CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Basic Playback Mechanism

The application can play back the sound easily by using a player handle.
Set a sound file name or a Cue to the player handle and execute the playback function. This initiates the sound playback.
What is occurring in this process is that the player handle acquires a Voice from the Voice Pool, and plays back the sound.
When another playback function is executed on the player handle while it is already playing a sound, it acquires a new Voice from the Voice Pool, and plays back the sound while playing the current sound.
The player handle can have two or more Voices.
By changing playback parameter(s) on the player handle while it is playing back sound(s), e.g. volume parameter, the parameter of all the Voices in the player handle are also changed accordingly.
If a player handle tries to acquire another Voice from the Voice Pool but there is no Voice available, the handle stops a Voice with a low priority, and uses it.
This feature is called "Dynamic Voice Assignment."
The player handle also has a sequencer. By this feature, it can acquire and play back Voices in sequence. (Sequence)