns an error value (-1).

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_SetDefaultConfig

#define criAtomExStreamingCache_SetDefaultConfig (   p_config)     criAtomStreamingCache_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)

Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create the streaming cache.

[out]p_configpointer to the configuration structure used to create the streaming cache
Assigns the default values to the configuration structure ( ::CriAtomExStreamingCacheUnitConfig ) that is passed to the criAtomExStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize and criAtomExStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize functions.
See also
criAtomExStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize, criAtomExStreamingCache_Create

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize

#define criAtomExStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize (   p_config)     criAtomStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize(p_config)

Calculate the size of the work buffer required to create the streaming cache.

[in]p_configpointer to the configuration structure used to create the streaming cache
CriSint32 size of the work buffer required to create the streaming cache
Return values
>=0 successfully completed
-1error occurred
Calculates the size of the work buffer required to create the streaming cache.
The size of the work buffer needed depends on the values of the parameters in the configuration structure.
See also

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_Create

#define criAtomExStreamingCache_Create (   config,
)     criAtomStreamingCache_Create((config), (work), (work_size));

Create a streaming cache.

[in]configconfiguration structure used to create the streaming cache
[in]workwork buffer used to create the streaming cache
[in]work_sizesize of the work buffer
CriAtomExStreamingCacheId streaming cache ID
Creates a streaming cache.
By assigning a streaming cache to an Atom Player, an entire file can be held (cached) in memory during streaming playback.
During subsequent playbacks of the same file, the cache is automatically played from the memory.
Also, if the audio data contains a loop point, playback after the loop point is automatically performed from the memory.
This feature only works when an Atom Player performs streaming playback.
If this function fails, CRIATOMEX_STREAMING_CACHE_ILLEGAL_ID is returned.
This function assumes that the entire file ca be cached. If the memory size assigned to the cache is smaller than the size of any file available for streaming playback, no file is actually cached.
See also
criAtomExStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize, criAtomExStreamingCache_Destroy,

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_Destroy

#define criAtomExStreamingCache_Destroy (   stm_cache_id)     criAtomStreamingCache_Destroy(stm_cache_id)

Destroy the streaming cache.

[in]stm_cache_idstreaming cache ID
Destroys a streaming cache.
Before executing this function, check that no player is using that streaming cache anymore.
See also

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_Clear

#define criAtomExStreamingCache_Clear (   cache_id)     criAtomStreamingCache_Clear(cache_id)

Clear the contents of the streaming cache.

[in]cache_idstreaming cache ID
Clears the contents of the specified streaming cache.
The oldest cache contents are cleared first .
If a player is using that streaming cache, the clearing of the cache is interrupted.
If a player is using the oldest contents in the cache, no cache content is cleared by executing this function.
See also

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveId

#define criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveId (   stm_cache_id,
)     criAtomStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveId((stm_cache_id), (awb), (id))

Check whether the data with the specified WaveID is cached or not.

[in]stm_cache_idstreaming cache ID
[in]awbAWB handle
CriBool CRI_TRUE if cached, or CRI_FALSE otherwise
Checks whether the audio data is already cached in the specified streaming cache or not.
The function returns CRI_TRUE if the audio data is already cached, and returns CRI_FALSE otherwise.
When the AWB handle is for memory playback, this function returns CRI_TRUE regardless of whether the audio data is cached or not.
See also

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedFile

#define criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedFile (   stm_cache_id,
)     criAtomStreamingCache_IsCachedFile((stm_cache_id), (src_binder), (path))

Check whether the data at the specified path is cached or not.

[in]stm_cache_idstreaming cache ID
[in]src_binderbinder handle for the audio data file source
[in]pathpath to the audio data
CriBool CRI_TRUE if cached, or CRI_FALSE otherwise
Checks whether the audio data is already cached in the specified streaming cache or not.
The function returns CRI_TRUE if the audio data is already cached, and returns CRI_FALSE otherwise.
See also

◆ criAtomExSoundObject_SetDefaultConfig

#define criAtomExSoundObject_SetDefaultConfig (   p_config)
(p_config)->enable_voice_limit_scope = CRI_FALSE;\
(p_config)->enable_category_cue_limit_scope = CRI_FALSE;\

Assign the default values to the configuration structure used to create a sound object.

[out]p_configpointer to the configuration structure used to create a sound object
Assigns the default values to the configuration structure ( CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig ) passed to the criAtomExSoundObject_Create function.
See also
CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig, criAtomExSoundObject_Create





















raw PCM






Audio buffer



Input port



Hardware-specific 1



Hardware-specific 2



5.1 ch surround

The following shows the order of output speakers.
See also



7.1 ch surround

The following shows the order of output speakers.
See also

Typedef Documentation

◆ CriAtomExInputPortHn

typedef void* CriAtomExInputPortHn

Input port handle.

The handle used to reference the input port.

◆ CriAtomExBeatSyncCbFunc

typedef CriSint32( * CriAtomExBeatSyncCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExBeatSyncInfo *info)

Beat synchronization position detection callback.

[in]objUser specified object
[in]infoBeat synchronization position detection information
Not used The beat synchronization position detection callback function type of the AtomEx library.
To register the callback function, use the criAtomExBeatSync_SetCallback function.
The registered callback function is executed when beat synchronization position detection is processed within the server function.
Therefore, if you execute an API that does not consider interrupts to server processing, errors may occur or deadlock may occur.
Do not use the Atom library API within the callback function.
If block long processing within this callback function, problems such as out of sound will occur.
See also

◆ CriAtomExDbasId

AtomEx D-BAS ID.

CriAtomExDbasId is the ID for D-BAS management.
You can obtain it by creating a D-BAS using the criAtomExDbas_Create function.
Applications only need the D-BAS ID to destroy the corresponding D-BAS when it is not needed anymore.
See also
criAtomExDbas_Create, criAtomExDbas_Destroy

◆ CriAtomExDbasConfig

Configuration structure used when creating a D-BAS.

Configuration structure used to create a D-BAS. It is passed to the criAtomExDbas_Create function.
More members will be added in the future, so if you are not using the criAtomExDbas_SetDefaultConfig macro, make sure to initialize the whole structure to zero before using it.
(Make sure that no member of the structure has an undefined value.)
See also
criAtomExDbas_Create, criAtomExDbas_CalculateWorkSize, criAtomExDbas_SetDefaultConfig

◆ CriAtomExStreamingCacheId

typedef CriAtomStreamingCacheId CriAtomExStreamingCacheId

Streaming cache ID.

ID used to reference a streaming cache across the application.
It is returned by the criAtomExStreamingCache_Create function.
See also

◆ CriAtomExStreamingCacheConfig

Configuration structure used when creating a streaming cache.

This structure is used to specify the parameters of the streaming cache (such as the size of the files that can be cached) when it is created.
It is passed to the criAtomExStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize and criAtomExStreamingCache_Create functions.

More members will be added in the future, so make sure to initialize the whole structure to zero before using it.
(Make sure that no member of the structure has an undefined value.)
See also
criAtomStreamingCache_CalculateWorkSize, criAtomStreamingCache_Create

◆ CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig

Configuration structure used to create sound objects.

Configuration structure used when creating a sound object.
It is passed to the criAtomExSoundObject_Create function.

Internal resources will be allocated for the sound object based on the value of the parameters of this structure.
In particular, the size of the work buffer required for the sound object depends on these parameters.
More members will be added in the future. Use the criAtomExSoundObject_SetDefaultConfig macro to set the default values before setting each member.
(Make sure that no member of the structure has an undefined value.)
See also
criAtomExSoundObject_Create, criAtomExSoundObject_SetDefaultConfig

◆ CriAtomExSoundObjectHn

typedef CriAtomExSoundObjectObj* CriAtomExSoundObjectHn

Sound object handle.

CriAtomExSoundObjectHn is a handle used to manipulate sound objects.

When you create a sound object with the criAtomExSoundObject_Create function, the function returns this "sound object handle" that you can use to manipulate the sound object.
All operations performed on a sound object are performed through the sound object handle.
A sound object is an abstract concept that represents an "object," "space," or "situation" that produces multiple sounds.

By associating sound objects with "objects," "spaces," "situations," etc. within the application, you can control the sound more naturally.
For example, when a certain character exists, by creating a sound object for that character, it becomes easy to limit the number of voices per character, or to stop playback all at once when the character disappears.

Sound objects by themselves do not have any functionality for sound playback. Playback and individual control are performed by the AtomEx player associated with the sound object.
See also

◆ CriAtomExOutputPortType

Output port type.

This value indicates the type of the output port.
See also

◆ CriAtomExOutputPortConfig

Config structure used to create the output port.

This is the configuration structure used when creating the output port.
It is passed as an argument to the criAtomExOutputPort_Create function.
See also

◆ CriAtomExOutputPortHn

typedef CriAtomExOutputPortObj* CriAtomExOutputPortHn

Output port handle.

CriAtomExOutputPortHn is a handle used to reference an audio output port.

An output port handle can be obtained by one of the two methods below:
An output port is an abstraction for an audio output destination.

If the name of the output destination is specified for an audio track in advance, an output port handle with the same name will be automatically allocated during playback. The output port is associated with an ASR rack. The audio allocated to the output port handle will be played through this ASR rack.
Therefore, before using any output port handle (including the global one), it needs to be associated to the corresponding ASR rack by calling the criAtomExOutputPort_SetAsrRackId function.
See also
criAtomExOutputPort_Create, criAtomExAcf_GetOutputPortHnByName, criAtomExOutputPort_SetAsrRackId

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CriAtomExInputPortTypeTag

Input port type.


Microphone input


AUX input

◆ CriAtomExOutputPortTypeTag

Output port type.

This value indicates the type of the output port.
See also

Audio type.

Type of output port used to play normal audio signals.

Vibration type.

Type of output port used to play vibrations derived from audio signals.

Vibration Type.

Invalid type. The return value of the function is used on error.

Function Documentation

◆ criAtomEx_IsDataPlaying()

CriBool criAtomEx_IsDataPlaying ( void *  buffer,
CriSint32  size 

Check whether the ACB handle can be released immediately.

[in]sizeBuffer size
CriBool Whether it is during audio playback or not (CRI_TRUE = There is a player that is playing , CRI_FALSE = There is not a player that is playing)
Check whether the buffer area set by criAtomExPlayer_SetData function can be freed.
Even if all the AtomEx players are stopped, there is still a possibility that a voice referencing data in the memory area exists in the library.
(If the voice is stopped using the criAtomExPlayer_StopWithoutReleaseTime function or if the voice is snatched, the voice will be detached from the AtomEx player, but the data may be referenced until the voice is completely stopped.)
When this function is executed, the Atom player referring to the specified data area does not exist or search processing is performed in the library.
Therefore, creating / destroying Atom player from another thread while this function is executing may cause serious trouble such as an access violation or a deadlock.
If you need to create / destroy an Atom player with another thread while this function is being executed, please lock the creation / destruction of the Atom player with the criAtomEx_Lock function.

When releasing the buffer set with the criAtomExPlayer_SetData function, it is necessary to wait until this function returns CRI_FALSE (after stopping the processing of the player for which the data was set)
If the buffer area is freed even though this function returns CRI_TRUE, a fatal error such as an access violation may occur.
See also

◆ criAtomExAcb_IsReadyToRelease()

CriBool criAtomExAcb_IsReadyToRelease ( CriAtomExAcbHn  acb_hn)

Check whether a ACB handle can be released immediately or not.

[in]acb_hnACB handle
CriBool status of the ACB (CRI_TRUE if the ACB handle can be released immediately, CRI_FALSE if there is still a player in playback mode)
Checks whether an ACB handle can be released immediately or not.
If the criAtomExAcb_Release function is executed when this function returns CRI_FALSE, players referring to the ACB handle are stopped.
(In the case of an ACB handle with streaming playback, it is necessary to wait for completion of the file reading operation. Therefore, the process may be blocked in the criAtomExAcb_Release function for a long time.)
Even if all players referring to the ACB handle for playback are stopped, there may be voices in the library that are referring to this ACB handle.
(If stopping the processing is performed by the criAtomExPlayer_StopWithoutReleaseTime function or if a voice is recycled, the player is detached from the voice, but after that, the voice may still wait for completion of the file reading operation.)
If you want to prevent processes from being blocked in the criAtomExAcb_Release function, do not execute the criAtomExAcb_Release function before this function returns CRI_TRUE.
When this function is executed, an Atom Player referring to the specified ACB data is searched for in the library.
Therefore, if an Atom Player is created/destroyed on another thread while this function is in progress, a serious problem such as an access violation or a deadlock may occur.
If you need to create/destroy an Atom Player on another thread while this function is in progress, create/destroy an Atom Player after locking the operation by calling the criAtomEx_Lock function.
See also

◆ criAtomExPlayer_Destroy()

void criAtomExPlayer_Destroy ( CriAtomExPlayerHn  player)

Destroy an AtomEx player.

[in]playerAtomEx player handle
Destroys an AtomEx player.
The memory allocated when you created the AtomEx player is released when you execute this function.
The AtomEx player handle specified as argument becomes invalid.
This is a blocking function.
If you attempt to destroy the AtomEx player while playing a sound, resources will be released after the playback is stopped within this function.
(If you are playing from a file, the function will also have to wait for loading completion.)
Therefore, processing may be blocked for an extended time (a few frames) within this function.
Create or destroy an AtomEx player only when a fluctuation in load is acceptable, for example when loading a game level.
See also
criAtomExPlayer_Create, CriAtomExPlayerHn

◆ criAtomExBeatSync_SetCallback()

void criAtomExBeatSync_SetCallback ( CriAtomExBeatSyncCbFunc  func,
void *  obj 

Register beat synchronization position detection callback function.

[in]funcBeat synchronization position detection callback function
[in]objUser specified object
Register a callback function that receives beat synchronization position detection information.
The registered callback function is executed at the timing when beat synchronization position detection is processed in the server function.
Do not execute the API of the Atom library within the callback function.
The callback function is executed from the server process in the Atom library.
Therefore, if you execute an API that does not consider interrupts to server processing, errors may occur or deadlock may occur.

Only one callback function can be registered.
If perform a registration operation more than once, the already registered callback function will be overwritten by the callback function registered later.

Registering registered functions can be canceled by specifying NULL for func.
See also

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveformById()

CriBool criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveformById ( CriAtomExStreamingCacheId  stm_cache_id,
CriAtomExAcbHn  acb_hn,
CriAtomExCueId  id 

Determines if the streaming data of a Cue (specified by its ID) is already cached.

[in]stm_cache_idstreaming cache ID
[in]acb_hnACB handle containing the Cue
[in]idID of the Cue for which the status of the streaming data is checked
Return values
CRI_TRUE= cached
CRI_FALSE= not cached
Gets whether the streaming data for the cue specified by the ID is already cached in the target streaming cache.
The information returned will not be accurate if the Cue has several streams.
In that case, the function will return CRI_TRUE as soon as one of the streams is found as being cached.
See also

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveformByName()

CriBool criAtomExStreamingCache_IsCachedWaveformByName ( CriAtomExStreamingCacheId  stm_cache_id,
CriAtomExAcbHn  acb_hn,
const CriChar8 *  name 

Determines if the streaming data of a Cue (specified by its name) is already cached.

[in]stm_cache_idstreaming cache ID
[in]acb_hnACB handle containing the Cue
[in]nameName of Cue for which the status of the streaming data is checked
Return values
CRI_TRUE= cached
CRI_FALSE= not cached
Gets whether the streaming data for the cue specified by the ID is already cached in the target streaming cache.
The information returned will not be accurate if the Cue has several streams.
In that case, the function will return CRI_TRUE as soon as one of the streams is found as being cached.
See also

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByIdAsync()

CriFsLoaderHn criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByIdAsync ( CriAtomExStreamingCacheId  stm_cache_id,
CriAtomExAcbHn  acb_hn,
CriAtomExCueId  cue_id 

Starting to cache streaming data of the Cue (specified by its ID)

[in]stm_cache_idTarget streaming cache ID
[in]acb_hnACB handle containing the Cue
[in]cue_idCue ID of the Cue to cache
CriFsLoaderHn CriFsLoader handle
Return values
NULL= Failed in starting to cache
Otherthan NULL = Succeeded in starting to cache
Starts to load streaming data for the Cue specified by its ID into a streaming cache.
If this function succeeds, loading is started, and the ::CriFsLoader handle in the ::CRIFSLAODER_STATUS_LOADING status is returned.
If this function fails, NULL is returned.
When the returned CriFsLoader handle is in the ::CRIFSLOADER_STATUS_COMPLETE status, loading and caching are complete.
After loading is complete, use the ::criFsLoader_Destroy function to destroy the CriFsLoader handle obtained from this function.
This function is a non-blocking function.
If the Cue has multiple streaming data, this function loads only the first streaming data found in the Cue.

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByNameAsync()

CriFsLoaderHn criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByNameAsync ( CriAtomExStreamingCacheId  stm_cache_id,
CriAtomExAcbHn  acb_hn,
const CriChar8 *  name 

Starting to cache streaming data of the Cue (specified by its name)

[in]stm_cache_idTarget streaming cache ID
[in]acb_hnACB handle containing the Cue
[in]nameName of the Cue to cache
CriFsLoaderHn CriFsLoader handle
Return values
NULL= Failed in starting to cache
Otherthan NULL = Succeeded in starting to cache
Loads streaming data for the Cue specified by its name into a streaming cache.
If this function succeeds, loading is started, and the ::CriFsLoader handle in the ::CRIFSLAODER_STATUS_LOADING status is returned.
If this function fails, NULL is returned.
When the returned CriFsLoader handle is in the ::CRIFSLOADER_STATUS_COMPLETE status, loading and caching are complete.
After loading is complete, use the ::criFsLoader_Destroy function to destroy the CriFsLoader handle obtained from this function.
This function is a non-blocking function.
If the Cue has multiple streaming data, this function loads only the first streaming data found in the Cue.

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformById()

CriBool criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformById ( CriAtomExStreamingCacheId  stm_cache_id,
CriAtomExAcbHn  acb_hn,
CriAtomExCueId  cue_id 

Caching streaming data of the Cue (specified by its ID)

[in]stm_cache_idTarget streaming cache ID
[in]acb_hnACB handle containing the Cue
[in]cue_idCue ID of the Cue to cache
CriBool Succeeded/failed
Return values
CRI_FALSE= Failed in loading
CRI_TRUE= Succeeded in loading
Loads streaming data for the Cue specified by its ID into a streaming cache.
If this function succeeds, ::CRI_TRUE is returned, and the specified Cue is in the cache complete status.
If this function fails, ::CRI_FALSE is returned.
This function is a blocking function.
If the Cue has multiple streaming data, this function loads only the first streaming data found in the Cue.

◆ criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByName()

CriBool criAtomExStreamingCache_LoadWaveformByName ( CriAtomExStreamingCacheId  stm_cache_id,
CriAtomExAcbHn  acb_hn,
const CriChar8 *  name 

Caches streaming data of the Cue (specified by its name)

[in]stm_cache_idTarget streaming cache ID
[in]acb_hnACB handle containing the Cue
[in]nameName of the Cue to cache
CriBool Succeeded/failed
Return values
CRI_FALSE= Failed in loading
CRI_TRUE= Succeeded in loading
Loads streaming data for the Cue specified by its ID into a streaming cache.
If this function succeeds, ::CRI_TRUE is returned, and the specified Cue is in the cache complete status.
If this function fails, ::CRI_FALSE is returned.
This function is a blocking function.
If the Cue has multiple streaming data, this function loads only the first streaming data found in the Cue.

◆ criAtomExSoundObject_CalculateWorkSize()

CriSint32 criAtomExSoundObject_CalculateWorkSize ( const CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig config)

Calculate the size of the buffer required to create a sound object.

[in]configConfiguration structure used to create a sound object
CriSint32 Work buffer size
Return values
0or greater Process finished normally
-1Error occurred.
Calculates the size of the work buffer required to create a sound object.
If you create a sound object without having registered a user-allocator, a memory buffer having the size returned by this function must be passed to criAtomExSoundObject_Create .

The size of the work buffer needed to create a 3D listener depends on the value of the parameters in the configuration structure ( CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig ).

When NULL is specified for the structure, the default settings (the same than the ones set by the criAtomExSoundObject_SetDefaultConfig macro) are used to calculate the size of the work buffer.
If this function fails to calculate the size of the work buffer, it will return -1.
To know the reason of the failure, refer to the error callback message.
The information in the configuration structure is only used during the initialization and is not referenced after that. Therefore, it is safe to release it once the function has returned.
The library must be initialized before this function is executed.
See also
CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig, criAtomExSoundObject_Create

◆ criAtomExSoundObject_Create()

CriAtomExSoundObjectHn criAtomExSoundObject_Create ( const CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig config,
void *  work,
CriSint32  work_size 

Create a sound object.

[in]configConfiguration structure used to create a sound object
[in]workWork buffer
[in]work_sizeWork buffer size
CriAtomExSoundObjectHn Sound object handle
Creates a sound object.
See also
CriAtomExSoundObjectConfig, criAtomExSoundObject_CalculateWorkSize, CriAtomExSoundObjectHn, criAtomExSoundObject_Destroy

◆ criAtomExSoundObject_Destroy()

void criAtomExSoundObject_Destroy ( CriAtomExSoundObjectHn  sound_object)

Destroys a sound object.

[in]sound_objectSound object
Destroys a sound object.
The memory allocated when you created the sound object is released when you execute this function.
Also, the sound object handle is disabled.
See also
criAtomExSoundObject_Create, CriAtomExSoundObjectHn

◆ criAtomExSoundObject_AddPlayer()

void criAtomExSoundObject_AddPlayer ( CriAtomExSoundObjectHn  sound_object,
CriAtomExPlayerHn  player 

Add an AtomEx player to a sound object.

[in]sound_objectsound object
[in]playerAtomEx player
Adds an AtomEx player to a sound object.
The AtomEx player associated with the sound object will be affected in the following ways:
  • Simultaneous sound playback limits and event functions will be limited to the affected scope.
  • Playback control (stop, pause, etc.)
  • Parameter control

To remove an AtomEx player from a sound object, call the criAtomExSoundObject_DeletePlayer function.
If the AtomEx player is already attached to a sound object, nothing will happen.

Only call this function when the AtomEx player you want to add is not playing any sound.
If an AtomEx player with a status other than CRIATOMEXPLAYER_STATUS_STOP is specified, the sound playback will be stopped via the criAtomExPlayer_StopWithoutReleaseTime function when the player is added.
See also
criAtomExSoundObject_DeletePlayer, criAtomExSoundObject_DeleteAllPlayers

◆ criAtomExSoundObject_DeletePlayer()

void criAtomExSoundObject_DeletePlayer ( CriAtomExSoundObjectHn  sound_object,
CriAtomExPlayerHn  player 

Remove an AtomEx player from a sound object.

[in]sound_objectsound object
[in]playerAtomEx player
Removes an AtomEx player from the sound object.
The AtomEx player will no longer be associated with the sound object and will therefore not be affected by it in any way.
Only call this function when the AtomEx player you want to remove is not playing any sound.
If an AtomEx player with a status other than CRIATOMEXPLAYER_STATUS_STOP is specified, the sound playback will be stopped via the criAtomExPlayer_StopWithoutReleaseTime function when the player is removed.
See also
criAtomExSoundObject_AddPlayer, criAtomExSoundObject_DeleteAllPlayers

◆ criAtomExSoundObject_DeleteAllPlayers()

void criAtomExSoundObject_DeleteAllPlayers ( CriAtomExSoundObjectHn  sound_object)

Remove all AtomEx players.

[in]sound_objectsound object
Removes all AtomEx players associated with the specified sound object.
These AtomEx players will no longer be associated with the sound object and will therefore not be affected by it in any way.
Only call this function when the AtomEx players are not playing any sound.
If any of the AtomEx players have a status other than CRIATOMEXPLAYER_STATUS_STOP , the sound playback will be stopped via the criAtomExPlayer_StopWithoutReleaseTime function when the player is removed.
See also
criAtomExSoundObject_AddPlayer, criAtomExSoundObject_DeletePlayer