Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Data Structures | |
struct | CriAtomExRngInterfaceTag |
Random Number Generator interface. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag |
ACF location information. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExConfigTag |
Configuration structure used to initialize the Atom libraryThis structure is used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library. It is passed to the criAtomEx_Initialize function. The CRI Atom library will allocate internal resources as needed during initialization according to the settings specified in this structure. The size of the work area required by the library varies depending on the parameters specified in this structure. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExFormatInfoTag |
Audio data format information. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExSphericalCoordinatesTag |
Spherical Coordinate Structure. More... | |
struct | CriAtomEx3dAttenuationParameterTag |
Distance attenuation parameter structure. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExGameVariableInfoTag |
Structure for acquiring game variable information. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExResourceUsageTag |
Usage status of various resources. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetailTag |
Detailed information about a voice. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopInfoTag |
Structure for acquiring voice stop information. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExCueLinkInfoTag |
Info structure for the CueLink callback type. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfoTag |
Info structure for playback cancel callbacks. More... | |
struct | CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfoTag |
Info structure for track transition by selector callbacks. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfigForUserPcmOutput(p_config) |
Set default values to the library initialization configuration structure. More... | |
Configurable maximum number of virtual voices. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_SetUserAllocator(p_malloc_func, p_free_func, p_obj) criAtom_SetUserAllocator((p_malloc_func), (p_free_func), (p_obj)) |
Register a custom memory allocator. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig(p_config) |
Assign the default values to the configuration structure used for the library's initialization. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_AttachPerformanceMonitor() criAtom_AttachPerformanceMonitor() |
Add the performance monitor. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_DetachPerformanceMonitor() criAtom_DetachPerformanceMonitor() |
Remove the performance monitor. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_ResetPerformanceMonitor() criAtom_ResetPerformanceMonitor() |
Reset the performance monitor. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_GetPerformanceInfo(p_info) criAtom_GetPerformanceInfo(p_info) |
Get the performance information. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_SetChannelMapping(nch, type) criAtom_SetChannelMapping((nch), (type)) |
Specify the channel mapping pattern. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_CalculateAdxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate) criAtom_CalculateAdxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate) |
Calculate the bit rate of ADX data. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_CalculateHcaBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality) criAtom_CalculateHcaBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality) |
Calculate the bit rate of HCA data. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_CalculateHcaMxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality) criAtom_CalculateHcaMxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality) |
Calculate the bit rate of HCA-MX data. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_CalculateWaveBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits) criAtom_CalculateWaveBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits) |
Calculate the bit rate of Wave data. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_CalculateAiffBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits) criAtom_CalculateAiffBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits) |
Calculate the bit rate of AIFF data. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_GetStreamingInfo(streaming_info) criAtom_GetStreamingInfo(streaming_info) |
Acquiring streaming information. More... | |
#define | criAtomEx_SetFreeTimeBufferingFlagForDefaultDevice(flag) criAtom_SetFreeTimeBufferingFlagForDefaultDevice(flag) |
Enable or disable the loading of streams when there is free time during file I/O. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef CriAtomMallocFunc | CriAtomExMallocFunc |
Memory allocation function. More... | |
typedef CriAtomFreeFunc | CriAtomExFreeFunc |
Memory deallocation function. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExThreadModelTag | CriAtomExThreadModel |
Threading models. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExCoordinateSystemTag | CriAtomExCoordinateSystem |
Coordinate system. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoTypeTag | CriAtomExAcfLocationInfoType |
ACF designated type. More... | |
typedef void * | CriAtomExRngHn |
Random Number Generator handle. | |
typedef struct CriAtomExRngInterfaceTag | CriAtomExRngInterface |
Random Number Generator interface. | |
typedef struct CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag | CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfo |
ACF location information. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExConfigTag | CriAtomExConfig |
Configuration structure used to initialize the Atom libraryThis structure is used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library. It is passed to the criAtomEx_Initialize function. The CRI Atom library will allocate internal resources as needed during initialization according to the settings specified in this structure. The size of the work area required by the library varies depending on the parameters specified in this structure. More... | |
typedef CriAtomPerformanceInfo | CriAtomExPerformanceInfo |
Performance information. More... | |
typedef CriSint32 | CriAtomExWaveId |
Waveform data ID. More... | |
typedef CriSint32 | CriAtomExVibrationId |
Vibration ID. More... | |
typedef CriAtomFormat | CriAtomExFormat |
Format type. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExFormatInfoTag | CriAtomExFormatInfo |
Audio data format information. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExResumeModeTag | CriAtomExResumeMode |
Resume target. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExBiquadFilterTypeTag | CriAtomExBiquadFilterType |
Type of biquad filter. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExSilentModeTag | CriAtomExSilentMode |
Silent mode. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExPanTypeTag | CriAtomExPanType |
Pan type. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExPanSpeakerTypeTag | CriAtomExPanSpeakerType |
Output speaker type for panning. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExPanAngleTypeTag | CriAtomExPanAngleType |
Panning angle type. More... | |
typedef CriUint32 | CriAtomExSpeakerSystem |
Order of the output speakers. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExSphericalCoordinatesTag | CriAtomExSphericalCoordinates |
Spherical Coordinate Structure. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomEx3dAttenuationParameterTag | CriAtomEx3dAttenuationParameter |
Distance attenuation parameter structure. More... | |
typedef CriSint32 | CriAtomExBlockIndex |
Block Index. More... | |
typedef CriUint32 | CriAtomExGameVariableId |
Game variable ID. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExGameVariableInfoTag | CriAtomExGameVariableInfo |
Structure for acquiring game variable information. More... | |
typedef CriAtomStreamingInfo | CriAtomExStreamingInfo |
Streaming information. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExCharacterEncodingTag | CriAtomExCharacterEncoding |
Character code. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExResourceUsageTag | CriAtomExResourceUsage |
Usage status of various resources. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExCurveTypeTag | CriAtomExCurveType |
Curve Type. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExVoiceEventTag | CriAtomExVoiceEvent |
Voice event. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetailTag | CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail |
Detailed information about a voice. More... | |
typedef void(* | CriAtomExVoiceEventCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExVoiceEvent voice_event, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *request, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *removed, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *removed_in_group) |
Type definition of the Voice event callback. More... | |
typedef void(* | CriAtomExVoiceInfoCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *voice_info) |
Type definition of the Voice information callback. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopInfoTag | CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopInfo |
Structure for acquiring voice stop information. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExCueLinkTypeTag | CriAtomExCueLinkType |
CueLink callback type. | |
typedef struct CriAtomExCueLinkInfoTag | CriAtomExCueLinkInfo |
Info structure for the CueLink callback type. | |
typedef CriSint32(* | CriAtomExCueLinkCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExCueLinkInfo *info) |
CueLink callback. More... | |
typedef enum CriAtomExPlaybackCancelTypeTag | CriAtomExPlaybackCancelType |
Playback cancel type. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfoTag | CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfo |
Info structure for playback cancel callbacks. | |
typedef void(* | CriAtomExPlaybackCancelCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfo *info) |
Playback cancel callback. More... | |
typedef struct CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfoTag | CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfo |
Info structure for track transition by selector callbacks. | |
typedef void(* | CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfo *info) |
Track transition by selector callback. More... | |
Functions | |
CriSint32 | criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForUserPcmOutput (const CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutput *config) |
Calculate the size of the work area required for the user PCM output method. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_InitializeForUserPcmOutput (const CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutput *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size) |
Initialization of the user PCM output. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_FinalizeForUserPcmOutput (void) |
End processing of user PCM output library. More... | |
CriSint32 | criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExConfig *config) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to initialize the library. More... | |
CriBool | criAtomEx_Initialize (const CriAtomExConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size) |
Initialize the library. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_Finalize (void) |
Finalize the library. More... | |
CriBool | criAtomEx_IsInitialized (void) |
Check the library initialization status. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_ExecuteMain (void) |
Execute the server processing. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_ExecuteAudioProcess (void) |
Execute the server processing for user multithreading. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_Lock (void) |
Prevent the server process interrupts. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_Unlock (void) |
Cancel the server process interrupt prevention. More... | |
CriUint64 | criAtomEx_GetTimeMicro (void) |
Get the time. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_ResetTimer (void) |
Reset the timer. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_PauseTimer (CriBool sw) |
Pause the timer. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetConfigForWorkSizeCalculation (const CriAtomExConfig *config) |
Set the configuration structure used for the calculation of the work buffer sizes. More... | |
CriSint32 | criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register in-memory ACF data. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_RegisterAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size, void *work, CriSint32 work_size) |
Register in-memory ACF data. More... | |
CriSint32 | criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfFile (CriFsBinderHn binder, const CriChar8 *path) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register an ACF file. More... | |
CriSint32 | criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfFileById (CriFsBinderHn binder, CriUint16 id) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register an ACF file (specifying a CPK content ID) More... | |
CriBool | criAtomEx_RegisterAcfFile (CriFsBinderHn binder, const CriChar8 *path, void *work, CriSint32 work_size) |
Register an ACF file. More... | |
CriBool | criAtomEx_RegisterAcfFileById (CriFsBinderHn binder, CriUint16 id, void *work, CriSint32 work_size) |
Register an ACF file (specifying a CPK content ID) More... | |
void | criAtomEx_UnregisterAcf (void) |
Unregister an ACF file. More... | |
CriUint32 | criAtomEx_GetAcfVersion (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size, CriBool *flag) |
Get the version of an in-memory ACF. More... | |
CriUint32 | criAtomEx_GetAcfVersionFromFile (CriFsBinderHn binder, const CriChar8 *path, void *work, CriSint32 work_size, CriBool *flag) |
Get the version of an ACF file. More... | |
CriUint32 | criAtomEx_GetAcfVersionFromFileById (CriFsBinderHn binder, CriUint16 id, void *work, CriSint32 work_size, CriBool *flag) |
Get the version of an ACF file (specifying CPK content ID) More... | |
void | criAtomEx_GetSupportedAcfVersion (CriUint32 *version_low, CriUint32 *version_high) |
Get what versions of an ACF file can be registered. More... | |
CriBool | criAtomEx_AnalyzeAudioHeader (const void *buffer, CriSint32 buffer_size, CriAtomExFormatInfo *info) |
Analyze audio header. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetRandomSeed (CriUint32 seed) |
Set a random seed. More... | |
CriSint32 | criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSetting (const CriChar8 *setting) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a DSP bus setting. More... | |
CriSint32 | criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSettingFromAcfData (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_buffer_size, const CriChar8 *setting_name) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a DSP bus setting. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_AttachDspBusSetting (const CriChar8 *setting, void *work, CriSint32 work_size) |
Attach a DSP bus setting. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_DetachDspBusSetting (void) |
Detach a DSP bus setting. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_ApplyDspBusSnapshot (const CriChar8 *snapshot_name, CriSint32 time_ms) |
Applying a DSP bus snapshot. More... | |
const CriChar8 * | criAtomEx_GetAppliedDspBusSnapshotName (void) |
Get the name of the snapshot applied to a DSP bus. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetCueLinkCallback (CriAtomExCueLinkCbFunc func, void *obj) |
Registering a CueLink callback function. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetSpeakerAngles (CriFloat32 angle_l, CriFloat32 angle_r, CriFloat32 angle_sl, CriFloat32 angle_sr) |
Setting 5.1-ch speaker angles. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetSpeakerAngleArray (CriAtomExSpeakerSystem speaker_system, const CriFloat32 *angle_array) |
Setting the speaker angles. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetVirtualSpeakerAngleArray (CriAtomExSpeakerSystem speaker_system, const CriFloat32 *angle_array) |
Set the virtual speaker angle. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_ControlVirtualSpeakerSetting (CriBool sw) |
Virtual speaker setting ON/OFF. More... | |
CriSint32 | criAtomEx_GetNumGameVariables (void) |
Acquiring the total number of game variables. More... | |
CriBool | criAtomEx_GetGameVariableInfo (CriUint16 index, CriAtomExGameVariableInfo *info) |
Acquiring game variable information (by specifying an index) More... | |
CriFloat32 | criAtomEx_GetGameVariableById (CriAtomExGameVariableId id) |
Acquiring a game variable. More... | |
CriFloat32 | criAtomEx_GetGameVariableByName (const CriChar8 *name) |
Acquiring a game variable. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetGameVariableById (CriAtomExGameVariableId id, CriFloat32 value) |
Setting a game variable. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetGameVariableByName (const CriChar8 *name, CriFloat32 value) |
Setting a game variable. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetPlaybackCancelCallback (CriAtomExPlaybackCancelCbFunc func, void *obj) |
Registering a playback cancel callback function. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_ControlAcfConsistencyCheck (CriBool sw) |
ACF consistency check function ON/OFF. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetAcfConsistencyCheckErrorLevel (CriErrorLevel level) |
ACF consistency check error level setting. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetTrackTransitionBySelectorCallback (CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorCbFunc func, void *obj) |
Registering a track transition by selector callback function. More... | |
void | criAtomExAcf_SetGlobalLabelToSelectorByName (const CriChar8 *selsector_name, const CriChar8 *label_name) |
Set a Global Reference Label for Selector. More... | |
void | criAtomExAcf_SetGlobalLabelToSelectorByIndex (CriUint16 selsector_index, CriUint16 label_index) |
Set a Global Reference Label for Selector. More... | |
CriAtomExOutputPortHn | criAtomExAcf_GetOutputPortHnByName (const CriChar8 *name) |
Getting the output port handle of the ACF file by name. More... | |
void | criAtomExPlayer_EnumeratePlayers (CriAtomExPlayerCbFunc func, void *obj) |
Enumerating players. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetVoiceEventCallback (CriAtomExVoiceEventCbFunc func, void *obj) |
Register a voice event callback. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_EnumerateVoiceInfos (CriAtomExVoiceInfoCbFunc func, void *obj) |
Voice information enumerator. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetMonitoringVoiceStopCallback (CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopCbFunc func, void *obj) |
Registering a callback function for monitoring a voice stop. More... | |
void | criAtomEx_SetMonitoringVoiceStopPlaybackId (CriAtomExPlaybackId playback_id) |
Registering a playback ID for monitoring a voice stop. More... | |
#define criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfigForUserPcmOutput | ( | p_config | ) |
Set default values to the library initialization configuration structure.
[out] | p_config | Pointer to the initializing configuration structure |
Configurable maximum number of virtual voices.
#define criAtomEx_SetUserAllocator | ( | p_malloc_func, | |
p_free_func, | |||
p_obj | |||
) | criAtom_SetUserAllocator((p_malloc_func), (p_free_func), (p_obj)) |
Register a custom memory allocator.
[in] | p_malloc_func | memory allocation function |
[in] | p_free_func | memory deallocation function |
[in] | p_obj | user-specified object |
#define criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfig | ( | p_config | ) |
Assign the default values to the configuration structure used for the library's initialization.
[out] | p_config | pointer to the configuration structure used for the library's initialization. |
#define criAtomEx_AttachPerformanceMonitor | ( | ) | criAtom_AttachPerformanceMonitor() |
Add the performance monitor.
#define criAtomEx_DetachPerformanceMonitor | ( | ) | criAtom_DetachPerformanceMonitor() |
Remove the performance monitor.
#define criAtomEx_ResetPerformanceMonitor | ( | ) | criAtom_ResetPerformanceMonitor() |
Reset the performance monitor.
#define criAtomEx_GetPerformanceInfo | ( | p_info | ) | criAtom_GetPerformanceInfo(p_info) |
Get the performance information.
#define criAtomEx_SetChannelMapping | ( | nch, | |
type | |||
) | criAtom_SetChannelMapping((nch), (type)) |
Specify the channel mapping pattern.
[in] | nch | number of channels for which the mapping pattern is changed |
[in] | type | mapping pattern |
#define criAtomEx_CalculateAdxBitrate | ( | num_channels, | |
sampling_rate | |||
) | criAtom_CalculateAdxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate) |
Calculate the bit rate of ADX data.
[in] | num_channels | number of channels in the data |
[in] | sampling_rate | sampling rate of the data |
#define criAtomEx_CalculateHcaBitrate | ( | num_channels, | |
sampling_rate, | |||
quality | |||
) | criAtom_CalculateHcaBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality) |
Calculate the bit rate of HCA data.
[in] | num_channels | number of channels in the data |
[in] | sampling_rate | sampling rate of the data |
[in] | quality | encoding quality of the data |
#define criAtomEx_CalculateHcaMxBitrate | ( | num_channels, | |
sampling_rate, | |||
quality | |||
) | criAtom_CalculateHcaMxBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, quality) |
Calculate the bit rate of HCA-MX data.
[in] | num_channels | number of channels in the data |
[in] | sampling_rate | sampling rate of the data |
[in] | quality | encoding quality of the data |
#define criAtomEx_CalculateWaveBitrate | ( | num_channels, | |
sampling_rate, | |||
num_bits | |||
) | criAtom_CalculateWaveBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits) |
Calculate the bit rate of Wave data.
[in] | num_channels | number of channels of the data |
[in] | sampling_rate | sampling rate of the data |
[in] | num_bits | number of bits per sample |
#define criAtomEx_CalculateAiffBitrate | ( | num_channels, | |
sampling_rate, | |||
num_bits | |||
) | criAtom_CalculateAiffBitrate(num_channels, sampling_rate, num_bits) |
Calculate the bit rate of AIFF data.
[in] | num_channels | number of channels of the data |
[in] | sampling_rate | sampling rate of the data |
[in] | num_bits | number of bits per sample |
#define criAtomEx_GetStreamingInfo | ( | streaming_info | ) | criAtom_GetStreamingInfo(streaming_info) |
Acquiring streaming information.
[out] | streaming_info | Pointer to the location where streaming information is stored |
CRI_TRUE | Succeeded in acquiring the value |
CRI_FALSE | Failed in acquiring the value |
#define criAtomEx_SetFreeTimeBufferingFlagForDefaultDevice | ( | flag | ) | criAtom_SetFreeTimeBufferingFlagForDefaultDevice(flag) |
Enable or disable the loading of streams when there is free time during file I/O.
[in] | flag | CRI_TRUE = Use free time during file I/O to perform streaming |
CRI_TRUE | The process finished normally. |
CRI_FALSE | An error occurred. |
typedef CriAtomMallocFunc CriAtomExMallocFunc |
Memory allocation function.
typedef CriAtomFreeFunc CriAtomExFreeFunc |
Memory deallocation function.
typedef enum CriAtomExThreadModelTag CriAtomExThreadModel |
Threading models.
typedef enum CriAtomExCoordinateSystemTag CriAtomExCoordinateSystem |
Coordinate system.
ACF designated type.
typedef struct CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfoTag CriAtomExAcfRegistrationInfo |
ACF location information.
typedef struct CriAtomExConfigTag CriAtomExConfig |
Configuration structure used to initialize the Atom libraryThis structure is used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library.
It is passed to the criAtomEx_Initialize function.
The CRI Atom library will allocate internal resources as needed during initialization according to the settings specified in this structure.
The size of the work area required by the library varies depending on the parameters specified in this structure.
Performance information.
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExWaveId |
Waveform data ID.
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExVibrationId |
Vibration ID.
typedef CriAtomFormat CriAtomExFormat |
Format type.
typedef struct CriAtomExFormatInfoTag CriAtomExFormatInfo |
Audio data format information.
typedef enum CriAtomExResumeModeTag CriAtomExResumeMode |
Resume target.
typedef enum CriAtomExBiquadFilterTypeTag CriAtomExBiquadFilterType |
Type of biquad filter.
typedef enum CriAtomExSilentModeTag CriAtomExSilentMode |
Silent mode.
typedef enum CriAtomExPanTypeTag CriAtomExPanType |
Pan type.
typedef enum CriAtomExPanSpeakerTypeTag CriAtomExPanSpeakerType |
Output speaker type for panning.
typedef enum CriAtomExPanAngleTypeTag CriAtomExPanAngleType |
Panning angle type.
typedef CriUint32 CriAtomExSpeakerSystem |
Order of the output speakers.
typedef struct CriAtomExSphericalCoordinatesTag CriAtomExSphericalCoordinates |
Spherical Coordinate Structure.
Distance attenuation parameter structure.
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExBlockIndex |
Block Index.
typedef CriUint32 CriAtomExGameVariableId |
Game variable ID.
typedef struct CriAtomExGameVariableInfoTag CriAtomExGameVariableInfo |
Structure for acquiring game variable information.
Streaming information.
typedef enum CriAtomExCharacterEncodingTag CriAtomExCharacterEncoding |
Character code.
typedef struct CriAtomExResourceUsageTag CriAtomExResourceUsage |
Usage status of various resources.
typedef enum CriAtomExCurveTypeTag CriAtomExCurveType |
typedef enum CriAtomExVoiceEventTag CriAtomExVoiceEvent |
Voice event.
typedef struct CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetailTag CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail |
Detailed information about a voice.
typedef void( * CriAtomExVoiceEventCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomExVoiceEvent voice_event, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *request, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *removed, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *removed_in_group) |
Type definition of the Voice event callback.
[in] | obj | user-specified object |
[in] | voice_event | event that occurred |
[in] | request | detailed informaton about the playback request |
[in] | removed | detailed information about the stopped voice |
[in] | removed_in_group | detailed information about the stopped voice in the group |
typedef void( * CriAtomExVoiceInfoCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExVoiceInfoDetail *voice_info) |
Type definition of the Voice information callback.
[in] | obj | User-specified object |
[in] | voice_info | Voice information |
Structure for acquiring voice stop information.
typedef CriSint32( * CriAtomExCueLinkCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExCueLinkInfo *info) |
CueLink callback.
[in] | obj | User specified object |
[in] | info | CueLink information |
Playback cancel type.
typedef void( * CriAtomExPlaybackCancelCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExPlaybackCancelInfo *info) |
Playback cancel callback.
[in] | obj | User specified object |
[in] | info | Playback cancel information |
typedef void( * CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorCbFunc) (void *obj, const CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorInfo *info) |
Track transition by selector callback.
[in] | obj | User specified object |
[in] | info | Information about the track transition by selector callback |
Threading models.
Enumerator | |
CRIATOMEX_THREAD_MODEL_MULTI_WITH_SONICSYNC | Multi-threaded low latency output.
Coordinate system.
ACF designated type.
Resume target.
Type of biquad filter.
Silent mode.
enum CriAtomExPanTypeTag |
Pan type.
Enumerator | |
Output speaker type for panning.
Panning angle type.
Enumerator | |
CRIATOMEX_PAN_ANGLE_TYPE_AMBIENCE_STRAIGHT | Environmental sound linear interpolation.
Curve Type.
Voice event.
Enumerator | |
CRIATOMEX_VOICE_EVENT_ALLOCATE_AND_REMOVE_IN_GROUP | Steal a voice from the same voice limit group.
CRIATOMEX_VOICE_EVENT_ALOOCATE_AND_REMOVE_TWO | Steal a voice and adjust the number of voices.
CRIATOMEX_VOICE_EVENT_REJECT | Reject a playback request.
CRIATOMEX_VOICE_EVENT_REJECT_BY_GROUP_LIMIT | Reject a playback request in the same group.
Playback cancel type.
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForUserPcmOutput | ( | const CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutput * | config | ) |
Calculate the size of the work area required for the user PCM output method.
[in] | config | Configuration structure |
void criAtomEx_InitializeForUserPcmOutput | ( | const CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutput * | config, |
void * | work, | ||
CriSint32 | work_size | ||
) |
Initialization of the user PCM output.
[in] | config | Configuration structure for initialization |
[in] | work | Work area |
[in] | work_size | Work area size |
void criAtomEx_FinalizeForUserPcmOutput | ( | void | ) |
End processing of user PCM output library.
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSize | ( | const CriAtomExConfig * | config | ) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to initialize the library.
[in] | config | configuration structure used to initialize the library |
>= | 0 successfully completed |
-1 | error occurred |
CriBool criAtomEx_Initialize | ( | const CriAtomExConfig * | config, |
void * | work, | ||
CriSint32 | work_size | ||
) |
Initialize the library.
[in] | config | configuration structure used to initialize the library |
[in] | work | work buffer |
[in] | work_size | size of the work buffer |
A code example is shown below.
[Initialization of the library using the Fixed Memory method]
The following lines show the procedure to initialize/finalize the library when the Fixed Memory method is used.
A code example is shown below.
void criAtomEx_Finalize | ( | void | ) |
Finalize the library.
CriBool criAtomEx_IsInitialized | ( | void | ) |
Check the library initialization status.
CRI_FALSE | uninitialized |
CRI_TRUE | initialized |
void criAtomEx_ExecuteMain | ( | void | ) |
Execute the server processing.
void criAtomEx_ExecuteAudioProcess | ( | void | ) |
Execute the server processing for user multithreading.
void criAtomEx_Lock | ( | void | ) |
Prevent the server process interrupts.
void criAtomEx_Unlock | ( | void | ) |
Cancel the server process interrupt prevention.
CriUint64 criAtomEx_GetTimeMicro | ( | void | ) |
Get the time.
void criAtomEx_ResetTimer | ( | void | ) |
Reset the timer.
void criAtomEx_PauseTimer | ( | CriBool | sw | ) |
Pause the timer.
[in] | sw | CRI_TRUE = Pause timer, CRI_FALSE = Resume timer |
void criAtomEx_SetConfigForWorkSizeCalculation | ( | const CriAtomExConfig * | config | ) |
Set the configuration structure used for the calculation of the work buffer sizes.
[in] | config | Configuration structure |
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfData | ( | void * | acf_data, |
CriSint32 | acf_data_size | ||
) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register in-memory ACF data.
[in] | acf_data | ACF data address |
[in] | acf_data_size | ACF data size |
>= | 0 successfully completed |
-1 | error occurred |
void criAtomEx_RegisterAcfData | ( | void * | acf_data, |
CriSint32 | acf_data_size, | ||
void * | work, | ||
CriSint32 | work_size | ||
) |
Register in-memory ACF data.
[in] | acf_data | ACF data address |
[in] | acf_data_size | ACF data size |
[in] | work | work buffer |
[in] | work_size | work buffer size |
Both the ACF data buffer and the work buffer that are passed to this function must be maintained by the application until the criAtomEx_UnregisterAcf function is executed.
(Do not release the memory for the work buffer before calling the criAtomEx_UnregisterAcf function.) A part of the ACF data buffer is also used as a work buffer.
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfFile | ( | CriFsBinderHn | binder, |
const CriChar8 * | path | ||
) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register an ACF file.
[in] | binder | binder handle |
[in] | path | file path |
>= | 0 successfully completed |
-1 | error occurred |
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfFileById | ( | CriFsBinderHn | binder, |
CriUint16 | id | ||
) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to register an ACF file (specifying a CPK content ID)
[in] | binder | binder handle |
[in] | id | CPK content ID |
>= | 0 successfully completed |
-1 | error occurred |
CriBool criAtomEx_RegisterAcfFile | ( | CriFsBinderHn | binder, |
const CriChar8 * | path, | ||
void * | work, | ||
CriSint32 | work_size | ||
) |
Register an ACF file.
[in] | binder | binder handle |
[in] | path | file path |
[in] | work | work buffer |
[in] | work_size | work buffer size |
This function allocates a loader with the criFsLoader_Create function when it begins its execution and destroys the loader with the criFsLoader_Destroy function when it finishes its execution.
Before calling this function, make sure to adjust the number of loaders so that there is at least one free load handle.
If you do not register an allocator using the criAtomEx_SetUserAllocator macro, and you specify a work area for the work size calculated by the criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForRegisterAcfFile function and CRI_FALSE is returned when this function is called, the cause may be a lack of work area.
Make sure that the following members of the CriAtomExConfig structure that you specify at the time of library initialization are set to the correct values
CriBool criAtomEx_RegisterAcfFileById | ( | CriFsBinderHn | binder, |
CriUint16 | id, | ||
void * | work, | ||
CriSint32 | work_size | ||
) |
Register an ACF file (specifying a CPK content ID)
[in] | binder | binder handle |
[in] | id | CPK content ID |
[in] | work | work buffer |
[in] | work_size | work buffer size |
void criAtomEx_UnregisterAcf | ( | void | ) |
Unregister an ACF file.
CriUint32 criAtomEx_GetAcfVersion | ( | void * | acf_data, |
CriSint32 | acf_data_size, | ||
CriBool * | flag | ||
) |
Get the version of an in-memory ACF.
[in] | acf_data | ACF data address |
[in] | acf_data_size | ACF data size |
[out] | flag | flag that indicates whether the ACF can be registered or not |
CriUint32 criAtomEx_GetAcfVersionFromFile | ( | CriFsBinderHn | binder, |
const CriChar8 * | path, | ||
void * | work, | ||
CriSint32 | work_size, | ||
CriBool * | flag | ||
) |
Get the version of an ACF file.
[in] | binder | binder handle |
[in] | path | file path |
[in] | work | work buffer |
[in] | work_size | work buffer size |
[out] | flag | flag that indicates whether the ACF can be registered or not |
CriUint32 criAtomEx_GetAcfVersionFromFileById | ( | CriFsBinderHn | binder, |
CriUint16 | id, | ||
void * | work, | ||
CriSint32 | work_size, | ||
CriBool * | flag | ||
) |
Get the version of an ACF file (specifying CPK content ID)
[in] | binder | binder handle |
[in] | id | CPK content ID |
[in] | work | work buffer |
[in] | work_size | work buffer size |
[out] | flag | flag that indicates whether the ACF can be registered or not |
void criAtomEx_GetSupportedAcfVersion | ( | CriUint32 * | version_low, |
CriUint32 * | version_high | ||
) |
Get what versions of an ACF file can be registered.
[out] | version_low | lowest version that can be registered |
[out] | version_high | highest version that can be registered |
CriBool criAtomEx_AnalyzeAudioHeader | ( | const void * | buffer, |
CriSint32 | buffer_size, | ||
CriAtomExFormatInfo * | info | ||
) |
Analyze audio header.
[in] | buffer | buffer that stores the audio data |
[in] | buffer_size | size of the buffer that stores the audio data |
[out] | info | format information |
void criAtomEx_SetRandomSeed | ( | CriUint32 | seed | ) |
Set a random seed.
[in] | seed | random seed |
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSetting | ( | const CriChar8 * | setting | ) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a DSP bus setting.
[in] | setting | name of the DSP bus setting |
>= | 0 successfully completed |
-1 | error occurred |
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSettingFromAcfData | ( | void * | acf_data, |
CriSint32 | acf_buffer_size, | ||
const CriChar8 * | setting_name | ||
) |
Calculate the size of the work buffer required to attach a DSP bus setting.
[in] | acf_data | ACF data |
[in] | acf_buffer_size | ACF data size |
[in] | setting_name | name of the DSP bus setting |
void criAtomEx_AttachDspBusSetting | ( | const CriChar8 * | setting, |
void * | work, | ||
CriSint32 | work_size | ||
) |
Attach a DSP bus setting.
[in] | setting | name of the DSP bus setting |
[in] | work | work buffer |
[in] | work_size | work buffer size |
void criAtomEx_DetachDspBusSetting | ( | void | ) |
Detach a DSP bus setting.
void criAtomEx_ApplyDspBusSnapshot | ( | const CriChar8 * | snapshot_name, |
CriSint32 | time_ms | ||
) |
Applying a DSP bus snapshot.
[in] | snapshot_name | Name of the snapshot |
[in] | time_ms | Time (milliseconds) |
const CriChar8* criAtomEx_GetAppliedDspBusSnapshotName | ( | void | ) |
Get the name of the snapshot applied to a DSP bus.
void criAtomEx_SetCueLinkCallback | ( | CriAtomExCueLinkCbFunc | func, |
void * | obj | ||
) |
Registering a CueLink callback function.
[in] | func | CueLink callback function |
[in] | obj | User specified object |
void criAtomEx_SetSpeakerAngles | ( | CriFloat32 | angle_l, |
CriFloat32 | angle_r, | ||
CriFloat32 | angle_sl, | ||
CriFloat32 | angle_sr | ||
) |
Setting 5.1-ch speaker angles.
[in] | angle_l | Angle of the front left speaker |
[in] | angle_r | Angle of the front right speaker |
[in] | angle_sl | Angle of the surround left speaker |
[in] | angle_sr | Angle of the surround right speaker |
void criAtomEx_SetSpeakerAngleArray | ( | CriAtomExSpeakerSystem | speaker_system, |
const CriFloat32 * | angle_array | ||
) |
Setting the speaker angles.
[in] | speaker_system | Order of output speakers |
[in] | angle_array | Angles of output speakers |
void criAtomEx_SetVirtualSpeakerAngleArray | ( | CriAtomExSpeakerSystem | speaker_system, |
const CriFloat32 * | angle_array | ||
) |
Set the virtual speaker angle.
[in] | speaker_system | Order of virtual speakers |
[in] | angle_array | Angles of virtual speakers |
void criAtomEx_ControlVirtualSpeakerSetting | ( | CriBool | sw | ) |
Virtual speaker setting ON/OFF.
[in] | sw | Switch (CRI_FALSE = disable, CRI_TRUE = enable) |
CriSint32 criAtomEx_GetNumGameVariables | ( | void | ) |
Acquiring the total number of game variables.
CriBool criAtomEx_GetGameVariableInfo | ( | CriUint16 | index, |
CriAtomExGameVariableInfo * | info | ||
) |
Acquiring game variable information (by specifying an index)
[in] | index | Game variable index |
[out] | info | Game variable information |
CriFloat32 criAtomEx_GetGameVariableById | ( | CriAtomExGameVariableId | id | ) |
Acquiring a game variable.
[in] | id | Game variable ID |
CriFloat32 criAtomEx_GetGameVariableByName | ( | const CriChar8 * | name | ) |
Acquiring a game variable.
[in] | name | Game variable name |
void criAtomEx_SetGameVariableById | ( | CriAtomExGameVariableId | id, |
CriFloat32 | value | ||
) |
Setting a game variable.
[in] | id | Game variable ID |
[in] | value | Game variable value |
void criAtomEx_SetGameVariableByName | ( | const CriChar8 * | name, |
CriFloat32 | value | ||
) |
Setting a game variable.
[in] | name | Game variable name |
[in] | value | Game variable value |
void criAtomEx_SetPlaybackCancelCallback | ( | CriAtomExPlaybackCancelCbFunc | func, |
void * | obj | ||
) |
Registering a playback cancel callback function.
[in] | func | Playback cancel callback function |
[in] | obj | User specified object |
void criAtomEx_ControlAcfConsistencyCheck | ( | CriBool | sw | ) |
ACF consistency check function ON/OFF.
[in] | sw | Switch (CRI_FALSE = Check disabled, CRI_TRUE = Check enabled) |
void criAtomEx_SetAcfConsistencyCheckErrorLevel | ( | CriErrorLevel | level | ) |
ACF consistency check error level setting.
[in] | level | Error level |
void criAtomEx_SetTrackTransitionBySelectorCallback | ( | CriAtomExTrackTransitionBySelectorCbFunc | func, |
void * | obj | ||
) |
Registering a track transition by selector callback function.
[in] | func | Track transition by selector callback function |
[in] | obj | User specified object |
void criAtomExAcf_SetGlobalLabelToSelectorByName | ( | const CriChar8 * | selsector_name, |
const CriChar8 * | label_name | ||
) |
Set a Global Reference Label for Selector.
[in] | selsector_name | Selector name |
[in] | label_name | Label name |
void criAtomExAcf_SetGlobalLabelToSelectorByIndex | ( | CriUint16 | selsector_index, |
CriUint16 | label_index | ||
) |
Set a Global Reference Label for Selector.
[in] | selsector_index | Selector index |
[in] | label_index | Label index |
CriAtomExOutputPortHn criAtomExAcf_GetOutputPortHnByName | ( | const CriChar8 * | name | ) |
Getting the output port handle of the ACF file by name.
[in] | name | Output port name |
void criAtomExPlayer_EnumeratePlayers | ( | CriAtomExPlayerCbFunc | func, |
void * | obj | ||
) |
Enumerating players.
[in] | func | Player callback function |
[in] | obj | User specified object |
void criAtomEx_SetVoiceEventCallback | ( | CriAtomExVoiceEventCbFunc | func, |
void * | obj | ||
) |
Register a voice event callback.
[in] | func | Voice event callback function |
[in] | obj | User-specified object |
void criAtomEx_EnumerateVoiceInfos | ( | CriAtomExVoiceInfoCbFunc | func, |
void * | obj | ||
) |
Voice information enumerator.
[in] | func | Voice information callback function |
[in] | obj | User-specified object |
void criAtomEx_SetMonitoringVoiceStopCallback | ( | CriAtomExMonitoringVoiceStopCbFunc | func, |
void * | obj | ||
) |
Registering a callback function for monitoring a voice stop.
[in] | func | Callback function for monitoring a voice stop |
[in] | obj | User specified object |
void criAtomEx_SetMonitoringVoiceStopPlaybackId | ( | CriAtomExPlaybackId | playback_id | ) |
Registering a playback ID for monitoring a voice stop.
[in] | playback_id | Playback ID for monitoring a voice stop |